Registration Cardthatcamewith yourrefrigerator. Beforesendingin the registration card, pleasewritethesenumbers here: Model Number Serial Number Use thesemodeland serial numbersin anycorrespondence or servicecallsconcerni~lg yOI.IL refrigerator. H’ received a damaged refrigerate; immediately contact the deaier (or builder)thatsoldyou the refrigerator. saw? time money. reqwt service, Beforeyou checkthe ProblemSolveron p;ges...
CareBook. * This must be installedin accordance with the Instlwctimls it is used. Seegrounding instructions belowandonpage4. * Neverurlphyg you refrigerator on the powercord. Always grip plugfirmlyandpull straightoutfromtheoutlet. electric service cords that have become frayed!or otherwise Do notuse a cordthat danqyxl.
Usea blade-type screwdriver. Whenadjusting f ront r ollers forproper doorclosure,werecommend that thebottomfrontedgeofthecabinet beapproximately 3/4”fromthefloor. If your refrigerator has a.base youcanturnthe adjusting grille, screws through openings i n thegrille. M’you WOW rather remve the graspthe bottomof the base grille, grilleandpullit out.
-**., setTempelature controb >“ bur refrigerator h astwocontrols atletyouregulatethetemperature in thefreshfoodandfreezer compartments. — D“ c“ SETTING l~lT1/3J- COLDEST B“ FREEZER Thefreezercontrolhas settings from “A”(thewarmest)to “E” (the coldest).l~itklly set freezer control at ‘W?’ INITIAL SETTING COLDEST FRESH tWOD he freshfoodcontrolhas settings rom “l”...
Limit freezingof fresh (unfrozen) meats or seafoodsto number of pounds at a time as follows: TBX22..19 TBX20, TBX21, T13X24, TBX25, T BXW25 ..22 Comdeme. @ ~Storelikethingstogether. T his savesbothtimeandelectricity becauseyoucanfindfoodsfaster.
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Steel shelves in the freezercompartmentin some models are adjustablein the same way. — Toremoveshelves:Tiltshelfup at — front,thenlift it upandoutoftracks n rear wallof refrigerator. Engage top lug Lower to lock into place Selectdesired replace shelves: shelfheight.Withshelffront raised...
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1 Push T II To open, pushthelatchupandpull the binhandleforward. Toavoiddamaging therefrigerator, makesurethebinis closedand latchedbeforeclosingthe refrigerator d oor. Toremovethe bin, liftit up and outofthebinhousing. To relocate the Quick More unit, liftthe bin housingup andoutof the slotson thedoor,moveit to the desirednewlocation,andlowerthe hookson thehousingintothe slots on thedoor.Youdo nothaveto...
Cool’n Fresh Drawer Moist’n Fresh Drawer mmwrs Ihxit ff!k vegetable The storagedrawers at the bottom of the fresh food compartment are designed to providehigh humidity levelsrequired by most vegetables and lower humidity levels required for most fruits. When replacing the drawers, alwayspush them all the way in.
Removal Drawer Drawers at the bottomof the fresh food compartment will stop before coming all the wayout of the refrigerator,to help prevent contentsfrom spillingonto floor. These drawers can be removed easily by grasping the sidesand liftingup slightlywhile pulling drawerspast the “stop” location.
.+$?% with I-%&k Ih-M’vers cover a-.., .L.3 -~~’ Toremovedrawers,liftfrontup ‘lightly andpulldrawerstraight o ut. Toremovecover,supportit with onehand,tilt it andtakeit out. .———. “--- Meat Drawer (onmodelssoequipped) Freshmeatsare storedbestin partoftherefrigerator. the coldest When this draweris placed in the top 6 slots on the M side and the lever is set at COLDEST, air from the freezer is forced around the drawer to keep it very cold.
(up)position as shownbelow. FeelerArm in Icemaker OFF position -— ,, — ice Storage Bin When refrigerator has been connected to water supply9move the feelerarm to the ON (down) Ice cubemold willautomatically fiHwith waterafter coolingto freezingtemperature,and first cubeswill normallyfreezeafter severalhours. Whencubesare...
e .,-. Ice traysare designed to release ice cubes easily.Hold tray upside- down over a container and twist both ends to release cubes. one or two cubes, only ”——. leavethetrayright-sideup, twist bothendsslightlyandremove esirednumberof cubes. trays and storage bin in Wash Do notput lukewarm water only.
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To help preventodors, leavean open box of baking soda in the rear of the refrigerator, on the top shelf. Change the box every three months. An open box of baking soda in the freezer will absorb stale freezer odors.
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A lightbulbandsocket a relocated at the@of thefreshfoodcompartment oppositethetemperature control panel.Toreplacethebulb,unplug refrigerator f romitselectrical outlet, unscrewbulbwhencool,and replacewithsimilarsizebulb. #4$iI$a you ‘go cm vacations extended absences, removefood and shut off powerto refrigerator.Clean the interior with a baking soda solution of one tablespoonof baking soda to one quart of water.Wipe dry.
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NIO~R OPERATES require more operatingtime. FORLONGPERIODS ~ Normal when refrigeratoris first deliveredto your home—usually~equires24 hours to completely cooldown. @ Largeamountsof foodplacedin refrigerator t o becooledor frozen. @ Hotweather—frequent dooropenings. @ Doorleftopen. @ Temperature controlsaresettoocold.Referto page5. @ Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning. R eferto page14.
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POSSIBLE PROBLEM @ Normal air flowcoolingmotor. In the refrigerationprocess, it is normal that heat be FROM expelledin the area under the refrigerator.Some floor coveringswill discolorat these BOTTOMOF’ normal and safe operatingtemperatures.Yourfloor coveringsupplier shouldbe R.EFRIGERATDR consultedif you object to this discoloration.
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. ,- We’11 Be There TViti purchase your new assurance *at if you ever need information or assistance from GE, we911 be here. Ml you k~ave AGE ConsumerServiceprofessional willprovideexpertrepairservice, .- -- scheduledata timethat’sconvenient for you.ManyGEConsumerService companyopera~ed locationsofferyou semicetodayor tomorrow, o r atyour convenience(700 700 p.m.
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The bin can be exchanged at a GE Appliance Parts Mart, FactoryService Center,or by writing to the address below. @ Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product.