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B eforeleavingthehouse or retiringfor thenightp checkto be surethedoorshaven’t b eenlefi openacciden@lly, @ Storeonlythosefoodsrequiring refrigeration in yourrefrigerator. o Wipemoisturefrombottlesand cartonsbeforeputtingthemin the refrigerator. * Keepfoodscoveredto reduce moisturebuildupinsidethe refrigerator. o If youturn tfiecontrolsto the coldestpositionforquickchilling or freezing,be sureto turn them backto regularsettings.
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opemtion9do touchthecold Sufiaees,pmtiedmly whenham wet. Skin adhere to theseextremelycdldsurfaces. connect electricity Forpersonalsafety, thk appliance properly grounded. powercord of this appliance is equippedwith a three-prong (grounding)plugwhichmateswith a stindard three-prong(grounding) walloutlet(Fig. 1)to minimizethe possibilityof electricshockhazard fromthis appliance. PREFERRED METHOD QQ h INSURE PROPER GROUND E XISTS BEFORE U SE Fig.
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(approximately 8 feet of V4°coppertubingin three 10-inchdim.eter coils). Adjustableroliem, w hichenable youtomovetherefrigerator a way fromthewdl forcleaning, a re locati nearthefrontcomersofthe refrigerator. T heserollersshould be setsoMattherefrigerator i s fitiy positioned on thefloorand thefrontis raisedjustenoughMat thedoors easilywhenopened close about hdfWay, I .—...
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Refrkemtir Your refrigerator h astwocontrols ~~at l etyouregulatethetemperature inthefreshfd andfreezer compartments. :’L D’ INITIAL SETTINGc c“ COLDEST~ B’ FREEZER Thefrewer controlhassettings tirn “A’(thewarmest)to “B” (the coldest).Initiallyset thefieuer controlat C6C:9 5 INITIAL SETTING g COLDEST FRESH FOOD The Nsh foodcontrolhassettings brn “~’ (thewarmest)to “9” (the coldest)and “OFF:’Initiallyset...
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@ Openthe door the fewesttimes possibleto saveelectricalenergy. @ When goingout of townfor severaldays,leaveas fewperishables as possiblein the refrigerator.If yourrefrigeratorhas an icemaker, movethe icemakerfeeler arm to the OFF (up) positionand shutoff waterto the refrigerator.
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— —— Adjustable P orts-Bins on freshfood andfreezercompartment d oorscan mtiy becarriedfromtie refrigerator to theworkar~a, ~ remove:LifiPorts-Binstraight up untilmountinghooksdisengage. Tor~locati: Selectdesiredshelf height,engagePorts-Bin’s h ooksin slotson thetracksofthe door,and pushin anddown,Ports-Binwill hookin place.
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,-.. Shelf Positiom QuickSbm equipped) models so Thisremovable tilt-outbinmadeof Lexan@ polycarbonate r esincanbe locatedon the, f reshfoodor freezer compartment d oor.It hasbeen ‘ designedfor convenient s torageof tiose frequently-used itemsthatdo notfit easilyintoa Ports-Binor soon-to-be-used itemsthatrequire coveredstorageto keepfrom dryingout. Pushup Toopen, pushthe latchup and pull thebin handleforward.
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Food-Saver S vstem fruit & V~ehble Dmwem storage at thebottom drawers oftie freshfoodcompartment a re designedto providehighhumidity levelsrequiredbymostvegetables andlowerhumiditylevelsrequired for mostfruits. Whenreplacingthe drawers, &ways pushthemdl the wayin. Storagetimewilldependuponthe typeof foodandits conditionwhen placedin the drawers. Excesswaterwhichmayaccumulate — in the bottomof the drawersshould beemptid andthedrawers wipeddry.
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@ Lifi the frontofthe frameto free it fromthe supportsat each side. @ Lifithe rear of the frameto free its hooksfromthe trackson the back wallof the refrigerator. @ Tiltthe frameandtakeit out. Toreplace: 1. Fit the hookson the drawer frameintothe second-from-tie-...
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(onn~odels soequipped) Youricemakerwill produc~eight cycie—approximately cubes per 100cubesin a 24-hourperiod, depending on freezercompartment temperature, r oomtemperature, numberofdooropenings andother usecoilditions. refrigerator i s operated your beforewaterconnection is made to theicemak~r~ k~eptheicemaker feelerarmin theOFF(up)position as shownbelow, Fe@ler A rm in OFF position Item...
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Use warmwaterand bting soda solution—about a tablespoonof Ithas bakingsodato a quartof water. Thisboth cleansand neutralizes odors.Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry. Otherparts ofthe refrigerator— includingdoor gaskets,meatand vegetable drawers,QuickStoreunit, ice storagebin md W plasticparts— can be cleanedthe sameway.Do not use cleansingpowdersor other abrasivecleaners. canbe...
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S~ure M looseitemssuchas shelvesand storagepansby taping them securelyin placeto prevent damage. Be sure refrigeratorstaysin uptight positionduringactualmovingand in van.Refrigerator m ustbe seeurd in vanto preventmovement. R otect outsideof refrigeratorwith blanket. If YouNeedSewice Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty onthebackpageofthisbook. We’re proudofoursewiceand wantyouto bepleased.If forsome...
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POSSIBLECAUSEAND mMEDY @ Norrnd air flowcoolingmotor.k therefrigeration process,it is norm~thatheatbe expelled in theareaundertherefrigerator, S omefloorcoverings w illdiscoloratthese normalandsafeoperatingtompera~res, Y ourflooroovering suppliershouldbe consulted if youobjectto-thisdiscoloration, FRESHFOOD ORFREEZER COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE WARM FROSTORICE CRYSTALS O N FROZEN FOOD AU~MATIC ICEMA~R DOESN~ WOW (onmodelssoequippec SLOWICE CUBE FREEZING ICE CUBESHAVE...
GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE@ SERVICE. @ Replacement o f housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers. e Failureof the productif it is used forotherthan its intendedpurpose or usedcommercially. ~ Damageto productcaused byaccident,fire,floodsor acts ofGod. WARRANTOR ISNOTRESPONSIBLE ‘ FORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TBX20 TBX24 TBX21 TBX25 TBX22 TBW25...