•.. All.users.can.easly.setup.the.router.va.only.3-step.wzard.to.share. nternet .User.frendly.Web.Graphcal.Interface •. ASUS specific and user friendly interface allows users to easily set up.the.router. .DHCP.server.support •. Ths. feature. provdes. a. dynamc. IP. address. to. PCs. and. other. devces. upon. request..The. router. can. act. as. a. DHCP. server. for.
Chapter.1.Introducton . SL200.User.Manual 1.2 Package Contents In.addton.to.ths.document,.SL200.should.come.wth.the.followng: •..One.SL200.router •..AC.external.adapter •..CD.ncludng.all.language.user.manuals 1.3 Finding Your Way Around 1.3.1 Front Panel The.front.panel.contans.LED.ndcators.that.show.the.status.of.the. unt. LED Label Color Status Indcaton SL200.s.powered.on. Power Green SL200.s.powered.off. Lnk.s.establshed. LAN(1-4) Green Lnk. s. establshed,. and. data. s. Blnkng beng.transmtted.or.receved.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.1.Introducton 1.3.2 Rear Panel The rear panel contains the ports for the unit’s data and power con- nectons. RESET LAN1 LAN2 LAN3 LAN4 POWER Label Indication POWER Power.Input.Jack:.connects.to.the.suppled.AC.adapter. WAN.Port:.connects.to.your.WAN.devce,.such.as.ADSL.or. cable.modem. LAN Ports: connects to your PC’s Ethernet port, or LAN(1-4) to the uplink port on your LAN’s hub/switch, using...
Chapter 2 PC Configuration 2 PC Configuration User needs to configure TCP/IP network settings, Internet access configuration for each system within SL200 LAN. The SL200 Router,.by.default,.acts.as.a..DHCP.server,.t.automatcally.assgns. . IP. address. to. each. system. when. the. systems. boot. up.. If. users. .
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Chapter 2 PC Configuration . SL200.User.Manual b).Clck.“Properties”,.the.wndow.below.wll.appear: •. If. you. decde. to. use. DHCP,. select. “Obtan. an. IP. address. automatcally”,.then.clck.“OK”.to.save.your.settngs..Once.you. restart.your.system,.the.router.wll.obtan.an.IP.address.for.ths. system. •. If. you. decde. to. use. fxed. IP. address. for. your. system,. select. “Specfy. an. IP. address”,. and. make. sure. the. IP.Address. and.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter 2 PC Configuration d). Select. “DNS Configuration”. tab. and. then. select. “Enable DNS”,..enter.the.DNS.address.provded.by.your.ISP.n.the.“DNS Server Search Order” field, then click “Add”: 2.1.2 Checking TCI/IP Setting for Windows NT4.0 a).Select.“Control Panel -> Network”,.clck..“Protocols”.tab,..then. . select..“TCP/IP protocol”,.the.wndow.below.wll.appear:...
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Chapter 2 PC Configuration . SL200.User.Manual b).Clck.“Properties”,.the.wndow.below.wll.appear: •.Select.the.network.card.on.your.system.from.“Adapter” field. •..If.you.decde.to.use.IP.address.from.the.router,.select.“Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server”. •..If.you.decde.to.use.the.desred.IP.address,.select.“Specify an IP address”, and.enter.correct.addresses.n.“IP Address”.and. “Subnet Mask” fields. • You’d better set the router ’s IP address as “Default Gateway”. c). Enter. DNS. address. got.from.your. ISP,. select. “DNS”. tab,. clck. .
Chapter 2 PC Configuration . SL200.User.Manual .•.If.you.decde.to.use.IP.address.from.the.router,.select.“Obtain an IP address automatically”. •. If. you. decde. to. use. the. desred. IP. address,. select. . “Use the following IP address”,.and.enter.the.correct.addresses.n.“IP Address”.and.“Subnet Mask” fields. • You’d better set the router ’s IP address as “Default Gateway”.
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SL200.User.Manual . Chapter 2 PC Configuration b. ). Select. "Internet Protoicol (TCP/IP)",. and. then. clck. “Properties”,.the.followng.wndow.wll.appear. •.If.you.decde.to.use.IP.address.from.the.router,.select“Obtain an IP address automatically”. •. If. you. decde. to. use. the. desred. IP. address,. select. . “Use the following IP address”,.and.enter.the.correct.addresses.n.“IP Address”.and.“Subnet Mask” fields.
The router comes with a web-based configuration utility. Users can access this configuration utility from any of client system within SL200 Router’s LAN. For best results, either use Microsoft Internet Explorer..5.0..or..later,..or..Netscape.Navgator.4.7.or.later. Before you start configuring your router, you have to get the followng.nformaton.from.your.ISP:...
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual INTERNET:.Dsplays.WAN.connecton.type.and.status.. GATEWAY:. . Dsplays. system. IP. settngs,. as. well. as. DHCP,. NAT. and.Frewall.status. INFORMATION:..Dsplays.the.number.of.connected.clents,.as..well. . as the router’s hardware and firmware version numbers. 3.3.2 System Settings The System Settings window configures the router’s basic settings, such as the router’s Host Name, Domain Name, Set Time Zone,...
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual Password Settings:.Allows.you.to.select.a.password.n.order.to. access.the.web-based.management.webste. 3.3.4 Firmware Upgrade User. uses. the. Frmware. Upgrade. wndow. to. locate. the. new. frmware. then. upgrade. the. system. frmware.. Clck. Browse. to. . search for the new firmware location, then click OK to proceed the upgrade.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup 3.3.5 Configuration Tools Use.ths.wndow.to.restore.or.backup.SL200.router.settngs,.such. . as.Restart.System,.Restore.Factory.Default,.Backup.Settngs.and. Restore.Settngs. Restart System:.Reboot.ths.devce. Restore Factory Default:.Reset.the.settngs.of.ths.devce.to.the. factory.default.values. Backup Settings: Save the settings of this device to a file. Restore Settings:.Restore.the.settngs.of.ths.devce.to.the.backup. settngs. 3.3.6 System Log The System Log window displays the router’s system activities,...
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual System Log: The router’s system activity. Remote Log Setting:.Settng.the.IP.Address.of.remote.log.server. 3.4 WAN 3.4.1 Connected Type Specfy.the.WAN.connecton.type.requred.by.your.Internet.Servce. Provder,.then.clck.“OK “ button to provide detailed configuration parameters.for.the.selected.connecton.type.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup Dynamic IP address:..You.wll.obtan.an.IP.address.from.your.ISP. automacally. Static IP address: you can use the fixed IP address assigned by your.ISP.to.access.the.nternet.servce. PPPoE:.Your.ISP.requres.PPPoE.connecton. PPTP:. .Your. ISP. requres. you. to. use. a. Pont-to-Pont.Tunnelng. Protocol.(PPTP).connecton. L2TP:.Your.ISP.requres.L2TP.connecton. 3.4.2 Dynamic IP The. Host. Name. s. optonal,. but. may. be. requred. by. some. ISPs..
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup IP address assigned by your ISP:.The.IP.address.s.provded.by. your.ISP. Subnet Mask:.Enter.the.subnet.mask.of.the.router. ISP Gateway Address:..Enter.the.gateway.address.at.ISP.end. MTU:.Ths. s. optonal..You. can. specfy. the. maxmum. sze. of. the. packets.transmtted.to.the.nternet..Leave.t.as.t.s.f.you.to.not.wsh. to.set.a.maxmum.packet.sze. Does ISP provide more IP addresses:.If.your.ISP.supports.more. . IP..addresses,..please..clck..Yes;..otherwse,..leave..t.unchecked. 3.4.4 PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) Enter.
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual User Name:.Enter.the.username.provded.by.the.ISP. Password:.Enter.the.password.provded.by.the.ISP. Please retype your Password:. Retype. the. password. for. confirmation purposes. Service Name:.Ths.s.optonal...Enter.the.Servce.name.provded. that.your.ISP.requres.t,.otherwse.leave.t.blank.. MTU:.Ths. s. optonal..You. can. specfy. the. maxmum. sze. of. the. packets. transmtted. to. the. Internet.. Leave. t. as. t. s. f. you. do. not.
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SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup PPTP Account:..Enter.the.PPTP.Account.provded.by.the.ISP. PPTP Password:.Enter.the.password.provded.by.the.ISP.. Please retype your Password:. Retype. the. password. for. confirmation purposes. PPTP Gateway:. If. your. LAN. has. a. PPTP. gateway,. then. enter. that..PPTP.gateway.IP.address.here..If.you.do.not.have.a.PPTP. . gateway, then enter the ISP’s Gateway IP address above. IP Address:. Ths. s. the. IP. address. provded. by. your. ISP. to.
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual MTU:.Ths. s. optonal..You. can. specfy. the. maxmum. sze. of. the. packets. transmtted. to. the. Internet.. Leave. t. as. t. s. f. you. do. not. wsh.to.set.a.maxmum.packet.sze. Maximum Idle Time:. You. can. specfy. an. dle. tme. threshold. (mnutes).for.the.WAN.port..Ths.means.f.no.packet.has.been.sent. (no one using the Internet) during this specified period, the router wll.automatcally.end.ts.connecton.wth.your.ISP.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup L2TP Account:.Enter.the.L2TP.Account.provded.by.the.ISP. L2TP Password:.Enter.the.password.provded.by.the.ISP.. Please retype your Password:. Retype. the. password. for. confirmation purposes. L2TP Gateway:.If.your.LAN.has.a.L2TP.gateway,.then.enter.that. . L2TP.gateway.IP.address.here..If.you.do.not.have.a.L2TP.gateway. then enter the ISP’s Gateway IP address. IP Address:. Ths. s. the. IP. address. provded. by. your. ISP. to.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup NAT-Traversal:.Enable.the.NAT-Traversal.functon. Dead Peer Detection:.Enable.Dead.Peer.Detecton.functon DPD Delay Time:.Interval.Delay.Tme.between.DPD.messages DPD Retry Time:.Interval.between.DPD.messages.when.no.reply. from.remote.gateway. DPD Max Failures:.The.maxmal.tme.falures.of.DPD. Anti-replay:.Enable.the.Ant-replay.functon. Keep Alive:.Enable.the.Keep.Alve.functon. Counter Measure:.Enable.the.counter.Measure.functon. Max Failures:.The.maxmal.tme.falures.of.Counter.Measure. Block Interval:.Block.Interval.between.Counter.measure.. 3.6 LAN 3.6.1 LAN Settings Configure the gateway address of the router. To dynamically assign the IP address for clients’...
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual IP address: This is the router’s LAN port IP address (Your LAN clients’ default gateway IP address) Subnet Mask:.Specfy.a.Subnet.Mask.for.your.LAN.segment. The Gateway acts as DHCP Server:.You. can. enable. or. dsable. the.DHCP.server. IP Pool Starting Address: Enter the first address assigned by the DHCP.server.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup DHCP Client List:.Ths. page. shows. all.DHCP. clents.(LAN.PCs). currently.connected.to.your.network..It.dsplays.the.IP.address.and. the.MAC.address.and.Remanng.Tme.of.each.LAN.clent..Use.the. Refresh.button.to.get.the.latetly.updated.stuaton 3.7 NAT 3.7.1 Virtual Server If you configure the router as a virtual server, remote users access.servces.such.as.Web.or.FTP.at.your.local.ste.va.publc. IP. addresses. can. be. automatcally. redrected. to. local. servers. .
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SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup Example: ID Trigger Trigger Public Port Public Comment Port Type Type 1 47624 2300-2400 M S N . G a m e. Zone 28800-29000 2 47624 2300-2400 M S N . G a m e. Zone 28800-29000...
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual 3.7.3 Port Mapping Ths.functon.allows.one.or.more.publc.IP.addresses.to.be.shared. . by.multple.nternal.users..Enter.the.Publc.IP.address.you.desre.to. share into the Global IP field. Enter a range of internal IP that will share.the.global.IP. Server IP:.Enter.the.NAT.server.IP.address. Mapping Ports:. Enter. the. port. number. to. whch. the. NAT. server. maps. Type:.Select.the.type.of.the.Inbound.port.protocol:.“TCP”,.“UDP”.or. Both.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup 3.8.3 URL Filtering To configure the URL Filtering feature, please specify the web sites (www.someste.com).and/or.web.URLs.contanng.the.keyword.you. want to filter on your network.
Chapter.3.Router.Setup . SL200.User.Manual 3.8.4 MAC Control The MAC Control window allows user to block certain client PCs’ access.to.the.Internet.based.on.MAC.address. MAC Address Control:. Ths. functon. allows. user. to. determne. whether to filter out or accept the following MAC address that attampts.to.connect.to.the.nternet. Configure MAC Filter: Enter the MAC address to filter out or to accept.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup 3.9.2 Static Routing A.statc.route.s.a.pre-determned.pathway.that.network.nformaton. must travel to reach a specific host or network. Destination LAN IP:..The.network.address.of.destnaton.network. Subnet Mask:.The.subnet.mask.of.destnaton.network.. Gateway:The.next.stop.gateway.of.the.path.toward.the.destnaton. . network..Ths.s.the.IP.of.the.neghbor.router.that.ths.router.should. communcate.wth.on.the.path.to.the.destnaton.network.
SL200.User.Manual . Chapter.3.Router.Setup 3.12 Help Information The.help.nformaton.dsplays.on.the.rght.sde.of.some.screens.(see. the figure on the next page). All the router functions are described and.some.techncal.terms.are.lsted.n.the.help.nformaton. Help.Informaton...