I/O: input/output
IRQ: interrupt request
KB: kilobyte
LAN: local area network
LCD: liquid crystal display
LED: light emitting diode
MB: megabyte
OCR: optical character recognition (reader)
PC: personal computer
PCI: peripheral component interconnect
RAM: random access memory
RGB: red, green, and blue
ROM: read only memory
RTC: real time clock
S/P DIF: Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format
SDRAM: synchronous dynamic random access memory
SLI: Scalable Link Interface
SO-DIMM: small-outline dual in line memory module
SSD: Solid state drive
TFT: thin-film transistor
USB: Universal Serial Bus
UXGA: ultra extended graphics array
VGA: video graphics array
WAN: wide area network
WSXGA: wide super extended graphics array
WSXGA+: wide super extended graphics array plus
WUXGA: Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WXGA: wide extended graphics array
WXGA+: wide extended graphics array plus
XGA: extended graphics array
adaptor: A device that provides a compatible connection between two
alphanumeric: Keyboard characters including letters, numbers and other
User's Manual
units. For example, the computer's internal display adapter receives
information from the software and translates it into images on the
screen. An adapter can take a number of forms, from a
microprocessor to a simple connector: An intelligent adapter (one
that is capable of doing some processing) may also be called a
symbols, such as punctuation marks or mathematical symbols.