Page 4
After channel selection, the digital output is scaled with a digital PGA, which is controlled with the DGAIN. DACs drive a differential analog signal onto the RXIP, RXIN, RXQP, RXQN pins to interface to standard analog-input baseband IC. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 1...
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600kHz ~ 1.8MHz offset -68dBc 30 kHz bandwidth -75dBc 2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-V100 1. PSC2006 1.1. Power Management Seven low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power the terminal and help ensure optimal system performance and long battery life. A programmable boost converter provides support for 1.8V, 3.0V, and 5.0V SIMs, while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories.
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BACKLIGHT signal in the PSC2006. This signal enables LEDs with current control. FLIP_SNS informs the status of folder (open or closed) to the trident. This uses the hall effect IC, A3210ELH. A magnet under main LCD enables A3210ELH which is on the key FPCB. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 3...
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CP_WEN or CP_OEN is enabled. Memories use FLASH_RESET, which is buffered signal of RESET from PSC2006, for ESD protection. A[0] signal enables lower byte of SRAM and UPPER_BYTE signal enables higher byte of SRAM. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 4...
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13MHz x-tal. It generates the clock frequency. This clock is inverted through NOT gate, TC7S04FU and is connected to CSP1093. 13MHz clock for YMU759 uses a not-inverted clock. Clock for RF parts uses same type. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 5...
Page 9
Address has 17 bits width. Data has 16 bits width. When the Msbit of address is "1, CPU(TRIDENT) can access(write/read) registers. When the Msbit of address is "0", CPU can access frame memories. Data bis width is selectable 16bit or8bit. -ECD(movie engine)I/F -OSD block copy function SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 6...
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A3 system uses SAMSUNG Semiconductor's memory, K9F5608U08-DIB0. It is consisted of 256M bits NAND flash memory. Multimedia contents(MPEG and MP3) are stored this memory by downloader Program. It has 8bit I/O line, XD[0~7] which is connected to A3 chip These pins's function are used to input command, address and data, and to output data during read operations.
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The LM4890 features an externally controlled, low power consumption shutdown mode which is virtually clickless and popless, as well as an internal thermal shutdown protection mechanism. The unity-gain stable LM4890 can be configured by external gain-setting resistors. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2- 8...
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Check the clock generation circuit Freq=13M H z ? (related to U703 and U704) Vrm s¡Ã 300m V ? Vpp is around 900m Vpp ? Y es C heck the initial operation SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 1...
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SGH- V100 F low Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 2...
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Y es Check the soldered status of C heck the pin 4 of U703 is around 2.8V U703,U704 Y es C heck LC D connector C N201, and resolder bridge Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 3...
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SGH- V100 F low Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 4...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 5...
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C heck the related circuit of C N100 circuitry Y es C heck the related circuit of U601 and C heck the circuit around U601 output U100 and vlotage supply circuitry Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 6...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 7...
C heck the U101 U101 is " 3.2~4.2V" ? Y es Check the IC H R G is 1V(during charging) and R esolder or change R 111 around 180m V(full charging)? Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 8...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 9...
Check the reference R esolder or change voltage on m ic path R 410,C411,R 413,C 400,R 401,R 400 C 411 ¡Ö 2.5 V Y es Is m icrophone ok? Check U700 Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 10...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 11...
Y es Check the PIN 1 of U402='H igh' and Check U601 U409='H igh'? Y es Check U700 I s speaker ok? Y es C hange Speaker Is speaker ok? Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 12...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 13...
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SGH- V100 F low Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 14...
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C heck the related circuit of U100 C heck the pin 15 of U100 is 2.8V? Y es Check the clock signal at pin D7 of C heck the X800 U800 " freq=27M H z" ? Y es SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 15...
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SGH- V100 F low Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 16...
Y E S U 9 0 2 Y E S ch a n g eo r r eso ld er U 9 0 1 ch a n g eo r r eso ld er SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 29...
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SGH- V100 F low Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 30...
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SG H- V100 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3- 31...
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4. SG H- V100 Exploded View and it s Part s list 1. Cellular pho ne Explo ded View SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4- 1...
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GH 73- 01536A ANT ENN A GH 42- 00244A REAR COVER GH 75- 02539A RF COVER GH 73- 01630A SCREW 6001- 001479 GH 43- 00725A 900MAH BAT T ERY GH 43- 00726A 780MAH SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4- 2...
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3- 1. RF Tes t Cable 3- 2. Test Cable 3- 3. Ser ial Cable (GH39- 00090A) (GH39- 00127A) 3- 4. Pow er Supply Cable 3- 5. DATA CABLE 3- 6. TA (GH39- 00159A) (GH44- 00184A) SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4- 3...
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2203- 000679 C 206 2203- 005061 C 301 2203- 000679 C 207 2404- 001105 C 309 2203- 000679 C 208 2203- 000233 C 310 2203- 000679 C 209 2203- 005061 C 311 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 1...
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2203- 000425 C 446 2203- 005061 C 711 2203- 000940 C 448 2203- 000254 C 712 2404- 001105 C 449 2203- 000254 C 713 2404- 001105 C 451 2203- 000254 C 714 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 2...
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C 918 3301- 001342 L301 2203- 000233 C 919 3301- 001342 L302 2203- 001405 C 920 2703- 001513 L400 2203- 000995 C 950 2703- 001513 L401 2203- 000995 C 951 3301- 001105 L700 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 3...
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2007- 007771 R 216 2007- 000758 R 438 2007- 000172 R 221 2007- 000775 R 439 2007- 007771 R 223 2007- 000159 R 440 2007- 000162 R 305 2007- 007771 R 441 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 4...
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2007- 000162 R 800 1203- 001285 U 410 2007- 007771 R 801 1109- 001226 U 500 2007- 000636 R 804 1109- 001226 U 501 2007- 007008 R 805 0801- 002540 U 502 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5- 5...
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I , Q D C S: 1710M H z~1785M H z TC VC XO 13 M H z PC S: 1850M H z~1910M H z A F C C L K SI 4133T SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6- 1...
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R O M R O M ( 8M ) ( 8M ) ( 64M ) ( 64M ) K eypad M em or y par t B ' D B ' D con. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6- 2...
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N A N D FLA S H ( 256M b) RI 0~ 5 E_WAIT GI 0~ 5 OSD SLEEP BI 0~ 5 OSD_CS CP_OEN O S D CP_WEN A1~ A17 D0~ D15 27MHz SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6- 3...