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Craftsman 88846 - Professional 420 CC 45" 2 Stage Snow Thrower Operator's Manual

Craftsman 88846 - Professional 420 CC 45" 2 Stage Snow Thrower Operator's Manual

45" snow thrower


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Model No. 247.88846
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Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman
IL 60179, U.S.A.
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Craftsman 88846 - Professional 420 CC 45" 2 Stage Snow Thrower

  • Page 1 , ASSEMBLY , OPERATION , MAINTENANCE , PARTS LIST CAUTION: Before using o ESPArqOL this product, read this manual and follow safety rules and operating instructions. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our website: www.craftsman.com FORMNO.769-04981 6/15/2009...
  • Page 2 Service and Maintenance ......Pages 17-24 Service Numbers ........Back Cover CRAFTSMAN PROFESSIONAL FULL WARRANTY Whenoperatedand maintained accordingto all suppliedinstructions, ifthis CraftsmanProfessional s nowthrowerfailsdue to a defectin material or workmanship within two yearsfrom the dateof purchase,call 1-800-4-MY-HOME (1-800-469-4663) to arrangefor freein-home repair(or replacementifrepair provesimpossible).
  • Page 3: California Proposition

    This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the safeopera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessor error on the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual injury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith and feet and throwingdebris.Failureto observethe followingsafety these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis...
  • Page 4: Operation

    Safe Handling of Gasoline • Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon or crossinggravel surfaces.Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic. Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableand the vaporsare • Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionand whileoperatingon explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycan occurwhengasolineis spilled slopes. on yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite.Washyour skin and • Planyoursnow-throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards changeclothesimmediately. windows,walls,cars etc. Thus,avoidingpossibleproperty •...
  • Page 5: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE & STORAGE DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE • Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheirproperoperation Toavoidseriousinjuryor death,do not modifyengine in any way. regularly.Referto the maintenance and adjustmentsectionsof Tampering with the governorsettingcanlead to a runawayengineand this manual. cause it to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamperwithfactory setting of engine governor. •...
  • Page 6 SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafetysymbolsthat mayappear on this product. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate WARNING-- ROTATING BLADES Keep hands out of inlet and discharge openings while machine is running.
  • Page 8 NOTE:References to rightor left sideof the snowthrowerare determined from the operatingpositionlookingforwardto the front of the machine. REMOVING FROM CRATE Removescrewsfrom the bottomof thecrate securingthesides, and endsof the shippingcrate. Lift off the topoff of the crate and set outof theway of the assemblyarea.
  • Page 9 Removelock nuts and screwssecuringone of the flangekeepers to the chuteassembly. Placechuteassemblyonto chutebaseas shown in Fig. 4, makingsurethat the notchesengagewith the spiralend of chute directionalcontrol. Secureflangekeeperremovedearlierwith lock nuts and screws. Tighten downnutssecuring theothertwo flangekeepers. S eeFig.5. If notalreadydone,slipthe cablesthat run fromthe handle panelto the dischargechute intothe cableguide extendingover the topof the engine.See Fig.4.
  • Page 10 Tire Pressure (Pneumatic Tires) Underany circumstance do notexceedmanufacturer's recom- mendedpsi. Equaltire pressureshouldbe maintainedat all times. Excessivepressurewhen seatingbeadsmay causetire/rim assemblyto burst with forcesufficientto cause seriousinjury.Refer to sidewallof tire for recommended pressure. Fuel Level Indicator Top View The tires can be over-inflated for shippingpurposes.Checkthe tire pressurebeforeoperatingthe snowthrower.
  • Page 11 Thesnowthrowerskidshoesare adjustedupwardatthe factoryfor ship- NOTE:Whenengagingthe auger,youmay hear a "chirp"sound. pingpurposes.Adjustthemdownward priorto operatingthe machine. This is normal,it isthe beltengagingthe pulley.As the beltwears, • Forclose snow removalon a smoothsurface,raiseskid shoes this soundwill not be heard whenengagingthe auger. higheron the auger housing. With the engine runningand the augercontrolin the disengaged "up"...
  • Page 12 Adjusting Wheel Drive & Auger Controls Frombeneaththe handle,pull downwardon the appropriatecable and unhookthe springfoundon the end of the cablefrom its respectiveactuatorbracket.Referto Fig. 12 and 13. Slidethe springup thecable to exposethe cablecouplerthreads and lock nut. Referto Fig. 13. If adjustingthe drivecable,threadthe lock nutoutward(downthe couplertowardsthe end of the thread)to lengthenthecable and allowthe unitto movefreely whenthe controlis released.
  • Page 13: Speed Selector

    Speed Selector Shift Lever Drive Two-way ChuteControl Headli< _._-=-==Auger C ontrol ChuteAssembly Steering Wheel Control DriftCutters Clean-out Tool_ Control Oil Filler Cap/Dipstick Primer _L=-Gas Cap Electric Start Button Electric Outlet _!r'_Auger Recoil S tarter Handle Housing Throttle SkidShoes Oil Drain Figure 14 Nowthat you haveset up your snowthrower,it's importantto become CHOKE CONTROL...
  • Page 14 OIL FILL DRIVE Engineoil levelcan be checkedand oil addedthroughtheoil fill. CONTROL RECOIL STARTER HANDLE This handleis usedto manuallystartthe engine. ELECTRIC STARTER BUTTON Pressingthe electricstarterbuttonengagestheengine'selectric starterwhenpluggedintoa 120Vpowersource. ELECTRIC STARTER OUTLET Requiresthe useof a three-prongoutdoorextensioncord(included) WHEEL DRIVE CONTROL/AUGER CONTROL and a 120Vpowersource/walloutlet. LOCK AUGERS The wheeldrivecontrolis locatedon the righthandle.Squeezethe...
  • Page 15: Drift Cutters

    DRIFT CUTTERS • Makesurethat the containerfrom whichyou pourthe gasolineis cleanand free from rust or otherforeignparticles. Thedrift cuttersare designedfor use in deep snow.Their useis • Alwaysfill the fuel tank outdoorsand use a funnelor spout to optionalfor normalsnowconditions.Maneuverthe snowthrowerso preventspilling. that the cutterspenetratea high standingsnowdrift to assist snow fallingintothe augersfor throwing.
  • Page 16: Stopping The Engine

    REPLACING SHEAR PINS Whendisconnecting theextensioncord, alwaysunplugthe end at the three-prongwalloutlet beforeunpluggingthe oppositeend The augersare securedto the spiralshaftwith shearpinsand bow-tie fromthe snow thrower. cotterpins. If the augershouldstrikea foreignobjector icejam, the Recoil Starter snow throwerisdesignedso that the pinsmay shear.If the augerswill Rotatechokecontrol to CHOKE IJl position.If engine is not turn, checkto see if the pinshavesheared.
  • Page 17 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes controls and stoptheengine.Waituntilall moving partshavecometo a serviceguidelinesonly. Usethe ServiceLog columnto keeptrackof complete stop.Remove thekeyto prevent u nintended starting. A lways completedmaintenance tasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service wearsafetyglasses duringoperation or whileperforming anyadjustments Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.
  • Page 18 If the enginehas beenrunning,the mufflerwill be very hot. Be careful not to touchthe muffler. NOTE: Checkthe spark plugonce a seasonor every25 hoursof operation.Changethe sparkplug oncea seasonor every 100 hours. Toensureproperengineoperation,the spark plug mustbe properly gappedand free of deposits. Removethe sparkplug bootand usea spark plugwrenchto removethe plug.See Figure18.
  • Page 19: Carburetor Adjustment

    Chute Directional Control Afterthe sparkplug is seated,tightenwith a spark plugwrenchto compressthe washer. Once a season,lubricatethe eyebolt bushingand the spiralwith 3-in-1 oil. NOTE:Wheninstallinga newsparkplug,tighten 1/2-turnafter the spark plugseatsto compressthe washer.Whenreinstalling a used Auger Shaft spark plug,tighten 1/8-to 1/4-turn after the sparkplug seatsto compressthe washer.
  • Page 20 Chute Control Positionthe new skid shoesand securewith the carriagebolts and hex nuts.Makecertainthe skid shoesare adjustedto be The distancesnow is throwncanbe adjustedbyadjustingthe angle of level. the chute assembly.Referto the Operationsectionfor instructions. Shave Plate The remotechutecontrolcables havebeen pre-adjusted at the factory. Removethehex nuts and carriagebolts that securethe shave Movethe remotechute leveron the controlpanelforwardto pivot the plateto the bottomof the housing.
  • Page 21: Belt Replacement

    Chute Bracket Removethe plasticbeltcover,locatednearthe engine,by remov- ing thethree self-tappingscrewsthat secure it. See Figure27. If the spiralat the bottomof the chutedirectionalcontrol is not fully engagingwith the chuteassembly,the chute bracketcan be adjusted. Todo so: Loosenthe two nuts which securethe chute bracketand reposi- tion it slightly.See Figure25.
  • Page 22 Figure31 NOTE: If the pulleyadapterwas removedwith the pulley,align the AugerIdler Rod splinesof thepulleyadapterand auger inputshaft, and pushthe pulley Figure29 and adapteronto the inputshaft. Referto Figure32. pter Post Brake Pulley Slot Figure30 Placea blockof woodunderneath theaugerhousingas shownin Figure32 Figure31and separateaugerhousingfromtheframeby tiltingthe housingforwardand pullingup the handles.
  • Page 23: Changing Friction Wheel

    Removescrewsfrom theframe coverunderneaththe snow Checkthe auger drivebeltadjustment. Withthe auger clutchlever in the disengagedposition,thetop surfaceof the newbelt shouldbe thrower(referto Figure34). Removethe rightwheelfrom the axle. evenwith theoutsidediameterof the pulley. Toadjust,disconnectferrulefrom brakebracketassembly.Thread ferrulein (towardsidler) to increasetensionon belt, or out to decrease belttension. NOTE:Thebrakepuck mustalwaysbe firmly seatedin the pulley groovewhenaugercontrol is disengaged.
  • Page 24 Removefourscrewssecuringthe frictionwheelto the hub Slidethe spacerontothe end of the hex shaft. assembly(referto Figure36). Discardold frictionwheel. Align the bearingon the rightend of thehex shaftwith the hole in the rightside of the frame,then pushthe hexshaftto the left intopositionin the frame. 14. Slidethe bearingontothe left end of the hex shaftand press into the hole on theleft sidethe frame.
  • Page 25: Preparing Engine

    If the snowthrowerwillnot be usedfor30 daysor longer,or if it is the end of the snowseasonwhenthe last possibilityof snowis gone,the equipmentneedsto be storedproperly.Followstorageinstructionsbelowto ensuretop performance from the snowthrowerfor manymoreyears. PREPARING SNOW THROWER PREPARING ENGINE Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin an unventilatedor metal stor- Enginesstoredover30 days need to be drainedof fuel to prevent age shed,careshouldbe taken to rustprooftheequipment.Using deterioration and gumfrom formingin fuel systemor on essential a light oil or silicone,coat theequipment,especiallyanychains,...
  • Page 26 Enginefails to start Chokecontrolnot in CHOKEposition. Movechokecontrolto CHOKEposition. Sparkplug wiredisconnected. Connectwireto sparkplug. Faultysparkplug. Clean,adjustgap,or replace. Fueltank emptyor stalefuel. Fill tank with clean,freshgasoline. Enginenot primed. Primeengineas instructedin the OperationSection. Keynot inserted. Insertkey fully intothe switch. Connectone end of the extensioncordto the electric Extensioncordnot connected(when usingelectricstartbutton,on modelsso starteroutletand the otherend to a three-prong...
  • Page 28 Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247.88835...
  • Page 29 Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88835 " 618-0281A BracketAssy,AugerBrake 05845C Housing,Bearing 684-0090B-0637 Impellar,16" 918-04515 GearBoxAssembly,Auger 731-2643 Tool,Cleanout 684-04151-4028 SpiralAssy,LH 710-0376 Scr, H ex Cap,5/16-18x 1.00 684-04152-4028 SpiralAssy,RH 710-04484 Screw,5/16-18x .750 684-04214-0691 Housing,Auger- 33" 710-0451 Screw,Carriage,5/16-18x .75 731-05162 Spacer,1.0x 1.5x 2 710-04606A Screw,5/16-18x .4300...
  • Page 30 Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88835...
  • Page 31 731-0903E LowerChute 684-04308A ChuteCrankAssembly 731-1313C ChuteTilt CableGuide .684-04350 _ Joint BlockAssembly 936-0231 Fiat Washer 710-0276 Screw,Carriage,5/16-18x 1.0 784-5594-0637 CableBracket 710-04682 Screw,Hex,3/8-16x 2.00 Lock,Gr5 631-04133A HandleClutchLock- LH 710-0572 Screw,Carriage,5/16-18x 2.5 631-04134B HandleClutchLock- RH 710-3118 Screw,Hex,3/8-16x 1.0Lock,Gr5 631-04187P HandlePanel 712-04063 FlangeLock Nut,5/16-18 912-3010 Hex Nut,5/16-18 646-0012...
  • Page 32 Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247.88835 ... "93 78 23._ 44 21_ _/32...
  • Page 33 Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88835 732-04385 05244B Housing,Bearing TorsionSpring,.750I.D.x .968 Lg. 936-0158 Washer,Lock,5/8 618-0279 Dogg,SteeringDrive,LH 736-0242 618-0280 Dogg,SteeringDrive,RH Wsh,Bell., .34x .872x .06 936-0300 918-0282E ShaftAssembly,Steering Wash,.406x .875x .059 936-0329 918-04178 Assembly,FrictionWheel Washer,Lock,1/4 936-3015 718-04034 Wheel,Friction,Bonded FiatWasher,.469x .875x .105 790-00257-0691 710-0896...
  • Page 34 Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88835 Continuedfrom previouspage 710-0157 Screw,Hex Cap,5/16-24 710-0191 Hex Hd. Screw,3/8-24x 1.25GR8 710-0607 Screw,Hx Wash HdTapp 710-0624 Screw,Hex Cap,5/16-24x 1.50 710-0654A Screw,3/8-16x 1.00 710-0809 Screw,1/4-20x 1.25 710-1245B Hex HeadScrew,5/16-24x .875 710-0347 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16x 1.75 914-0105 SquareKey,3/16 x 1.00...
  • Page 35 Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247.88835 777S32636 777122341 777123013 777S32236 STARTING INSTRUCTIONS: 777D13771 777D13770 777122363 777D13769 777X43688 777122340 /' USEE85ORFUEL " / CONTAINING M ORE THAN10% ETHANOL 777Dl1502...
  • Page 36 Craftsman Engine Model ZS490=SU For Snow Thrower Model 247.88846 29 28 40\_ 170' 124122 121_ \ 117.116, 123: 148146 167 /...
  • Page 37 Craftsman Engine IViodel ZS490-SU For Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88846 951-11012 710-04967 Bolt, M6x 16 FlangeBolt, M8 x 55 951-11339 MufflerShield 951-11373 Bearing 710-04915 736-04453 GovernorShaftWasher Bolt, M6x 12 951-11224 ThrottleControlKnob 714-04077 GovernorShaft Clip 951-10637 951-11365 GovernorArmShaft IgnitionSwitchAssembly 731-05632 951-10307 FlywheelKey...
  • Page 38 Craftsman Engine IViodel ZS490-SU For Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88846 710-04962 RockerStud Bolt 951-11360 ShortblockAssembly 751-11123 PivotAdjustingNut ConnectingRodAss'yComplete Piston 751-11124 Pivot LockingNut 710-05054 Bolt- ValveCover,M6x 16 PistonPin Clip 951-11220 ValveCover PistonPin 726-04101 BreatherHoseClip PistonRingSet- Complete 951-11221 BreatherHose GovernorAssembly 951-11373 951-11317 CylinderBaffle...
  • Page 39 Craftsman Engine IViodel ZS490=SU For Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88846 951-11340 CrankcaseCoverKit 951-11336 FuelLine Kit FuelLine 951-11373 Bearing 951-11376 CrankcaseCoverGasket FuelLine Clamp 736-04476 Washer 951-11363 GasketKit- External CrankcaseCover 736-04440 Oil DrainWasher 951-11375 Oil Seal 951-11212 MufflerGasket ValveCoverGasket 710-04971 FlangeBolt, M8x 38...
  • Page 40 Craftsman Engine IViodel ZS490=SU For Snow Thrower IViodel 247.88846 951-10641 Oil DrainAssembly 951-11350 Oil DrainPipe 736-04440 Oil DrainWasher 710-04906 Oil DrainPlug 951-11352 Carburetor Assembly 951-10639 Primer MainNozzle NeedleValve MainJet NeedleValveSpring Float BowlGasket 951-11348 FuelBowlGasket 951-11349 FuelDrain PlugGasket 710-04945 FuelBowl MountingBolt...
  • Page 43 (4)Repair orreplacement ofany warranted part under the warranty provisions ofthis article m ust beperformed atnocharge tothe owner ata warranty station. (5)Notwithstanding the provisions ofSubsection (4) above, warranty services orrepairs must beprovided atallMTD distribution centers that are franchised toservice the subject engines. (6)The owner must not b echarged fordiagnostic labor that l eads tothe determination that a warranted...
  • Page 44 Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air index information On Your Engine Emissions Label Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A. makes this information available to the consumer on our emission labels.
  • Page 45 Congratulations on makinga smart purchase.YournewCraftsman® Once youpurchasethe Agreement,a simplephonecall isall that it productis designedand manufactured for yearsof dependableopera- takesfor youto scheduleservice.Youcan call anytimedayor night, or tion. But likeall products,it mayrequirerepairfrom time to time.That's schedulea serviceappointmentonline. whenhavinga RepairProtectionAgreementcan saveyoumoneyand The RepairProtectionAgreement i sa risk-freepurchase.If you cancel aggravation.
  • Page 46 Acuerdo de protecci6n para reparaciones ..Pagina 75 Servicio y Mantenimiento ......Pagina 59 NOmero de servicio ........atras pagina Almacenamiento fuera de temporada ..Pagina 67 CRAFTSMAN PROFESIONAL COMPLETA GARANTIA Cuando sonoperados y mantenidos deacuerdo conlasinstrucciones suministradas ensutotalidad, siestoArtesano Profesional nievelanzador falladebido...
  • Page 47 Esta m_quinafue construidapara set operadade acuerdo con lasreglas de seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igual quecon cualquiertipo instruccionesimportantesde seguridad quese deben de equipo motorizado,un descuidoo error porpartedel operadorpuede respetarpara evitar poneren peligro suseguridad La presenciade este sfmbolo indicaque setrata de producirlesionesgraves.Estam&quinaes capazde amputarmanosy pies personaly/o materialy la de otras personas.Lea y siga y de arrojar objetoscon gran fuerza.De no respetarlasinstruccionesde todas las instruccionesde este manualantesde poner...
  • Page 48: Mantenimiento

    OPERACION MANTENIMIENTO Y ALIVIACENAMIENTO • No pongalasmanoso los piescerca de las piezasrotatorias,en la caja • Nunca manipulelosdispositivosde seguridad de manera imprudente. de la barrena/ motoro en el montajedel canal de descarga.El contacto Controleperi6dicamente quefuncionende forma adecuada.Rem[tasea con las piezasrotatoriaspuedeproducirla amputaci6nde manosy pies. las seccionesde mantenimientoy ajustede este manual.
  • Page 49 NOTA: Lasreferenciasa la derechaca la izquierdade la nieve lanzadorse deterrninar_, a partirde la posici6nde esperade la parte frontalde la rn_.quina. EXTRACCION DE CAJAS QuitarlostorniNos de la parteinferiorde la caja de asegurarlos ladosy extrernosde la cajade traslado. Levantela partesuperiorde la caja y de los enunciados de la forrnade la zonade reuni6n.
  • Page 50 Retirelas tuercasde bloqueoy uno de lostornillosque fijan la brida de rnantenirniento de la tolvaa la asarnblea. Lugarde reuni6nen la tolvatolva de basecornose rnuestraen la fig. 4, asegur_.ndose d e que lasrnuescascornprorneterse c on la espiralfinalde la tolva de controldireccional. Segurobridaanteriorposeedorelirninado con tuercasy tornillos de bloqueo.Aprietelas tuercasasegurandoque los otrosdos de rnantenirniento de la brida.Vet fig.
  • Page 51 3, Adjuntar laderiva c ortadores con lostornillos ytuercas de Noqueo elirninado antes. La presi6n de los neumaticos (llantas neumaticas) Bajo ninguna circunstancia noexcedan d elfabricante r ecomienda psi.Laig- ualdad de lapresi6n delosneum_ticos deben mantenerse entodomomento. Cuando la presi6n excesiva p uede causar a sientos b olasneum_tico /Ilanta Indicador de nivel de montaje para reventar conlafuerza suficiente p aracausar u ndafiograve.
  • Page 52 NOTA: NoUene enexceso. Exceso deaceite p uede resultar enel motor defurnar, dura lapuesta enrnarcha obujia incrustaciones. 4. Sustituir yapriete bien latapa / varillafirrnernente antesde Explotaci6nde un lanzadorde nievecon patinesde acerozapatos arrancarel motor. puedeprovocardaSosa las superficiesde piedra naturalrnAquina (porejernplo,de piedraarenisca,piedraazul, piedraca(iza).Para AJUSTES obtenerinforrnaci6n sobrelos polirneroszapatosantideslizantes, Zapatos...
  • Page 53 Involucrara la unidadde controly tratede moverla rn_.quina, tanto haciadelantey haciaatr_.s, l a resistenciadebe sentirse. Muevala palancadel selectorde velocidaden el retrocesor_.pido (R2) la posici6ny repitalosdos pasos. Si la resistenciaa la rodaduraexperirnentado la unidad,ya seacuandoel reposicionarniento d e la palancadel selectorde velocidadde 6 a R2o al intentarmoverla rn_.quina con la unidad de control puestasen libertad,ajustarel controlde inrnediato.
  • Page 54: Palanca De Cambios

    El controldel estrangulador est,. ubicadoen el motor.Regulala o abajo,y nuevoapretarniento de los tornillos. velocidaddel motor,y Ioapagacuandornuevael controla la posici6n STOR Cumple con los estandares de seguridad de ANSI Lasrn&quinas quitanievede Craftsman curnplen conlosest&ndares d e seguridad del instituto estadounidense d e est&ndares n acionales (ANSI).
  • Page 55 MANIJA DEL CONTROL DE LA TRANSMISION/CONTROL ARRANCADOR DE RETROCESO DE LA BARRENA DE CERRADURA Esta rnanijase utiliza paraarrancarel motor rnanualrnente. BOTON DEL ARRANCADOR El controlde transrnisi6nest,. ubicadoen la rnanijaderecha.Presione la ernpuSadura de controlcontra la rnanijapara engranarla ruedade ELI_CTRICO transrnisi6n. S ueltepara que se detenga. Si oprirneel bot6ndel arrancadorel_ctricose engranael arrancador CONTROL DE LA...
  • Page 56 TAPON DE COMBUSTIBLE Retroceso Hay dosvelocidadesde retroceso(R), La uno (1) es la rn_.s lenta,y la Desenrosque el tap6nde combustiblepara agregargasolinaal tanque dos (2) es la rn_.s r_.pida, de combustible. FARO ZAPATAS ANTI DESLIZANTES El faroes Iocalizadoencirnadel panelde mango.Puedeser ajustado Ubiquelas zapatasantideslizantes en funci6n de las condicionesde soltandolos tornillosen cadalado del alojarnientoligero,giro de la luz la superficie.
  • Page 57: Antes De Encender

    ANTES DE ENCENDER EL MOTOR Arrancador el_ctrico El arrancadorel_ctricoopcionalest&equipadocon un cablede ali- Lea,cornprenday siga todaslas instrucciones y advertenciasque rnentaci6ny un enchufede tres terrninales conectadosa tierray est_ aparecenen la rn_quina yen este manualantesde operarla. dise_adopara operarcon corrientedorn_sticade 120voltios. Debe Aceite set utilizadoconun recept_culode tres terrninalescorrectarnente conectadoa tierraen todo mornentoparaevitar la posibilidadde El motorse envi6conaceiteen el motor.Controleel nivelde aceite descargasel_ctricas.Siga todaslas instruccionescuidadosarnente...
  • Page 58 PROCEDIMIENTO PARA ENGRANAR NOTA: NOUTILICEel cebadorpara reiniciarun motorcalientetras una detenci6nbreve, BARRENAS Aprieteel control de la barrenacontra la rnanijay las barrenas NOTA:tal vez sea necesarioun cebadoadicionalsi la ternperatura es inferiora 150Fahrenheit. rotar_.n. Su@elay las barrenasse detendr_.n. Tomela rnanijadel arrancadorde retrocesoy tire de la cuerda SLISTITLICION DE ROTURA PINES...
  • Page 59 LISTA DE MANTENIMIENTO Siga la lista de rnantenirniento dadaabajo.Esta carta describepautas Antesde realizar c ualquier t ipode rnantenirniento / servicio, d esactivar I de servicios61o. U sela colurnnade Troncode Servicioparaguardar todosloscontroles y pararel motor.Espere hastaque todaslaspiezas I la pista de tareasde rnantenirniento cornpletadas. L ocalizarel rn_.s rn6viles hanllegado a unaparada cornpleta.
  • Page 60 2. CoIoque unrecipiente adecuado para recoiectar elaceite bajo el Control de la bujia tap6n d edrenaje deaceite, 3, Retire eltap6n d edrenaje deaceite. Vea laFigura 17. NOpruebela chispasi no est,. la bujiade encendido.NOd_ arranqueal motorsi no est,. la bujia de encendido. Si el motorha estadofuncionando,el silenciadorestar_, m uy caiiente.Tengacuidadode no tocarel siienciador.
  • Page 61 4. Verifique que laarandela delabujia est_ e nbuenas condiciones Barrenaeje yenr6squela rnanualrnente para n oestropear larosca. AI rnenosuna vez por ternporada, u no a la vez,quitartodos los 5. Una vez que labujfa e st_ colocada, apri_tela con una Ilave p ara alfileresde cizalla de la barrenaeje.Spraylubricanteen el interiordel cornprirnir laarandela.
  • Page 62 2. Coloque elnuevo zapatos antideslizantes ysegura con los Dela direcci6nseseSal6anteriormente, i nsertarla virolaen el pernos ytuercas hexagonales. AsegQrese deque los zapatos agujeroadecuado. antideslizantes seajustan almismo nivel. Vuelvaa instalarla lavadoray el interiorCotteralfiler. Afeitado Plata Control de la tolva 1. Retire eltuercas hexagonales ypernos que sujetan laplaca d e La nievees lanzadaa distanciase puedeajustarmedianteel ajuste afeitado a laparte i nferior delavivienda.
  • Page 63 Soporte de la tolva Si la espiralen la parteinferiorde la tolvade controldireccionalno est&plenarnente la partMpacbn en la tolva de rnontaje,el soportede la tolva se puedeajustar,ParaeNo: Aflojarlasdos tuercasque aseguranel soportede la tolva y recolocarNgerarnente, Vea la Figura25. Reapretarlas tuercas. Figura27 Aflojeel pernode rnuestraen la Figura28 poseedorasegurarel soportede cintur6ny retireel pernode otros.
  • Page 64 clip y arandela Ferrul Figura33 Girea la poleaque seanecesariopara alinearsus tres ranuras Barrena Rod polea j,) de aproxirnadarnente c on los puestosde la poleadel adaptador Figura29 y, a continuaci6n,rnuevael soportede frenode rnontajefuera del eje de entrada.Si bien la alineaci6nde la polea lasfranjas horariasy adaptadorde puestos,ernpujela barrenapolea plenarnente en el adaptador.
  • Page 65 Reposici6n yasegurar lacinta delapolea d el m otor deguardia, y Sugerencialanzadorde la nievearriba y haciadelante,de volver ainstalar elcintur6n. rnaneraque se basaen la vivienda. NOTA: AsegQrese dequitar lapieza d ernadera bloqueando Quitarlos tornillosde la estructurapor debajode la cubiertade irnpulsor. nievelanzador_ consultela Figura34). Retirela ruedaderecha Cornpruebe elajuste delacorrea detransrnisi6n barrena.
  • Page 66 Retirecuatrotornillosque fijan la ruedade fricci6npara el eje de NOTA:Si la ruedacay6 del lanzadorde la nievernientrasse quita rnontaje(consultela Figura36). Desecharlasviejas ruedasde el eje hexagonal,el lugarde la ruedade la cadena.Reajustarla fricci6n. ruedade la cadenahexadecimal c on el centro a la derechade la unidad.Coloqueel eje hexagonal d e la ruedahaciala fricci6nde deslizarniento de la ruedacuandose ruedaen el eje hexagonal.
  • Page 67 Si no sevaa utiliza el equipo durante30 dfaso rn_.s, o sies el finalde la ternporada de nievey ya noexisteposibilidad deque nieve, e s necesario alrnacenar e l equipo de rnanera adecuada. S igalasinstrucciones d e alrnacenarniento quese indicana continuaci6n p aragarantizar e l rendirniento rn_.xirno d e la rn_.quina q uitanieve durante rnuchos a_os.
  • Page 68 El motorno arranca La palancade obturaci6nno est,. en la Pongael interruptor en la posici6nCHOKE(obtura- posici6nON (encendido) ci6n). Se ha desconectado el cablede la bujia Conecteel cablea la b@a. La bujia nofunciona correctamente Limpie,ajustela distanciadisruptivao cambie. El tanquede combustibleest,. vacio o el Lleneel tanquecongasolinalimpiay fresca.
  • Page 69 Perdidade potencia El cable de la bujfaestfi flojo Conectey ajuste el cablede la bujfa. El orificio de ventilaci6ndel tap6nde Retireel hieloy la nievedel tap6nde Ilenadodel Ilenadodel combustibleestfi obstruido combustible.Cornpruebe que el orificiode venti- laci6nno est6 obstruido. El cable del controlde transrnisi6nnecesita La unidadno seautopropuba Ajusteel cabledel controJ de transrnisi6n.
  • Page 72 MTD CONSUMER GROUP, iNC. (MTD), el Bordo de Recursos de Aire de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Medioambiental de Estados Unidos (U. S. EPA) Declaraci6n de Garantia del Sistema de Control de Emisiones (Derechos y obligaciones del propietario seg_n la garantia contra defectos) LA COBERTURADESISTEMADECONTROLDEEMISIONES APLICABLE A MOTORES CERTIFICADOS COMPRADOS ENCALIFORNIA EN2005 Y A PARTIRDE ENTONCES, QUESON USADOS EN CALIFORNIA, Y HASTA ANO2005 DE MODELOCERTIFICADO Y MOTORES POSTERIORES QUESON COMPRADOS Y USADOSENOTRAPARTEEN LOSESTADOS UNIDOS.
  • Page 73 reernplazada segQn lagarantia segarantizar_, por e lresto d el p eriodo degarantia. (3) Cualquier pieza g arantizada que est_ prograrnada para reernplazo segQn elrnantenirniento requerido deconforrnidad con lasinstruc- clones escritas delaSubsecci6n (c)segarantiza por e lperiodo detiernpo anterior alaprirnera fecha d ereernplazo prograrnada para e sa pieza.
  • Page 74 Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n de clasificaci6n de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el perJodo de duraci6n de las emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
  • Page 75 Felicitaciones por haberrealizadouna adquisici6ninteligente.El Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo,puedeprograrnar el serviciocon productoCraftsman@ que ha adquiridoest_ dise_adoy fabricado tan s61orealizaruna Ilarnadatelef6nica.PuedeIlarnaren cualquier para brindarrnuchosa_osde funcionarniento confiable.Perocorno mornento del dia o de la nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea. todoslos productosa vecespuederequerirde reparaciones.Esen El Acuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es una cornprasin riesgo. esernornentocuandoel disponerde un Acuerdode protecci6npara Si ustedanula por alguna raz6nduranteel periodode garantiade reparaciones le puedeahorrardineroy problernas.
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