Channel B Trigger (l/0) port on the front panel (the trigge.r input must be
TTL-compatible). With TRIGIN EXT,
USE channel is triggered by the Trigger
(1!0) port. With TRIGIN EXTBAR, the USE channel is triggered by the inverse of
the Trigger
Software Triggering (TRIG IN HIGH/HOLD/LOW /SGL)
internally (software) trigger the USE channel with TRIGIN HIGH, HOLD,
SGL For example, TRIGIN HIGH or TRIGIN HOLD sets the USE chan-
nel input HIGH (+5V). Triggering in this manner is equivalent to setting TRIGIN
EXT and inputting a +5V level to the USE channel Trigger (l/0) port. TRIGIN
LOW sets the USE channel input LOW (OV). TRIGIN SGL first assures that the
use channel is set HIGH. then sets the channel LOW and back to HIGH to single-
trigger the channel.
yrigger Bus Triggering f[HIGIN TBn/DfliVETBn)
TfliGIN TBO or TRIGIN TB1 sets trigger bus triggering on the specified USE
channeL TRIGIN TEIO sets trigger bus TBO. while TfliGIN TB1 sets trigger bus
TBI as the bus to be used. The DRIVETBn command selects the source to drive
the specified trigger bus (TBO or TBI). Use DRIVETBn? to read the source for
the specified trigger bus.
With trigger bus triggering (TRIGIN TBO or TFIIGIN TEI1 set), you can input an
external trigger into the TBO (1/0) or TBl (1/0) port on the HP 3245A rear panel
or you can use internal (software) triggering to trigger the specified USE channeL
To do this, DRIVETBn OFF must be set. This disables the software drivt;rs as well
as any channel's drive (with REFOUT
SYNCOUT) to that trigger bus so that
the TBO or TBJ port can act as an input terminaL Then, you
input a
TTL-compatible signal into the TBO or TBI port to trigger the specified USE
channel (channel A or B).
Alternatively, you can use DRIVETBn LOW, HIGH, SGL, or TFIG to internally
drive the specified trigger bus. DFIIVETEin LOW drives the specified trigger bus
LOW (OV), while DRIVETBn HIGH drives the specified trigger bus HIGH (+5V).
DRIVETBn SGL pulses the specified trigger bus (LOW then HIGH).
With DFIIVETBn TFIG set, the specified trigger bus is pulsed (LOW then HIGH)
when the HP 3245A receives a TRG command or an HP-lB Group Execute
Trigger (GET) command. Refer to SYNCOUT or REFOUT commands for more
information on driving a trigger bus from a channel.
Query Command (TFIIGIN?)
The TFIIGIN? command returns the current TRIGIN
parameter setting
(TBO, TBI, EXT, EXTBAR, LOW, HIGH, HOLD, or SGL) for the USE channel
(channel A or B).
Related Commands