User Manual had already been carefully verified before publishing, however, the actual product and its specification will be based upon the time of delivery from RAIDON. Any update to the product or its relevant information may be listed on . Product is subjected to change without prior notifications.
iR2822 User Manual Product View, Front and Back 1. LCD Display 6. Power/False Indicator 11.Cooling Fan 2. UP/DOWN Buttons 7. 3.5" HDD tray key lock 12.RS232 Port 3. ESC Button 8. 3.5" HDD tray handle 13.3.5" SATA Port 9. Pri HDD tray access light 4.
4. RS232 Port: For industrial control system or IPC to monitor the hardware status. More information, please contact your sales window or 5. RAID Mode Setting After placing your two hard disks, turn on power and press UP Button, you are with the RAID Setting mode.
iR2822 User Manual 2. RAID 0 mode 1). Place two new hard drives into IR2822. We would strongly suggest you to use two identical hard drives to get the maximum memory capacity. And if the capacities of your two hard drives are difference, IR2822 only recognizes the memory capacity at the small capacity hard drive.
User Manual 7. Hard Disk Status on LCD Screen 1. Booting and Normal status. RAIDON RAIDbox2 Pri HDD : OK RAID-1 vxxxxxx.x Sec HDD : OK 2. Over Heat (≥50° C) Pri HDD : OK Sec HDD : OK 3.
iR2822 User Manual 8. Data Rebuilding Operation The Hot Swappable hard drive and Auto Rebuilding features are available. Off-line Back up:When the data is stored in IR2822, user can remove one of the hard drives as back up drive for data such as system operation file, secured files, seldom modified files or image and music files.
iR2822 User Manual 9. GUI Monitoring Software and Firmware Update You can install GUI software to monitor the status of IR2822. And this can be done by installing software from CD. 1. System Status: This GUI automatically detects your IR2822 and reveals relative information accordingly. 2.
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iR2822 User Manual 3. Email Notification Please first set up an e-mail address for the notification of a malfunction drive or the removed drive. 3-1 Setup 1). Select an Outgoing SMTP and write down your e-mail name and address. 2). If it requests a password, select an option SMTP Login Authentication, and key-in the password.
3. If all the devices work properly but user is still unable to start the computer, it might be the system incompatibility problem. If such incompatibility takes place, please contact to our Customer Service Department to Computer works fine, but IR2822 doesn’t perform right in reading/writing messagesproperly.
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iR2822 User Manual Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Failure Under the Mirror mode (RAID 1), what will be the total storage capacity when adding a brand new HDD? 1. The total storage capacity at your IR2822 is determined by the storage capacity of the primary HDD installed during the initial usage.
User Manual 7. 訊息顯示 1. 開機與正常待機狀態 RAIDON RAIDbox2 Pri HDD : OK RAID-1 vxxxxxx.x Sec HDD : OK 2. 溫度過高 (≥50° C) Pri HDD : OK Sec HDD : OK 3. 風扇故障 Pri HDD : OK Sec HDD : OK 4.