Conte nts PRECAUTIO N S ............4 Playing Arpeg g iated Cho rds ...........3 5 Arpeg g io MIDI O utput............3 7 I N TRO D UCTI O N Using The Step Sequencer ..........3 7 How To Use This M a nua l ..........5 Step Sequencer O n/ O ff ..........3 8 M a in Fea tures...............5 Step Sequencer Ho ld Mo des ...........3 8...
SAVING USER DATA • Do not use the instrument near other electrical products such as • Save all data to an external device such as the Yamaha MIDI Data Filer televisions, radios, or speakers, since this might cause interference MDF2, in order to help prevent the loss of important data due to a which can affect proper operation of the other products.
The Step Sequencer permits quick, easy creation of highly sophisticated looped patterns which The AN1x comes with an impressive array of 128 voices preprogrammed and ready to play, each of which can be triggered from the keyboard in a variety of ways. Each individual step event ( Note, can be edited and overwritten to store your own.
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The A N1 x A Fr ont Pa ne l KN O B PARAM ETER GRO UP sw itches [VO LUM E] k nob [SCEN E] sw itches These switches determine which set of parameters are This knob controls the AN 1x’s overall Each of the AN 1x' s 128 voices has two Scene controlled by the CO N TRO L knobs.
Page 7
3 [FO O T CO N TRO LLER] ja ck the AN 1x, and may even pose a serious shock hazard.) An optional Yamaha FC7 foot controller connected to the [FO O T CO N TRO LLER] jack can be 7 O UTPUT ja ck s used for control of various continuous or discrete controllers, depending on controller assignment.
W ha t I s A Voice ? L AYER mo de setting and L ayer parameters including Pan, Separatio n and Detune setting s. O ver the years, the meaning o f the term “ vo ice” , when applied to synthesizers, has varied depending o n VO ICE CO MMO N (i.e., parameters which affect manufacturers and mo dels.
1 V CO AN 1 x Tone Ge ne ra tor The VCO mo dule is where the o rig inal so und wavefo rm g ets As the AN 1 x Tone Genera tor Block Dia gra m g enerated. Altho ug h a sing le o scillato r is eno ug h to g enerate illustra tes, the VCO m odule genera tes the ba sic the basic sawto o th, pulse (square) o r o ther waves required signa l, then pa sses it a long the signa l pa th to...
Page 11
AN1x Tone Generator Block Diagram CTRL LFO2 LFO1 MIX/ VCF EFFECT VOLUME VCO1 SYNC RING VARI MASTER SLAVE VCO2 NOISE FEEDBACK L PF , HPF , BPF , BEF — pag e 6 7 current tempo setting . The 8 Reverb effects include FEG —...
To avoid possible damage to the speakers or other connected electronic devices, before switching on the power of any device, make sure the AN1x’s [ VOLUME] level and the volume levels of the connected equipment are set to minimum positions.
Yo u can co nnect the AN 1 x to a MIDI data sto rag e The AN 1 x com es preprogra mm ed w ith device, such as the Yamaha MDF2 MIDI Data Filer, in demonstra tion songs w hich provide dyna m ic o rder to “...
Ba sic O pe ra tion Se le cting Voice s The AN 1 x co mes with 1 2 8 vo ices already prepro g rammed and You'll find the process of getting to k now the ready to play. N o t o nly are these vo ices first-rate and hig hly AN 1 x to be fun a nd inspiring—especia lly if you useful in their o wn rig ht, they fo rm a dynamic living example o f k eep a few funda m enta l things in mind a s you...
Voice Ca te gorie s Using The Controlle rs Vo ices can be o rg anized into Categ o ry types and The AN 1 x has vario us o n-bo ard co ntro llers which let yo u assig ned a two -letter Categ o ry co de during the vo ice co ntro l specific parameters in real-time as yo u play.
RI BBO N Controlle r W hen yo u set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the 5 th po sitio n (SEQ EDIT/ SETUP menu), the CO N TRO L kno bs will be The [RIBBO N ] co ntro ller lets yo u co ntro l two different dedicated to the event parameters o f the vario us steps assig nable parameters as yo u play.
AN 1 x Q uick Tour This section provides a “ ha nd’s on” journey through the k ey fea tures you’ll a ccess regula rly a s you select voices, tw ea k sounds a nd a djust settings for the va rious pa ra meters. Ex ploring The Fa ctor y- se t Voice s T aking the time to systematically explo re vario us aspects o f the 1 2 8 facto ry-set vo ices is an excellent way to g et a tho ro ug h understanding o f the AN 1 x’s so nic rang e and po wer.
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4 Turn the CO N TRO L k nobs. 8 Cha nge a rpeggio Tem po, Pa ttern Type, Subdivision, a nd Hold sta tus. Press a KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch and turn each CO N TRO L kno b as yo u play each Scene to T o speed up o r slo w do wn the Arpeg g iato r pattern hear ho w it affects the so und.
Se le cting Sce ne s Assigna ble Rea l-tim e Controllers Yo u can assig n specific parameters to the assig nable And Sce ne M orphing co ntro ller o f yo ur cho ice, including the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs, [MO DUL ATIO N ] wheel, [RIBBO N ] co ntro ller (X-axis and Z-axis) and keybo ard After T o uch, as well as (o ptio nal) The AN 1 x ’s Scene select a nd pla y functions offer...
Sce ne Control Scene Edit Buffers W hen yo u select a vo ice, the two Scenes are lo aded into the The Scene Co ntro l functio n lets yo u “ mo rph” , o r cro ss-fade Scene edit buffers.
Depending o n ho w different each Scene is, a co nsiderable Confirming Controller Assigned To Scene Control number o f parameters may g et chang ed simultaneo usly as Yo u can co nfirm at any time which co ntro ller is assig ned to yo u do the cro ss-fade.
Sce ne Loa d Function Se le cting La ye r M ode s The Scene L o ad functio n lets yo u lo ad Scene data fro m a The LAYER sw itch is used for selecting a La yer Scene in any vo ice to the co rrespo nding Scene in the mode from the six a va ila ble.
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MUSIC SEQUENCER independently across the MIDI OUT entire keyboard according to Rx Ch settings. MIDI IN AN1x Plays Scene 1 sound Plays Scene 2 sound Scene 1 range = MIDI ch. 1 SPLIT POINT Scene 2 range = MIDI ch. 2 In SPL IT mo de the AN 1 x is capable o f multitimbral play To select a Scene for MIDI channel assignment, simply press a [ SCENE] switch.
Por ta m e nto Pla y La yer Pa ra m eters The AN 1 x features L ayer parameters in the VO ICE SCEN E SETUP menu which let yo u detune the Uniso n o r Dual layers Po rtamento is an effect co mmo nly used in sing ing o r when when UN ISO N mo de o r DUAL mo de is selected, o r separate playing a bo wed instrument (g lissando ), where the so und...
Se tting Por ta me nto Time Se le cting Pa ra m e te r Groups Yo u can determine the Po rtamento time by pressing [PEG / L FO ] and turning CO N TRO L kno b 4 . The KN O B PARAM ETER GRO UP sw itches Sync Pitch Port Time...
Using The If the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch is set to po sitio ns 1 - 4 o r po sitio n 6 , when yo u select a vo ice the [ASSIG N ] switch CO N TRO L Knobs will auto matically be selected (the L ED beside it will lig ht), which means the g ro up o f parameters assig ned to the kno bs by the UTIL ITY SETUP menu Co ntro l functio n can be...
Assigning Pa ra m e te rs Step Sequencer Event Edit To Knobs If yo u set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the SEQ EDIT/ SETUP menu (po sitio n 5 ), o r if yo u select a vo ice when the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch is already set there, no L ED will be lit beside Yo u can assig n o ne o f many available Co ntro l Chang e a KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch, and turning a...
Using The Pa ne l Mode Ctrl Matrix Layer Unison VOICE SCENE SETUP Poly Port LFO Rst Set No Param Source Depth Separate Detune Edit M a trix VOICE Vari EF/ EQ Vari EF Dly / Rev EF Name Tempo Split Pnt Param Data...
3 . Edit the va rious tone genera tor pa ra m eters Editing Voice s for ea ch Scene, using the KN O B PARAM ETER GRO UP sw itches a nd CO N TRO L k nobs. If you’ve rea d through a ll the preceding KNOB PARAMETER GROUP sections, a nd especia lly if you’ve been trying out SYNC/ FM...
1 . V CO Edit CREATI N G O RI GI N AL V O I CES Pressing the [VCO 1 ] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch g ives yo u access to the main vo ltag e co ntro lled Fo llo wing is an o verview o f the key pro cedures required to o scillato r parameters, which let yo u select the basic build up yo ur o wn vo ices fro m scratch.
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Sy nc A lg o r i t hm 2 . V CF Edit Pressing the [SYN C/ FM] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP Pressing the [VCF] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch switch lets yo u use the CO N TRO L kno bs to access the g ives yo u access to the vo ltag e co ntro lled filter parameters which affect the "...
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Ri ng M o d ula to r, N o i se A nd M i x e r A m o d D e p t h A nd Ve l Se ns Pressing the [MIX/ VCF] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP CO N TRO L kno b 7 lets yo u adjust Amplitude switch lets yo u use CO N TRO L kno bs 1 -4 to determine Mo dulatio n Depth to create a tremo lo effect by using...
Store O pe ra tions Using The Arpe ggia tor The [STO RE] sw itch is used for performing Voice The Arpeggia tor lets you pla y a rpeggia ted chord Store opera tions. pa tterns a t the simple press of a k ey. There a re 3 0 a rpeggio pa ttern Types to choose from.
Arpe ggio Pa tte rn Type s The 3 0 arpeg g io pattern T ypes are selected by pressing T ype/ N o [UP/ DO W N ]. The available T ypes are basically divided into two g ro ups, separated cho rds (T ypes 1 -1 5 ), and special arpeg g io s (T ypes 1 6 -3 0 ).
“ scne 1 ” “ scne 2 ” Pla ying Arpe ggia te d Chords Trying o ut the vario us arpeg g io s is a lo t o f fun. T urn o n the Arpeg g io Ho ld functio n, play an even-numbered no te cho rd, and see ho w the different pattern T ypes and Subdivide setting s react.
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La yer mode = SPLIT If “ scne1 ” is selected and KbdMo de is set to “ chrd&no rm” , yo u can play arpeg g io s with Scene If KbdMo de is set to “ chrd” , yo u can play 1 to the left o f the Split Po int, and play no rmally arpeg g io s with Scene 1 to the left o f the Split Po int, with Scene 2 to the rig ht.
Pla y Effe ct Ve locity Ext. TG 2 Ext. TG 1 (Attack sound) (Pad sound) Press the Play Effect Velo city [UP/ DO W N ] switch to set Rcv. Ch2 Rcv. Ch1 the ratio between the lo wer and hig her velo city values o f the Arpeg g iato r pattern, o ver a rang e between 1 % Ptn TxCh2 MIDI TxCh1...
Ste p Se que nce r O n/ O ff Ste p Se que nce r Hold M ode s The Step Sequencer can o nly be activated when the Arp/ SEQ parameter (VO ICE ARPEG G IO / SEQ menu) is set Pressing Ho ld [UP/ DO W N ] lets yo u turn the SEQ Ho ld to “...
Voice Pa tte rn And All editing o f the pattern will o f co urse be taking place in the buffer. If yo u want, yo u can use SEQ Sto re Use r Pa tte rn Ba nk s [UP/ DO W N ] to sto re the edited pattern to any User Pattern bank memo ry (1 - 1 2 8 ).
Pla ying Ste p Se que nce r Pa tte rns The AN 1 x co mes with 1 2 8 Vo ice Patterns and 1 2 8 User Patterns ready to g o . All patterns can be o verwritten to sto re yo ur o wn.
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norm (N orm a l): L ets yo u play the Vo ice Pattern User Bank o f the currently selected vo ice at its base pitch fro m User Patterns (128) any key o n the keybo ard. Yo u can play reg ular no tes and cho rds acro ss the keybo ard while the sequence is lo o ping .
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Ba se Unit And Le ngth The Base Unit parameter, to g ether with the current T empo setting (see pag e 7 7 ) desig nates and co mpletes Knob Pattern Event 1-8 / 9 -16 Step Hold Bank Base Unit Length LoopType...
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Pla y Effe cts Ex ploring The Fa ctory-set Pa tterns The Play Effect (“ Play EF” ) parameters let yo u desig nate T o help g et a clearer understanding o f ho w the vario us Step Sequencer-related parameters and setting s wo rk, yo u may setting s which can permit the Step Sequencer pattern to want to take so me time and systematically examine the...
Knob Ev e nt Pa ra m e te rs Ste p Se que nce r Edit T o desig nate which type o f event to edit by the Creating yo ur o wn Step Sequencer patterns is a simple CO N TRO L kno bs, set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the and straig htfo rward pro cess.
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Ga te Tim e (1 ~ 2 0 0 %): L ets yo u determine the W hile Step Ho ld is active, yo u can press Event no te duratio n fo r the step. [UP/ DO W N ] to select the type o f event yo u want to edit, then turn the CO N TRO L kno b acco rding ly.
Ste p Se que nce r M I DI Storing Step Sequences O utput Depending o n whether the Step Sequencer is in Sing le Pattern Play o r Pattern Select Play status, yo u can do the fo llo wing : Yo u can use the MIDI Pattern Transmit Channel (“...
Using The Fre e EG The Free EG is extremely flexible. Yo u can reco rd each parameter in separate track passes, o r all tracks simultaneo usly in o ne pass. Yo u can specify the leng th o f The Free EG is a specia l 4 -tra ck recorder for time the Free EG will reco rd o r play back, either in recording rea l-tim e k nob position movements,...
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Loop Type: Tra ck Pa ra m e te rs Determines the type o f lo o p fo r play o f the Free EG sequence, either to play o nce but Tra ck N o (Tra ck N um ber): Selects a Free EG no t lo o p (“...
“ discrete” o n/ o ff Fo o tswitches (such as the Yamaha FC4 o r FC5 ). These can be used to co ntro l vario us AN 1 x functio ns as well as external MIDI devices.
Chang e parameter fo r the internal to ne g enerato r as fo r an external to ne g enerato r, o r different parameters fo r the internal and external to ne g enerato r. AN1x Tone Generator Utility Control Assign VOICE SCENE SETUP...
Source: Control M a trix Determines which co ntro ller (by Co ntro l Chang e number) is assig ned to co ntro l the co rrespo nding Parameter. Co ntro l Matrix parameters apply to the internal to ne g enerato r o nly.
This section provides a list of the ma ny AN 1 x pa ra meters a nd a description of ea ch for reference purposes. Check the CO N TEN TS or IN DEX to loca te the pa ge number of the pa ra meter you need. Pr o ce d ur e 2 Voice Se le ct 1 .
2 . Press a CO N TRO L k nob w ithout turning it. Knob Edit The parameter name, current value and a ho rizo ntal kno b data g raph will display in the L CD. A flashing The eight CO N TRO L k nobs let you edit va rious seg ment in the data g raph indicates the value po sitio n cha ra cteristics of ea ch voice in rea l-time.
5 . Store the edited voice. Edit M a rk W hen yo u’ ve co mpleted the editing pro cedure and wish to sto re the edited kno b parameters, yo u can sto re W hen a vo ice parameter is chang ed, the Edit mark will it as a new vo ice in any desired vo ice lo catio n (1 ~ display in reverse type in the L CD.
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PEG De ca y PEG De pth The PEG Decay setting determines the time required fo r The PEG Depth setting determines the pitch in a so und to reach its basic pitch fro m the PEG Depth semito nes. W hen PEG Decay (see abo ve) is set to a level while the key is held.
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Por t Tim e (Porta mento Time) Sine Wave Po rtamento is an effect co mmo nly used in sing ing o r when playing a bo wed instrument, where the so und is Sine carried in a co ntinuo us g lide fro m o ne no te (o r mo re) to the next, thro ug h all the intermediate pitches.
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Tri (Triangle) Wave Squ (Square) Wave Triangle Square Triangle Square Triangle Square180 Triangle180 Saw (Sawtooth) Wave Saw down Triangle180 Saw down Saw up Saw up...
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LFO 1 Dly s/h (Sample & Hold) Wave (LFO 1 Dela y) The L FO 1 Delay setting determines the delay time o f the mo dulatio n. T urning the kno b to the left results in sho rter L FO 1 Delay times, and turning it to the rig ht results in lo ng er Delay times.
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Algorithm Sync Pitch The Alg o rithm setting determines ho w the two VCO 1 The Sync Pitch setting determines the pitch o f the slave o scillato rs (master and slave) are co nnected in relatio n o scillato r in semito nes, available o nly when the Sync is to the FM sig nal.
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Settings: -6 4 ~ 0 ~ +6 3 This is a different type of parameter than that used in the Yamaha DX-series FM synthesizers. Too deep of a setting will change the pitch of the voice. Adjust the pitch using the VCO1 Pitch and Fine parameters ( see pages 6 1 , 6 2 ) .
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sa w 2 (Sa w tooth2 ) V CO 1 The spectrum o f the saw2 wave is created by a sawto o th W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] is wave co mbined with a pulse wave, and therefo re is slig htly different than the saw1 wave.
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Fine (Pulse W idth) The Fine (fine tune) setting determines the pitch o f the The PW setting determines the width o f the VCO 1 VCO 1 in 1 -cent steps o ver a rang e o f 1 0 0 cents, o r pulse wave.
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PW M Src V CO 2 (Pulse W idth M odula tion Source) W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 2 ] is The PW M so urce setting selects the so urce wave which selected, the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs will access specific chang es the VCO 1 ’s pulse width o ver time, thus Vo ltag e Co ntro lled O scillato r 2 -related parameters, determining the behavio r o f the pulse width.
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Susta in V CF The Sustain setting determines the level o f sustain o f the W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCF] is FEG , which is the fixed level o f the cuto ff frequency selected, the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs will access specific maintained as lo ng as the key is held.
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V CF Cutoff FEG De pth The VCF Cuto ff setting determines the cuto ff frequency The FEG Depth setting determines the rang e o f o f the VCF . The value set here is related to the assig ned mo vement o f the cuto ff frequency.
Ring M od M I X / V CF (M ix er/ VCF) (Ring M odula tor Level) The Ring Mo dulato r setting co ntro ls the balance o f the W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [MIX/ VCF] is Ring Mo dulato r level in relatio n to the VCO 1 , VCO 2 , selected, the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs will access specific N o ise, and VCA Feedback levels.
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(High Pa ss Filter Cutoff) The Band Pass Filter passes o nly tho se frequencies in the The HPF setting determines the cuto ff frequency o f the specified rang e, with a cuto ff curve o f 1 2 dB/ o ctave. Hig h Pass Filter.
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Fm od De pth V CA (Filter M odulation Depth) The Filter Mo dulatio n Depth setting determines the W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCA] is depth o f the filter mo dulatio n o f the VCF by the L FO 1 . selected, the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs will access specific Filter Mo dulatio n adds a cyclical chang e to the filter Vo ltag e Co ntro lled Amplifier-related parameters.
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Susta in Fe e dba ck The Sustain setting determines the level o f sustain o f the The Feedback setting determines the level o f feedback AEG , which is the level at which the vo lume will be o utput fro m the VCA and “...
Am od De pth ASSI GN (Amplitude M odula tion Depth) W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [ASSIG N ] is The Amplitude Mo dulatio n Depth setting determines the selected, each o f the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs can be used depth o f the amplitude mo dulatio n o f the VCA by the as an individual co ntro ller fo r specified Co ntro l Chang e L FO 1 .
Pa ne l Pa ra m e te r Edit Proce dure Edit The pro cedure fo r editing a vo ice is o utlined belo w. 1 . Select a voice using the PRO GRAM CHAN GE The AN 1 x ’s m a trix of pa nel Edit pa ra meters k eypa d.
5 . Select a nother pa ra m eter a nd set the va lue Edit Pa ra m e te rs for it. Repeat steps 3 and 4 , abo ve, to select and set o ther Follow ing is a description of ea ch pa ra m eter in parameters in the same menu.
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LFO Rst (LFO Reset) The L FO Reset mo de setting determines the start po int o f the L FO 1 and L FO 2 cycle. Settings: poly: Yo u can play maximum 1 0 no tes po lypho ny when L ayer mo de is set to SIN G L E.
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Se t N o (Set N um ber) Convenient Pa ra m eter Control The Set N umber parameter lets yo u select Pitch Bend Pitch Up and Do wn, the number o f the Set (1 -1 6 ), and Yo u can use the Co ntro l Matrix sets to assig n a sing le co ntro ller to co ntro l mo re than o ne parameter, o r multiple Co mmo n (1 and 2 ) parameter assig nments.
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Fo r co ntro lling Control Signal Flow with the Ribbo n co ntro ller Z-axis (push), and/ o r by inco ming AN1x Tone Generator MIDI messag es with the same Co ntro l Chang e number as assig ned to the RbZ.
Page 76
If Pa n setting = “ a lt” or “ rnd” : La ye r • The Separate setting adjusts the Pan separatio n rang e. L ayer parameter setting s apply to the selected L ayer Hig her values result in a wider separatio n. W hen the mo de, and affect bo th Scenes.
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Split Pnt V O I CE CO M M O N (Split Point) The Split Po int setting determines the no te at which the This menu includes parameters co mmo n to the vo ice (bo th keybo ard divides into lo wer (Scene 1 ) and upper Scenes) including T empo fo r Arpeg g iato r and Step (Scene 2 ) zo nes fo r Split mo de play (SPL IT/ SPL IT Sequencer, plus Effect-related setting s and vo ice naming...
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D a t a Setting the Equa lizer The Data parameter lets yo u select the Variatio n Effect type and chang e data values o f the selected effect o r 1 . Press Pa ra m [UP/ DOW N ] to select a n EQ pa ra meter.
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Dly/ Re v EF (Dela y/ Reverb Effect) Setting Dela y a nd Reverb Delay/ Reverb Effect setting s determine the Delay and 1 . Press the low er a rea of the Pa ra m [UP/ DOW N ] Reverb effect types and data setting s.
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EF Bypa ss N a m e (Effect Bypa ss) Effect Bypass setting s let yo u bypass specific effects, N ame parameters let yo u select a vo ice Categ o ry and which is co nvenient when creating an o rig inal vo ice. up to ten characters to g ive a custo mized name to yo ur Bypassed effects will no t be applied to the o rig inal edited vo ice.
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V O I CE FREE EG N a m ing A Voice This menu includes Track Reco rding and o ther parameters 1 . Press the low er a rea of the Cursor [UP/ DOW N ] sw itch to position the cursor a t the voice relating to the Free EG functio n.
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When set to “ bar” , the Free EG record and play time is determined by the Tempo Triggering The Free EG W ith Pa tterns setting in the VOICE COMMON menu. This synchronizes the Free EG movement with the Arpeggiator or Step Sequencer. The Free EG can be used in co njunctio n with the Arpeg g iato r o r Step Sequencer.
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Tr a ck N o Tra ck Job (Tra ck N umber) The Track N umber parameter lets yo u select the Free Track J o b parameters let yo u reco rd a selected Free EG EG track. track, perfo rm track co py o peratio ns and undo / redo a Free EG reco rding o r co py o peratio n.
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In Record Standby mode, Length and Track Number parameters are available, Copy Procedure but others cannot be accessed. ( Also, MIDI control will be ineffective.) 1 . Press Tra ck N o [UP/ DOW N ] to select the tra ck to In Record Standby mode or during recording, you can stop the record operation w hich you w a nt to copy Free EG da ta to by turning the [ EDIT ROTARY] switch, and return to the REC OFF status.
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A r p / SEQ V O I CE ARPEGGI O / SEQ (Arpeggia tor/ Sequencer) The Arp/ SEQ setting desig nates either the Arpeg g iato r This menu includes co mmo n and specific parameters o r the Step Sequencer to play when the related to the Arpeg g iato r and Step Sequencer.
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Settings: W hen Arp/ SEQ is set to Step Sequencer: W hen Arp/ SEQ is set to Arpeggio: Arp 0 1 ~ 3 0 norm (N orma l): Fo r trig g ering the Vo ice Pattern o f the currently selected vo ice at its base pitch fro m any key o n the Yo u can select o ne Arpeg g io pattern fro m the 3 0 keybo ard, and playing the vo ice no rmally acro ss the...
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sel& shift (Select & Shift): Playing a key to the left o f the Sce ne Sw (Scene Sw itch) Split Po int will trig g er (“ select” ) a specific User Pattern, and The Scene Switch setting desig nates which Scene the playing keys to the rig ht o f the Split Po int will shift the pitch o f Arpeg g iato r o r Step Sequencer pattern will play.
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Arpe ggio Subdiv ide Ve lo ci t y The Velo city parameter sets the ratio between the lo wer The Arpeg g io Subdivide parameter lets yo u desig nate and hig her velo city values o f the Arpeg g iato r o r Step the timing subdivisio n (reso lutio n) value fo r the Sequencer pattern, o ver a rang e between 1 % and Arpeg g iato r pattern.
1 - 8 / 9 - 1 6 SEQ EDI T/ SETUP This parameter lets yo u desig nate which series o f steps This menu includes parameters and setting s related to (1 -8 o r 9 -1 6 ) are available fo r data entry using the creatio n and play o f Step Sequencer patterns.
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Pa tte rn Sequence Pa tterns a nd Ba nk s Pattern parameters let yo u desig nate which pattern to W hen yo u select a vo ice which has the Co mmo n KbdMo de play by the Step Sequencer, as well as set timing parameter set to “...
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Ba se Uni t Ct r l N o (Control N um ber) The Base Unit parameter desig nates the timing The Co ntro l N umber setting determines the type o f reso lutio n fo r the sequence pattern. This, to g ether with MIDI Co ntro l Chang e which can be o utput upo n the current T empo setting (see pag e 7 7 ), determines the sequencer play.
2 . Press [YES/ EN TER] to ex ecute the Sequence Kb d Tr a ns (Keyboa rd Tra nspose) Store opera tion. The LCD returns to the The Keybo ard Transpo se parameter determines the Pa ttern Ba nk / N um ber displa y. transpo sitio n setting fo r the keybo ard in semito nes.
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soft2 : This curve also increases the vo lume level with a so fter M I DI playing style, but is clo ser to the N o rmal curve co mpared to MIDI parameters are related to transmissio n and So ft1 .
Page 94
AN 1 x data to an external o r when transmitting and receiving System Exclusive MIDI data sto rag e device (such as the Yamaha MDF2 messag es. Bo th devices sho uld be set to the same MIDI Data Filer) o r ano ther AN 1 x.
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2 . Press [YES/ EN TER] to initia te the bulk dump. Ctrl (Control) W hen the opera tion is finished, “ End” w ill a ppea r briefly in the LCD, w hich w ill then return Co ntro l parameters let yo u desig nate the type o f to its prior displa y.
Press Ctrl N o [UP/ DOW N ] to select the control Voice Re ca ll function. The control function na me a ppea rs beside the a va ila ble control numbers. If you edit a voice a nd then ina dvertently select a nother voice before storing the edited voice, you ca n retrieve the edited da ta using the Voice Reca ll function.
4 . Press [YES/ EN TER] to initia lize the voice Voice I nitia lize da ta . The Voice Initia lize function lets you "reset" a OTHERS voice to its initia l setting, w hich is ha ndy w hen you w a nt to crea te a voice from "scra tch".
[ NO] . location will be overwritten, so be sure to save all important voices beforehand to an external MIDI data storage device such as the Yamaha MDF2 MIDI Data Filer. 4 . Press [YES/ EN TER] to ex ecute the Voice You can recall all factory voices at any time ( see page 1 0 0 ) .
Sce ne Store Scene Select Scene Sto re is handy fo r sto ring the kno b po sitio n setting s After selecting a vo ice, press [SCEN E 1 ] o r [SCEN E 2 ] to created during Scene Co ntro l to o ne o f the [SCEN E] select the desired scene.
Fa ctor y Se ttings Yo u can recall all o f the o rig inal vo ices, plus scene, Step Sequencer, system, MIDI, and o ther parameter setting s which were pro g rammed at the facto ry. This operation resets the settings in memory, so be sure to offload any important data first to a MIDI data storage device before execution.
Voice Cre a tion Ex a m ple s Follow ing a re ex a mples for crea ting some of the most common synthesizer sounds, including Synth Ba ss, Strings, Electric Pia no, Electronic O rga n, Synth Bra ss a nd Synth Lea d. Ta k ing the tim e to w ork through the simple steps to crea te ea ch w ill give you a deeper understa nding of how the va rious tone genera tor pa ra m eters w ork together, a s w ell a s how to pra ctica lly a pply the Control M a trix .
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1 0 . Apply vibra to to the voice. Strings Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] and First let’s crea te the funda menta l sound… press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Pmo d Depth (Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth) parameter in the L CD.
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8 . Set the velocity sensitivity of the VCA. Yo u can co ntro l the vibrato o f the VCO 1 by mo ving the Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCA], then [MO DUL ATIO N ] wheel. T o further define the rang e o f press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Vel Sens vibrato co ntro l, press Depth [UP/ DO W N ] to set a (Velo city Sensitivity) parameter in the L CD.
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6 . Set the VCF cutoff for a m ellow EP sound. Ele ctric Pia no In the [VCF] g ro up, turn CO N TRO L kno b 5 to set the First let’s crea te the funda menta l sound… VCF Cuto ff parameter to a value o f abo ut “...
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1 2 . Use the Control M a trix to control the Sync Ele ctronic O rga n Pitch by k ey tra ck ing. First let’s crea te the funda menta l sound… W ith key tracking yo u can mello w o ut the Sync Pitch in the upper rang e and bring o ut the g rit in the lo wer rang e.
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N ex t let’s tw ea k a few pa ra meters to a dd ex tra Synth Bra ss control over a nd dimension to the sound… First let’s crea te the funda menta l sound… 5 . Set up the [M O DULATIO N ] w heel to control the speed of the rota ry spea k er.
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6 . Apply vibra to to the voice. Synth Le a d Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] and First let’s crea te the funda menta l sound… press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Pmo d Depth (Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth) parameter in the L CD.
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7 . Thick en the sound w ith Unison pla y. Press the [L AYER] switch o nce to select the Uniso n mo de. (“ UN ISO N ” appears acco rding ly in the rig ht area o f the L CD.) This pro duces a much thicker so und when yo u play, stacking up five so unds with each no te.
About M I DI M IDI is a n a cronym tha t sta nds for M usica l Instrument Digita l Interfa ce, w hich a llow s electronic m usica l instrum ents to comm unica te w ith ea ch other, by sending a nd receiving compa tible N ote, Control Cha nge, Progra m Cha nge a nd va rious other types of M IDI da ta , or messa ges.
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Pa n ( Co nt r o l # 0 1 0 ) Ef fe ct1 D e p t h ( Re v e r b ) ( Co nt r o l # 0 9 1 ) Messag es which co ntro l the stereo panning po sitio n o f each vo ice (fo r stereo o utput).
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Cha nnel M ode M essa ges 2 . SYSTEM M ESSAGES The fo llo wing Channel Mo de Messag es can be received. System messag es are the data related to the o verall system o f the device. 2nd BYTE 3rd BYTE MESSAGE All Sounds Off Reset All Controllers...
Co nfirm the size o f the transmitted data. sto rag e device and have the battery chang ed by yo ur lo cal Yamaha dealer o r any o ther autho rized Yamaha Chek Sum Error service perso nnel.
Trouble shooting Follow ing is a list of troubleshooting hints a nd pa ge references for som e com mon problems you ma y encounter during opera tion. Usua lly, most problems a re simply the result of incorrect settings. Before ca lling a professiona l service representa tive, refer to the throubleshooting a dvice below to see if you ca n identify a nd correct the ca use of the problem.
Bla nk Cha rt Voice No. Voice Name Common Layer Unison SCENE SELECT PORTAMENTO LAYER ARPEGGIO/SEQ Dly/Rev Connection Separate Detune Tempo Split Pnt Variation Effect Type 3 Band Equalizer Delay Effect Type Reverb Type Effect Effect Effect Effect 3 Band Equalizer Type Type Type...
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Voice Scene Setup Mode Poly Port LFO Rst Scene Control Matrix Ctrl Matrix Ctrl Matrix Set No Param Source Depth Set No Param Source Depth Pitch Up Set 9 Pitch Down Set 10 Set 1 Set 11 Set 2 Set 12 Set 3 Set 13 Set 4...
Ow ner’s M anual, Data List Book, AC Adaptor ( PA-3 B) Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual are information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves the right to change or modify products or specifications at any time without prior notice. Since...
Page 117
I nde x easy (Kbd Vel)..................9 3 Edg e (VCO 1 , VCO 2 ) ..............6 2 AEG ....................3 2 Edit (Co arse/ Fine) ................2 6 Alg o rithm..................3 1 , Edit Mark..................5 4 , Amo d Depth (VCA) ................7 0 Edit, Panel Parameter................7 1 Amplifiers ..................1 0 Edit, Step Sequencer ................4 4...
Page 118
Po rt (Mo de) ................2 5 , Po rt Time (PEG / L FO ) ..............2 5 , L ayer (VO ICE SCEN E SETUP) ............7 6 Po rtamento Play ................2 4 L ayer Mo des ..................2 2 PO RT AMEN TO switch ..............2 4 L AYER switch..................2 2 PO W ER switch ..................7 L CD ....................1 7...
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T empo ....................7 7 T o ne G enerato r ................1 0 Track ..................4 8 , Track Co mmo n ................4 7 , Track J o b ..................4 9 , Track N o ..................4 8 , Triang le W ave (L FO 1 W ave) ............5 7 Trig g er..................4 7 , Tro ublesho o ting ................1 1 3 T ype/ N o (Arpeg g iato r) ..............3 4 ,...
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For details of products, please contact your nearest Yamaha or the Die Einzelheiten zu Produkten sind bei Ihrer unten aufgeführten Nie- authorized distributor listed below. derlassung und bei Yamaha Vertragshändlern in den jeweiligen Bestimmungsländern erhältlich. Pour plus de détails sur les produits, veuillez-vous adresser à Yamaha ou au distributeur le plus proche de vous figurant dans la liste suivante.
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If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the your local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Corporation of America, Electronic Service Division, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620 The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries.
Page 122
This Product should be used only with the components supplied or; a cart, rack, or stand that is recommended by Yamaha. If a cart, etc., is This Product may also use "household" type batteries. Some of these used, please observe all safety markings and instructions that ac- may be rechargeable.
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