1. Preparing 1.1. Pre-requisites 1. Prepare an image compressed file. Its name will be like Ubuntu_18.04_{OS_IF}.{PLF_IF}.{PJ_IF}.{BN}.tar.gz {OS_IF} is OS Information; e.g. UB1804Xwhich UB means Ubuntu, 1804 means Ubuntu 18.04 and X means Desktop version. {PLF_IF} is Platform Information; e.g.NV04 III. {PJ_IF} is Project Information;...
1.2. In Linux Host 1. Unzip image compression file on Ubuntu Host PC. $tar -zxvf Ubuntu_18.04_{OS_IF}.{PLF_IF}.{PJ_IF}.{BN}.tar.gz 2. Connect Host PC and BOXER-8250AI via micro USB. 3. Connect the BOXER-8250AI to power supply. 4. Press and hold down the recovery key and then press the power key. After 2 seconds, release the recovery key.
2. To Flash Image 2.1. Flash Image to Board 1. Type [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [t] to open terminal on Ubuntu Host PC. 2. Enter the bootloader folder that you unzip. 3. Execute script to flash image. $ sudo ./flashall.sh 4.