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HP 64147 7750/51 Emulator Terminal Interface User’s Guide HP Part No. 64147-97000 Printed in Japan April 1995 Edition 1...
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Hewlett-Packard Company. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HP is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. UNIX is a registered trademark in United States and other countries, licenced exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
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Printing History New editions are complete revisions of the manual. The date on the title page changes only when a new edition is published. A software code may be printed before the date; this indicates the version level of the software product at the time the manual was issued. Many product updates and fixes do not require manual changes, and manual corrections may be done without accompanying product changes.
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Using This Manual This manual is designed to give you an introduction to the HP64147A 7750/51 Series Emulator. This manual will also help define how these emulators differ from other HP 64700 Emulators. This manual will: give you an introduction to using the emulator...
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Chapter 2 A brief introduction to using the HP 64147A 7750/51 Series Emulator. You will load and execute a short program, and make some measurements using the emulation analyzer.
....1-3 Features of the 7750/51 Series Emulator ....1-3 Clock Speed .
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Restriction of the Analyzer ....2-31 Using the 7750/51 Series Emulator In-Circuit Installing the Target System Probe ....3-2 Installing the Target System Probe .
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......A-6 Synchronized measurements ....A-6 7750/51 Series Emulator Specific Command Syntax CONFIG_ITEMS .
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Summary ......B-9 Illustrations Figure 1-1. HP 64147 Emulator for MELPS 7750/51 Series ..1-2 Figure 2-1. Connecting the Emulation Pod ....2-2 Figure 2-2.
Purpose of the 7750/51 Series Emulator Features of the 7750/51 Series Emulator Purpose of the The HP 64147A 7750/51 Series Emulator is designed to replace the MELPS 7700/50/51 Series microprocessor in your target system so you 7750/51 Series can control operation of the processor in your application hardware Emulator (usually referred to as the target system).
Emulator Clock Speed The HP 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator can run with no wait state up to 25 MHz. When clock is faster than 16 MHz, you can use the emulator with one of the following methods. Insert one wait state by the RDY signal. The emulator can be configured to generate the RDY signal.
1/8/16/25 MHz. This emulation pods can be used with target system clock from 1 up to 25 MHz. Emulation memory The HP 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator is used with one of the following Emulation Memory Cards. HP 64726A 128K byte Emulation Memory Card...
The foreground monitor occupies processor memory space and executes as if it were part of your program. Register Display and You can display or modify the 7750/51 Series internal register contents. This includes the ability to modify the program counter (PC) Modification and the program bank register (PG) values so you can control where the emulator starts a program run.
Upgrades hardware without disassembling the HP 64700B Card Cage. This means that you’ll be able to update product firmware, if desired, without having to call an HP field representative to your site. 1-6 Introduction...
Limitations, Restrictions Clock Speed Maximum clock speed of HP 64147A 7750/51 emulator is 25MHz. This emulator does not support any operation with clock faster than 25MHz. Access to Internal Modifying internal RAM or SFR suspends user program execution. Trace Internal RAM Read data from the internal RAM or SFR is not traced correctly by the emulation analyzer.
Stack Address In some versions of 7720 microprocessor, the stack can be located in Bank FF. However, the HP 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator does not support the feature. The stack must be located in Bank 0. Evaluation Chip Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of the problem caused by the Evaluation chip in the emulator.
Introduction This chapter will lead you through a basic, step by step tutorial that shows how to use the HP 64147A emulator for the 7750/51 Series microprocessor. When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to perform these tasks:...
Before beginning the tutorial presented in this chapter, you must have completed the following tasks: 1. Completed Hardware installation Complete hardware installation of the HP 64700 emulator in configuration you intend to use for your work: – Standalone configuration – Transparent configuration –...
If you have properly completed steps above, you should be able to hit <RETURN> (or <ENTER> on some keyboards) and get a prompt on your terminal screen. If you do not see any prompt, retrace your steps through the hardware and software installation procedures outlined in the manuals above, verifying all connections and procedural steps.
Using the various features of the emulator, we will show you how to load this program into emulation memory, execute it, monitor the program’s operation with the analyzer, and simulate entry of different commands utilizing the memory access commands provided by the HP 64700 command set. Getting Started 2-5...
- processor specific grammar - system commands emul - emulation commands - highlevel commands (hp internal use only) - analyzer trace commands - all command groups You can type the ? symbol instead of typing help. For example, if you want a list of commands in the emul command group, type: R>...
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- data is received from the 64000. file name format is: <filename>:<userid>:absolute Becoming Familiar A number of prompts are used by the HP 64700 Series emulators. Each of them has a different meaning, and contains information about the with the System status of the emulator before and after the commands execute.
Using the Emulation Status Command (es) for Description of Current Prompt When using the emulator, you will notice that the prompt changes after entering certain commands. If you are not familiar with a new prompt and would like information about that prompt only, enter the es (emulation status) command for more information about the current status.
Set Up the Proper Emulation Configuration Set Up Emulation To set the emulator’s configuration values to the proper state for this tutorial, do this: Conditions 1. Type: R> cf You should see the following configuration items displayed: cf chip=7702M2 cf isfr=0..07f cf iram=080..27f cf irom=0c000..0ffff cf ipmr=05e...
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Valid <chip_name> are listed in Processor Support List for HP MELPS emulators. The default <chip_name> 7702M2 is applied to M37702M2 and M37703M2 processors. Refer to the Processor Support List for HP MELPS emulators to know Note chip name and support processors. If you would like to know whether your microprocessor is supported or not in latest version of Terminal Interface, contact your local HP sales representative.
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To enable break conditions that are currently disabled, type: R> bc -e <breakpoint type> To disable break conditions that are currently enabled, type: R> bc -d <breakpoint type> For example, if typing bc gives the following list of break conditions: bc -d bp #disable bc -e rom #enable bc -d bnct #disable...
Map Memory The emulation memory can be configured as you desire. You can define emulation memory as emulation RAM, emulation ROM, target RAM, target ROM or guarded memory. We will use the default mapping for this sample program. To see the default mapping, type: R>...
Transfer Code into Emulation Memory From a Terminal in To transfer code into emulation memory from a data terminal running in standalone mode, you must use the modify memory commands. Standalone This is necessary because you have no host computer transfer facilities Configuration to automatically download the code for you (as if you would if you were using the transparent configuration or the remote configuration.)
-o (from other port) option. First, you must establish communications with your host computer through the transparent mode link provided in the HP 64700. Type: R> xp -e If you then press <RETURN> a few times, you should see:...
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This is the login prompt for an HP-UX host system. (Your prompt may differ depending on how your system manager has configured your system.) Log in to your host system. Disable the transparent mode so that your terminal will talk directly to the emulator. Type: $ <ESC>g xp -d...
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At this point you should examine a portion of memory to verify that your code was loaded correctly. Type: R> m 0c000..0c047 You should see: 000c000..000c00f a2 7f 02 9a f8 42 a9 00 42 8d 00 01 ad 00 01 c9 000c010..000c01f 00 f0 f9 e2 10 a2 00 a0 20 42 9d 00 02 e8 88 d0 000c020..000c02f f8 c2 10 c9 41 f0 06 c9 42 f0 06 80 0e a9 11 a2 000c030..000c03f 00 d0 80 0c a9 11 a2 11 d0 80 05 a9 0f a2 22 d0...
Looking at Your Now that you have loaded your code into emulation memory, you can display it in mnemonic format. Before displaying memory in Code mnemonic format, you need to tell the emulator what value of M flag and X flag should be used to disassemble the memory contents. This is needed because the length of operand is variable according to M flag and X flag.
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When the inverse assembler encounters the following instruction, the mx command is set up automatically. SEP X CLP X SEP M CLP M In the above example, the mx command is set up as following: SEM (0c004) mx -m1 -x0 SEP X (0c013) mx -m1 -x1 CLP X (0c021) mx -m1 -x0 When you display memory in mnemonic format without specifying the...
The emulator changes state from background to foreground and begins running the sample program from location 0c000 hex. The default number base for address and data values within HP 64700 Note is hexadecimal. Other number bases may be specified. Refer to the HP 64700 User’s Reference manual for further details.
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Let’s look at the registers to verify that the stack pointer was properly initialized. Type: U> reg You will see: reg pg=00 pc=c00c ps=0023 dt=00 sp=027f a=ff00 b=0000 x=027f y=0017 dpr=0000 Notice that sp contains 27f hex. Verify that the input area command byte was cleared during initialization.
When you modify/display internal RAM or SFR, the emulator breaks Note into the monitor, and the monitor program reads the contents of memory. This is because the emulator uses internal RAM and SFR of emulation processor to perform emulation. Note that user program execution is suspended to modify/diplay internal RAM or SFR.
You will see: 000c003 - TXS PC = 000c004 reg pg=00 pc=c004 ps=0021 dt=00 sp=027f a=ff00 b=0000 x=027f y=0021 dpr=0000 When the you use the s command, the disassembled mnemonic Note displayed may not be accurate. You need to set up mx command before using the s command to see the correct mnemonic.
For more information on easy and complex analyzer configurations and the analyzer, refer to the HP 64700 Analyzer User’s Guide and the User’s Reference manual. Now let’s use the emulation analyzer to trace execution of the program.
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Let’s change the data format of the trace display so that you will see the output message writes displayed in ASCII format: M> tf addr,h data,a mne count,r seq Start the trace by typing: M> t You will see: Emulation trace started To start the emulation run, type: M>...
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Line addr,H data,A M37750/51 Mnemonic,H count,R ----- ------ ------ ------------------------------------ --------- 00021e xx00H data write 56.00 uS 00021f 00xxH data write 56.00 uS 000200 4854H data write 134.0 uS 000202 5349H data write 18.00 uS 000204 4920H data write 18.00 uS 000206 2053H data write...
Predefined Status Equates Common values for the status trace signals have been predefined. One of these equates "write" was used in the above example. You can see these equates with the following command. U> equ ### Equates ### equ bg=0x1xxxxxxy equ byte=0xx1x1x1xy equ cpu=0xx11xxxxy equ data=0xx1x10xxy...
ROM. You can, however, copy target ROM into emulation memory by cim command when you are using the background monitor. (Refer to HP 64700 Terminal Interface User’s Reference manual.) Note When internal RAM is mapped as emulation memory, defining software breakpoints in this area is not allowed.
###BREAKPOINT FEATURE IS ENABLED### bp 000c040 #disabled Searching The HP 64700 Emulator provides you with tools that allow you to search memory for data strings or numeric expressions. For example, Memory for you might want to know exactly where a string is loaded. To locate the Strings or position of the string "THIS IS MESSAGE A"...
M> ser -db 0c000..0c047=0f0 pattern match at address: 000c011 pattern match at address: 000c025 pattern match at address: 000c029 Making Program In testing your program, you will often want to verify that all possible code segments are executed. With the sample program, we might want Coverage to verify that all of the code is executed if a command "A", command Measurements...
Trace Analysis Considerations Restriction of the There is a restriction on the function of the emulation analyzer. It cannot trace the data which is read from internal RAM or SFR area. Analyzer Such data always appears ff hex in the trace listing. This is because the emulator uses the internal RAM and SFR of emulation processor to perform emulation.
Using the 7750/51 Series Emulator In-Circuit When you are ready to use the HP 64147A 7750/51 Series Emulator in conjunction with actual target system hardware, there are some special considerations you should keep in mind. installing the emulator probe properly configure the emulator We will cover the first topic in this chapter.
Power Down Target System. Turn off power to the user target system and to the HP 64147A 7750/51 Series Emulator before inserting the user plug to avoid circuit damage resulting from voltage transients or mis-insertion of the user plug.
System Probe 1. Set up the switches inside the emulation pod. When you are using the HP 64146-61002 emulation pod, refer to the 7750/51 Series Emulation Pod User’s Guide. When you are using an other emulation pod, refer to the manual provided with your emulation pod.
When your target system uses 64 pin shrink DIP socket, use the adapter as shown in figure 3-2. Figure 3-2. Installing the Probe to SDIP64 Socket 3-4 In-Circuit Emulation...
Running the You can specify that the 7750/51 emulator begins execution from target system reset. To specify a run from target system reset, enter the Emulation from following command: Target Reset R>r rst Now, you can see T> system prompt. When the target system RESET line becomes active and then inactive, the 7750/51 emulator will start reset sequence as actual microprocessor.
Configuring the 7750/51 Series Emulator In this chapter, we will discuss: how to configure the HP 64700 emulator for 7750/51 Series microprocessor to fit your particular measurement needs. some restrictions of HP 64700 emulator for 7750/51 Series microprocessor. Types of Emulator...
Measurements 64700 emulators connected via the CMB (Coordinated Measurement Bus). These commands are covered in the HP 64700 CMB User’s Guide and in the HP 64700 Terminal Interface: User’s Reference manual. Analyzer The analyzer configuration commands are those commands which actually specify what type of measurement the analyzer is to make.
Emulation As noted before, these commands determine how the emulation processor will interact with the emulator’s memory and the target Processor to system during an emulation measurement. Emulator/Target System The cf command defines how the emulation processor will respond to certain target system signals.
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You need to select "other" for this item, if your processor is listed in the Processor Support List for HP MELPS emulators but is not found in ? cf chip command. In this case, you should set up proper value for cf isfr, cf iram, cf irom, cf ipmr, and cf rsp by yourself.
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When there is no SFR in your processor, you should select "none" to this configuration item. Executing this command will drive the emulator into the reset state. Note cf iram The iram (internal RAM) configuration item defines the location of internal RAM area.
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cf irom The irom (internal ROM) configuration item defines the location of internal ROM area. This item is automatically set up by cf chip command. Therefore, you Note don’t have to set up this item when your processor can be specified by cf chip command.
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M> cf ipmr=<address> You can specify the address of processor mode register by above command. This configuration item is needed to manage the processor mode. Note Note that the address is correctly specified, when you set up this configuration item by yourself. Executing this command will drive the emulator into the reset state.
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You may need to set up a switch inside the emulation pod in addition to Note this configuration. Refer to the manual provided with your emulation pod. Executing this command will drive the emulator into the reset state. Note cf mon The mon (monitor) configuration item allows you to choose between a foreground monitor supplied by you or the background monitor supplied with the emulator.
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You can select the emulator’s internal clock using the above command. The clock is provided from the circuit in the emulation pod. In the case of HP 64146-61002 emulation pod, the internal clock speed is 1/8/16/25 MHz. When you use an emulation pod with clock faster than...
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M> cf clk=ext You can specify that the emulator should use the clock input to the emulator probe from the target system as the system clock. The HP 64147A 7750/51 emulator can only operate rightly with clock input from 1 up to 25MHz. And you must use a clock input conforming to the specifications for the 7750/51 Series microprocessor.
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M> cf int=dis The emulator won’t respond to interrupts from the target system. If you are using the background monitor, the emulator does not accept any interrupt during background execution. Edge sensed interrupts occurred during in background is latched only the last one, and this interrupt will occur when context is changed to foreground.
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cf rush The rush configuration item enables/disables the high speed access mode of the emulator. M> cf rush=dis You can disable the high speed access mode with the above command. When you disable the high speed access mode: You can define up to 16 different map terms which can be placed wherever you like.
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You can enable the watch dog timer with above command. cf rsp The rsp (reset stack pointer) configuration item allows you to specify a value to which the stack pointer and stack page register will be set upon the transition from emulation reset into the emulation monitor. This item is automatically set up by cf chip command.
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cf rrt The rrt (restrict to real time) option lets you configure the emulator so that commands which cause the emulator to break to monitor and return to the user program will be rejected by the emulator command interpreter. M> cf rrt=en You can restrict the emulator to accepting only commands which don’t cause temporary breaks to the monitor by entering the above command.
cf tdma The tdma (trace DMA cycles) configuration item defines whether or not the emulator traces DMA cycles. M> cf tdma=en When you enable this item with the above command, each time DMA performed, one emulation analyzer state will be generated to recognize the DMA cycle.
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You use the map command to define memory ranges and types for the emulator. The HP 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator memory mapper allows you to define up to 16 different map terms; each map term has a minimum size of 256 bytes. If you specify a value less than 256 byte, the emulator will automatically allocate an entire block.
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As you can see, the mapper rounded up the second term to 256 bytes block, since those are minimum size blocks supported by the HP 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator. When you use background monitor, the emulator occupies 2K byte,...
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You cannot map internal RAM and SFR as guarded (grd). Note You should map all memory ranges used by your programs before Note loading programs into memory. This helps safeguard against loads which accidentally overwrite earlier loads if you follow a map/load procedure for each memory range.
RAM or SFR. Therefore, user program is suspended when modifying internal RAM or SFR. For further information on mapping, refer to the examples in earlier chapters of this manual and to the HP 64700 Terminal Interface User’s Reference manual. Break Conditions The bc command lets you configure the emulator’s response to various...
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Trigger Signals The HP 64700 emulator provides four different trigger signals which allow you to selectively start or stop measurements depending on the signal state. These are the bnct (rear panel BNC input), cmbt (CMB trigger input), trig1 and trig2 signals (provided by the analyzer).
Limitations and Considerations Clock Speed Maximum clock speed of HP 64147A 7750/51 emulator is 25MHz. This emulator does not support any operation with clock faster than 25MHz. Access to Internal Modifying internal RAM or SFR suspends user program execution. Trace Internal RAM Read data from the internal RAM or SFR is not traced correctly by the emulation analyzer.
High Speed Bus Always set bus mode as low speed bus mode, when you use M37751 emulation pod. HP 64147A 7750/51 emulator does not support high Mode speed bus mode. Note that bus mode is automatically configured as high speed bus mode when you do r rst(run from target reset).
Using the Optional Foreground Monitor By using and modifying the optional Foreground Monitor, you can provide an emulation environment which is customized to the needs of a particular target system. Comparison of An emulation monitor is required to service certain requests for information about the target system and the emulation processor.
the monitor code to display registers, it will not respond to target system interrupt requests. This may pose serious problems for complex applications that rely on the microprocessor for real-time, non-intrusive support. Also, the background monitor code resides in emulator firmware and can’t be modified to handle special conditions.
Monitor state to state using a foreground monitor. Two foreground monitor programs are provided with HP 64147A Note 7750/51 emulator. fm7750.a77 is written for Mitsubishi RASM77 Assembler, and fm7750.src is for MRI ASMM77 Assembler.
Processor Mode Register Address You may need to modify the .EQU statement at the PROCMODEREG label. This value defines the location of processor mode register. If your processor has processor mode register at address other than 5e hex, modify this value to appropriate value. Modify Chip Name Statement Chip Name...
Now, you need to map memory space for the sample program. Type: R> map 0c000..0dfff erom If you are going to emulate a processor which has no internal RAM, map 100 hex through 2ff hex as emulation RAM. Set a Stack Pointer You need to set up the stack pointer for use by the foreground monitor.
Limitations of Foreground Monitors Step Command Step command (s command) is not available when you are using the foreground monitor. cim Command cim command is not available when you are using the foreground monitor. Synchronized You cannot perform synchronized measurements over the CMB when using a foreground monitor.
7750/51 Series Emulator Specific Command Syntax The following pages contain descriptions of command syntax specific to the 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator. The following syntax items are included (several items are part of other command syntax): <CONFIG_ITEMS>. May be specified in the cf (emulator configuration) and help cf commands.
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CONFIG_ITEMS Summary 7750/51 Series emulator configuration items. Syntax B-2 Specific Command Syntax...
Description The 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator has several dedicated configuration items which allow you to specify the emulator’s interaction with the target system and the rest of the emulation system. These items are: chip Select chip to be emulated. isfr Define the location of Special Function Register.
Examples To select an external clock, type: M> cf clk=ext You can obtain the status of configuration items by typing the item name without a value. You can also specify multiple configuration items on the same line. Type: M> cf mon=fg..08000 rrt=dis clk cf clk=int Here, we changed to a foreground monitor located at address 8000 hex, disabled the real-time runs restriction, and ask processor clock source.
DISPLAY_MODE Summary Specify the memory display mode Syntax Description The <DISPLAY_MODE> specifies the format of the memory display or the size of the memory which gets changed when memory is modified. Byte. Memory is displayed in a byte format, and when memory locations are modified, bytes are changed.
Specify the memory access mode Syntax Description Access mode defines how the emulator accesses target system memory. The 64147A 7750/51 Series emulator allows the following access modes: b - byte access mode w - word access mode The emulator monitor uses the access mode to determine whether to use byte or word instructions during target system memory accesses, such as memory modification or display.
ADDRESS Summary Address specification used in emulation commands. Syntax Description The <ADDRESS> parameter used in emulation commands is specified in 24 bits address information. The @i specification is needed to access internal RAM or SFR when you map these area to emulation RAM. When you map these area to emulation RAM, data write cycles are performed to both internal RAM (or SFR) and emulation memory.
REGISTERS Summary 7750/51 Series register designators. <REG_NAME> Following registers are available: Program Bank Register Program Counter Processor Status Register Data Bank Register Stack Pointer Accumulator A Accumulator B Index Register X Index Register Y Direct Page Register Related Commands reg (register display/modify)
Command Syntax Summary The 7750/51 Series microprocessors have M flag and X flag which determine data length and index register length. The inverse assembler of emulator needs to know the value of these flags to disassemble the memory contents. The mx command tells the emulator the value of M flag and/or X flag.
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Index adaptor 3-4 ADDRESS syntax B-7 Analyzer configuration 2-24 halting 2-26 pipeline 2-26 predefined status equates 2-27 restrictions 2-31 storage specification 2-24 trace list display 2-25 trace list format 2-25 triggering the 2-24 Analyzer trace starting 2-25 b Command 2-20 Background monitor A-1 bc Command 2-10, 2-28, 4-19 Before using the emulator 2-2...
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xp 2-14 Comparison of foreground/background monitors A-1 CONFIG_ITEMS syntax B-2 Configuration analyzer 4-2 breaks 4-19 clock selection 4-9 enable/disable target interrupts 4-10 enable/disable to trace DMA cycles 4-15 enable/disable to trace hold cycles 4-15 enable/disable to trace refresh cycles 4-15 for getting started 2-9 introducing RDY input 4-11 memory mapping 4-16...
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coverage measurements 1-6 emulation memory 1-4 foreground and background monitor 1-5 processor reset control 1-6 register display/modify 1-5 restrict to real-time runs 1-6 single-step processor 1-6 Emulator limitations 1-7 Access to Internal RAM 1-7 accessing external memory in SFR area 1-8 clock speed 1-7 displaying memory 4-19 DMA support 1-7...
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Halting the analyzer 2-26 Help 2-6 help information on system prompts 2-7 helpCommand 2-6 high speed access mode 1-3 high speed bus mode 1-8, 4-22 Hold cycles enable/disable tracing hold cycles 4-15 Information help 2-6 init (emulator initialization) command 2-8 initialization, emulator 2-8 warm start 2-8 Installing target system probe...
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map Command 2-12, 4-16 Memory Display mnemonic format 2-17 setting up M flag andX flag 2-17 memory map after initialization 2-8 Memory mapping 4-16 defining memory type to emulator 4-16 for getting started program 2-12 function codes 4-16 internal ROM 4-17 memory for monitor program 4-17 sequence of map/load commands 4-18 Memory search 2-29...
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ROM 2-28 stack pointer 1-8, 4-22 Starting a trace 2-25 Storage qualifier 2-24 supported microprocessors 1-3 Syntax (command), specific to 7750/51 Series emulator B-1 t Command 2-25 Target system dependency on executing code 4-14 Target system probe cautions for installation 3-2...
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Tracing program execution 2-24 Transfer utility 2-14 Transparent mode 2-14 Trigger signals break upon 4-20 tsto Command 2-24 Types of configuration 4-1 wait mode 1-8, 4-22 warm start initialization 2-8 watch dog imer enable/disable 4-12 xp Command 2-14 8-Index...