Turning On/Waking up the System
The Telehealth device is in standby if power button is flashing.
Touch anywhere on the screen to wake system from standby.
If the system is in standby, an incoming call will wake it automatically.
If power button light is off, press
Making a Call
Tap the screen anywhere to get the call option to appear.
Tap the 'Call' button.
Four Ways to Place a Call
1. Searching the Directory
Tap the 'Directory.'
Subfolders of all RHAs and NLCHI will appear.
The first two letters of the system name denotes region.
(e.g., LG.LC.4 is in Labrador-Grenfell Health.)
Tap the subfolder of the desired system.
Scroll through the listed systems and tap the desired system.
type the system or contact name in the 'Search' or 'Dial' field.
Tap the name of desired system.
Ensure the selected system is correct and tap the green 'Call' button.
2. Searching Recents
Tap 'Recents' on the call screen.
Scroll through the listed systems and tap the desired system.
Ensure the selected system is correct and tap the green 'Call' button.
3. Searching Favourites
Tap 'Favourites' on the call screen.
Scroll through the listed systems and tap the desired system.
Ensure the selected system is correct and tap the green 'Call' button.
4. Dialing Directly Using Search or Dial
Tap the 'Search' or 'Dial' field.
Type a dialstring using the touchscreen keyboard.
Once the address is entered tap the 'Call' button. Ensure you
have entered the dialstring correctly before calling.
Power Button
to turn on system.
May 2019