HP M odel 4145A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer and the HP M odel 9 8 1 6 or 9836 Desktop Computer." If you're not familiar with the 4 1 45 A and at least one of these computers, you should read the manuals "...
HP Model 4085A Switching Matrix. The 4085M is designed for systemization with the HP Model 4 1 4 5 A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer and the HP M odel 9 8 1 6 or 9836 Desktop Computer. Figure 1-2 shows the basic configuration of the system. This system can m easure and characterize the dc parameters of virtually any low-to-medium power semiconductor device, whether on the wafer or packaged.
I a.. n d was shipped from the factory in a safe condition. 1-16 . This m anual contains information, cautions, and warnings which must be follow ed by the user to ensure safe- operation and to m aintain the 4085M in a safe and serviceable condition.
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;fii M odel 8 5 M Section I SERIAL NO. 4085 M's serial number Instrument's serial number Figure Serial N u m bers 1-3. 1 -4...
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Section I Mocte1 4 0S5M Table 1-2. Supplem ental Performance Char a cteristics (Sheet I of 3) . REFERENCE DATA Reference data are typical performance characteristics of the · 4 1 4 5 A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer and the 40S5M SWitching Matrix combined into a system. Reference data are given for inform ation purposes and should not be considered guaranteed specifications.
M ode1 4085 M Section Table 1-2. Supplemental Performance Characteristics (Sheet 3 of 3) VS PORT: Accuracy: Output Max . Voltage .full Scale Current Accuracy' Resolution Range IOmA ±O.S% ±IOmV ±2OV ±. OOIV Residual Resistance : 1 .4Q Maximum Capacitive Load: 200pF V M PORT: Accuracy: Input...
4085M. Table 1 -3 lists all available accessories and provides brief description of each. 1 -27. Additional pin boards-for replacement or to augment the number of pin boards possible with options 0 0 1 , 002, 003, and 004-can be purchased. Order the HP 16320A Pin Board.
Section I M ode1 4085M Table 1-3. Accessories Available (Sheet 1 of 2) " 1 6 066A Test Fixture Adapter (furn i � hed)' : The 1 6 066A Test Fixture Adapter has a light-tight cover that provides electrostatic shielding to ensure stable, accurate m easurement of extremely low currents.
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4085A and the probe card of an automatic wafer prober. 1 6077A Extension Cable Fixture The 1 6 077 A Extension Cable Fixture is used When the 4085M is to be used with c ertain manual wafer probers, or with an environmental chamber. l�l l...
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Section I Mode1 4085M �� " !, ... � "$ -u:I � Figure 1-4_ Dim ensions of 4085A 1 - 1 2...
2-2. This section provides the instructions, procedures, and information necessary to install the Model 4085M Sw itching Matrix. Figure 2-1 shows, in flow diagram fashion, the steps required to install the 4085M. U N PACKIN G A N D I NITIAL IN SPECTION 2-3.
M odel 4D85M_ Section-l\ 2-5. When shipped from -the factory, the 4D85A is wrapped in two sheets of separate- vinyl. After removing the 4D85A from its carton, remove only the outer sheet of vinyl. Leave the inner sheet in place until the 4D85A has been moved to the clean room. If additional pin boards were ordered, they will be enclosed in individual antistatic envelopes.
2-1 0. POWER REQUIRE M E N TS 2-1 1. The 4085M requires a power source of 1 00, 120, 220 Volts ac ±1 0%. or 240 Volts ac +5%-1 0%, 48 to 66Hz single phase; power consumption is 1 3 0VA maximum.
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Model 4085 M Section II CD : 4085A Switching Matrix Control Cable, PN 04085-61671 (furnished with the 4085M) 4084A Switching Matrix Controller 1 0 833A/B/C/D HP-lB Cables 2 ea. 9836 or 9 8 1 6 Desktop Computer 4 1 4 5 A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer Shorting Connector, P N 04145-61623 (furnished with the 4145A) B N C Cables, 4 ea., P N 041 45-6 1 6 3 0 (furnished with the 4145A)
(G ROUNDIN G). 2-1 7. Figure 2-7 shows the available power cords used in various countries, including the standard power cord furnished with the instrument. HP part number, applicable..stan dards for power plug, power cord color, electrical characteristics and countries using each power cord are listed in the figure.
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Model 4 085M United Kingdom OPTION 900 OPTION 901 Australia/New Zealand Line Line Plug: NZSS 198/AS C1l2, 250V Plug: BS 1363A, 250V Cable: HP 8120-1369 Cable: HP 8120-1351 European Continent . U.S./canada OPTION 902 OPTION 903 Earth Earth � ---- -- - �...
' Complete made, verify instructions are given in paragraph 4-3. When shipped from the factory, "the 4085M m eets' all the specifications listed in Table I-I. 2-2 0. OPERATING E NVIRO N M E N T 2-2 1 .
Section 1I M ode l 4085M c . Use a strong shipping container. A double-walled carton made of 3 5 0-pound test m aterial is adequate. d. Use enough shock absorbing material (3 to 4-inch layer) around all sides of the instrum "...
3-2. This section provides the hardware and software"elated information necessary to operate the 4085M. Figure 3-1 shows the organization of the section and provides a brief description of each part. Warnings and cautions are given throughout this section. They must be observed to ensure the safety of the operator and the serviceability of the instrum ents.
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- condition. LOCAL/TEST Key and Indicator: Pressing this key while the R M T HP-lB indicator lamp is lit (4084A is under remote control) sets the 4084A to local control (RMT lamp goes off). Pressing this key while the 4084A is set to local control starts the RELAY TEST. The indicator lam p at the center of the key lights during the RELAY TEST.
Section M odel 408SM .. __ ..HP-lB Connector : Twenty-four pin connector that connects the 4084A to the HP-lB. HP-lB Address Switch : This switch sets the 4084 A's HP-lB address (0-30). GROU N D Terminal : This terminal is tied to the 4084A's chassis ground.
Model 4085M Section Handle : Used to lower and raise the 4085A when the 4085A is attached to a wafer prober. WAR NING THE 4085A IS HEAVY, APPROXIM ATELY 22kg (48 lb.). RAISI NG SURE HANDLE WHEN A N D LO' WERING THE 4085A.
Note, however, that the SMUs cannot be connected directly to these connectors. The I S 078A m ust be used. The bottom two connectors-one trixial, one coaxial-are not for 4085M applications. ® OUTPUT E N ABLED Indicator : This LED lamp lights when the FIXTURE CLOSED D ETECT switch or the is actuated.
Only the FORCE and GUARD pins are used for 4085M applications. The SENSE pin is not used, because it is intended for m easurem ents requiring Kelvin connection, which is not possible with the 4145A.
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GSM U is not a true port. It is a pseudo port connected to the guard of PORT I (SMU I ). It has no exclusive connectors on the 4085M. GU ARD : This pin functions as the guard terminal.
Section Model 4085M 3-12. Pin Boards 3-13. The 4085A can be equipped with up to 48 pin boards, each having o. n e set of m easurement pins-SENSE, FORCE, and GUARD. Refer to paragraph ·�-IO for the function of each pin. .connection between the ports and m easurement pins is·...
Section Model 4085M Table 3-2. Relationship Between Ports and Relays Port N o . (Name) Relay n o , Kl l , Port (SMUI) (SMU2) K20, K;;O, (s�nJ3) (SMU4) K40 , (VSl) KSO,. (VS2) K60 , (VMl) K81 , K80 , (�j2)
Note - When using the 1 6 077 A with the 4085M, you need only one coaxial cable for each set of m easurement pins, and you can increase cable length up to two meters.
Model 4085M 3-24. C O N TROL SOFTWARE 3-25. Control software for the 4085M is stored on either a 3-1/2 inch or a 5-1/4 inch flexible disc furnished with the 4085M. This software is the only means of controlling the .
3-33. H P-lE ADDRESS 3-34. Set the HP-IB addresses of the 4084A and 4145A as listed in Table 3-3. If an interface other than the com puter's internal interface (select code 2) is used, or if an HP-IB address listed in Table 3-3 cannot be used for the 4084A and 4145A, the furnished software must be m odified.
4. Change the num erical values on lines 1 1 0 and 1 20 to the desired select code and addresses (select code x 1 0 0 address). Example : The 4145A is set to address 2 3 and is connected to an additional HP-IB interface card whose select code 1 1 0...
SWM subprograms are given below : Start : This subprogram initializes the 4085M and establishes the COM blocks use - d by the other S W M subprograms and the diagnostics program (D1AG). Start must be executed before any other SWM subprogram is executed.
Model 4085M Section Port address functions : . These functions each return the address of the specified port number. They are port address param eter and ·Connect_th used Connect subprograms. Table 3-4. lists the port address functions. Table 3-4. Port Address Functions .
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Model 4085M Section 2 0 ' SAMP LE PROGRAM NTE GER Bas e , Co l l e c t o r , Em i � l e r C o l l e c t o r - 2...
Model 4 0 8 5 M Section SAMPLE PROGRAM � N TEGE R Gat e_ca m . SOllr ce._c ·c'",·. [l r a l n_ : . O ra l Tl_2 0 ral n:"3 G a t e com = 1 S o urce c o m = 5 Oral n 1=2 D ral n=2 = 3...
Section 1II M odel 4085M 3-44. How To Link S W M Subprograms To use any of the S WM sub programs, you must link them to the end of y,our program. There are three w ays to accomplish this.
Each variable declared in the S W M C O M block is described below. Dcs : Integer variable for the HP-lE select code and address of the 4145A. This variable is defined as 7 1 7 , but it can be changed as described in paragraph- 3-32.
Section M odel 4085M This sample program allows the user to manually connect or disconnect ports and m easurement pins using the softkeys. Connection status is displayed ,on the CRT of 1 4 5 A are also featured in thi s the computer.
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5 1 0 and 5 4 0 . Lines 420 to 4 9 0 : Selects the 4 1 4 5 A's PLOT or P R I N T function, and determines the proper HP-IB address of the peripheral device. Sets higher priority...
Section III M odel 4085M 3-49. PROGRA M M I N G REFERENCE " 3-50. This pargraph contains an alphabeti cal listing of the subprogra ms contained in the 4 0 8 5 M's software that can be called by user-writte n programs.
4 145A Control �!ode Status After Connect Subprogram MEASUREMENT : STOP LOCAL AUTO SEQ: STOP REMOTE and System Mode - HP-IB STATUS : LOCAL to 4 : Voltage source , 20V range , OV Output , 10llA Compliance. REMOTE and User Mode...
Section lodel 4085 M ConnecLth This subprogram connects the specified port to a range of m easurement pins. last first POrt addres!> pin number pin number Range Restrictions Item Description port address integer express i on 0 , port address functions 4 8 , first pin number integer expression...
Section m Mode1 4 0 8 5 M FNGsmu FNport . FNSmu FNV m F� 'These functions return the port address of the specified port. FNGsmu port nUDber FNPort port numberl-0- FNSmu port number � FNVm port number FNVs Description Range Restriction Item through...
This subprogram also disconnects all port-to-pin connections. The HP-lE address settings in this subprogram can be changed by the user. Refer to paragraph 3-32. Also, the COM block variables can be used in user-written subprograms. Refer to paragraph 3-46. 3-28...
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M odel 4 0 8 5 M Seetion m Swm _ clear This subprogram disconnects all m easurement-ports from the m easurement pins. Sw m_clear S e m a n t i c s When this subprogram i s executed, the 4 l 4 5 A i s set to one o f the states listed in Table 3-5.
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· ' Section 1II M odel 4085M Swm _ status This subprogram displays connection status measurement ports measurement pins on the CRT of the computer. Swm_status S e m a n t i c s Connection status is displayed as shown in the figure belo w . The meaning o f each symbol on the connection status display is explained in Figure 3-1 2 .
Imp r o p e r p t ass i g ned . 4085M E R R O R The port number specified in the calling context of the Connect subprogram is out of range. Check the port number parameter of each calling context of the Connect sub program •...
DIAG is fully interactive and can be executed by the operator at any time to verify correct operation of the 4085M, to isolate the cause of any failures that may occur, or to - exercise and clean the relays on the pin boards.
Section IV Model 4085M 4-1 1 . RELAY TEST 4-1 2. The Relay Test checks all relayS on all the pin boards installed in the 4085A for normal MAKE/BREAK operation. The check is performed by applying a dc voltage t'1 the 1 6075A Relay Test -Adapter and measuring the voltage obtained when a specified relay is set to M AKE.
M odel 4085M lection Note The relay Test checks the relays of all pin boards installed in the 4085A. At least five pin boards, arranged in . any configuration, m ust be installed in the 4085A. (4) The test result, OK or ERROR, will appear in the test result table displayed on the CRT of the computer.
Section IV Model 4085M 4-1 3 . DC LEAKAGE TEST 4-14. The DC Leakage Test checks for excessive leakage current . in the 4085A. Two tests-OPEN TEST and SHORT TEST-are performed. ( 1 ) OPEN TEST: Sets all relays on all pin boards to BREAK and m easures leakage current.
4-15. I N TERPRETING TEST RESULTS 4-16. If no errors are reported by the diagnostics program , the 4085M is functioning properly. If an error occurs, if the program stops, or if the system exhibits any anomalies during the program, check for the following possible causes. Then run DlAG again.
Test Adapter is securely fastened to the 4085A, then press softkey Dill (RETRY). If the same error at the same location is displayed, contact the nearest HP Service Office. If e mergency repair is necessary, replace the defective pin board. See paragraph 4-1 9 for details on pin board replacement.
Model 4085M , lection IV 4-2 1 . STUCK RELAY RECOVERY 4-22. If the error m essage shown below appears on the computer's screen during the Relay Test, the indic",ted relay ol! the indicated pin board is stuck. That is, ,its contacts remain in the M AKE position even though a BREAK command was sent.
M odel 4085M � . " " 4-23. CLEA N I N G " 4-24. To maintain the system's low current m easurement capability, . the pin boards, " , � measurement pins, test fixtures, and exposed signal lines must be kept extrem ely c�ean.
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' - Th� . · · supplement s important infonma!;;'" Improveme nts mada after the TO� - ;; : l-his ;$' u ��ie� n ti' � ; > • • �. � � < . : ERRATA " � eorrec.tlO ns. -Make all Make an appropriate serial number rel4tad .•..
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