Mv indoor switch 4.76-38 kv, 200-1200 a, 40 & 61 ka (83 pages)
Summary of Contents for ABB UniGear Series
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— DI STRI BU TI ON SOLUTI O N S UniGear Family UniGear Digital Engineering Guide...
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— DI STRI BU TI ON SOLUTI O N S UniGear Family UniGear Digital Engineering Guide...
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This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all the ABB products ref- erenced in this document support all the features of the described or referenced standard.
TABLE O F CO NT E NT S Table of Contents 1 Introduction ......................... 1 This manual ............................1 Intended users............................1 2 UniGear Digital ......................2 Sensors ..............................3 2.1.1 Current sensors ......................... 4 2.1.2 Voltage sensors ......................... 7 Protection relays..........................11 IEC 61850..............................
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LIS T O F FIG U R E S List of Figures Figure 1: UniGear Digital and its key components ..................2 Figure 2: Current sensor KECA 80 C104 / KECA 80 C165................4 Figure 3: Current sensor KECA 80 C184 / KECA 80 C216 ................5 Figure 4: Current sensor KECA 250 B1......................
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LIS T O F FIG U R E S Figure 49: Creating a new GOOSE data set and its entries ..............39 Figure 50: Naming a GOOSE control block ....................40 Figure 51: GCB client............................40 Figure 52: Adding a GOOSERCV function block in the Application Configuration Tool ....41 Figure 53: Creating GOOSERCV block connection to a new variable ..........
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LIS T O F FIG U R E S Figure 100: Network parameters dialog...................... 77 Figure 101: Port Configuration dialog ......................77 Figure 102: Load/Save dialog .......................... 78 Figure 103: PTP Global dialog .......................... 79 Figure 104: PTP Version 2 (Transparent Clock) Global dialog .............. 79 Figure 105: PTP Version 2 (Transparent Clock) Port dialog ..............
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LIS T O F TABLE S List of Tables Table 1: Sensor product portfolio for UniGear Digital ................3 Table 2: Protection relay key functionality overview for UniGear Digital ...........11 Table 3: Overview of UniGear Digital in UniGear switchgear family ..........23 Table 4: Maximum current Start and protection setting values ............
INT R ODU CT IO N T HIS MANU AL Introduction This manual The engineering guide provides information for the UniGear Digital solution by providing details about its main components. This guide focuses especially on the IEC 61850 digital communication and it can be used as a technical reference during the engineering phase. Intended users This manual is intended for to be used by design, protection relay, test and service engineers.
UniGear Digital UniGear Digital is a new solution implemented to the traditional UniGear switchgear. It is accomplished by using state-of-the-art, well-proven components: current and voltage sensors, Relion ® protection relays and IEC 61850 digital communication. The design of the current sensors is very compact and it is optimized for the use in UniGear. Each panel can accommodate two sets of current sensors.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL S E NS O R S Sensors Sensors, for current and voltage measurement, are important part of UniGear Digital. Each switchgear type offering UniGear Digital solution uses sensors as shown in the table below. Table 1: Sensor product portfolio for UniGear Digital Measure- Sensor...
Current measurement in KECA sensors is based on the Rogowski coil principle. KECA 80 C104 / KECA 80 C165 For dynamic current measurement (protection purposes) the ABB sensors KECA 80 C104, and KECA 80 C165, fulfil requirements of protection class 5P up to an impressive value reaching the rated short-time thermal current I (31.5 kA or 50 kA).
S E NS O R S KECA 80 C184 / KECA 80 C216 For dynamic current measurement (protection purposes) the ABB sensors KECA 80 C184, and KECA 80 C216, fulfil requirements of protection class 5P up to an impressive value reaching the rated short-time thermal current I (31.5 kA).
KECA 250 B1 For dynamic current measurement (protection purposes) the ABB sensors KECA 250 B1, fulfil requirements of protection class 5P up to an impressive value reaching the rated short-time thermal current I (31.5 kA). With KECA 250 B1 sensors, measuring class 0.5 is reached for...
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL S E NS O R S 2.1.2 Voltage sensors Voltage measurement in the KEVA sensor is based on the resistive divider principle. Voltage sensors are designed to be compact and shaped as support insulators. They can be installed in the switchgear´s cable compartment or directly in the busbar compartment.
KEVA 24 B20 KEVA B sensor can be used in all applications up to the voltage level 24 kV. The sensor fulfils requirements of accuracy class 0.5 for measurement purposes and accuracy class 3P for protection purposes. Figure 6: Voltage sensor KEVA 24 B20 Technical parameters –...
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL S E NS O R S Sensor accessories Sensors are connected to protection relay via cable with RJ-45 connector. In case both current and voltage sensors are connected to a protection relay, a coupler adapter AR5 is used.
Current sensor wires are connected according to the following assignment: PIN 4 – S1, PIN 5 – S2, other PINs remain unused. Figure 8: Connector pins assignment of a current sensor plug Voltage sensor wires are connected according to the following assignment: PIN 7 – a, PIN 8 - , other PINs remain unused.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL P R O T E CT IO N R E LAY S Protection relays UniGear Digital is supported by the following types of protection relays, shown in table below. Table 2: Protection relay key functionality overview for UniGear Digital Product Standard I/U sensor...
Feeder protection and control REF615 The REF615 is a dedicated feeder protection relay perfectly aligned for protection, control, measurement and supervision of utilities and industrial power distribution systems including radial, looped and meshed networks, and involving a potential distributed power generation. The REF615 can send (1 instance) and / or receive (1 instance) voltage over the IEC 61850-9-2LE and to synchrocheck with IEC 61850-9-2 LE.
Motor protection and control REM615 The REM615 is a dedicated motor protection relay perfectly aligned for protection, control, measurement and supervision of asynchronous motors in manufacturing and process industry. The REM615 offers all the functionality needed to manage motor starts and normal operation, including also protection and fault clearance in drive and network disturbance situations.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL P R O T E CT IO N R E LAY S Line differential protection and control RED615 RED615 is a phase-segregated, two-end, line differential protection and control relay. With in-zone transformer support, perfectly harmonized for utility and industrial power distribu- tion networks.
Feeder protection and control REF620 The REF620 is a dedicated feeder management relay perfectly aligned for the protection, con- trol, measurement and supervision of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in- cluding radial, looped and meshed networks, with or without distributed power generation. REF620 can also be used to protect feeders including motors or capacitor banks.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL P R O T E CT IO N R E LAY S Motor protection and control REM620 The REM620 is a dedicated motor management relay perfectly aligned for the protection, control, measurement and supervision of medium-sized and large asynchronous and syn- chronous motors requiring also differential protection in the manufacturing and process industry.
Protection and control REX640 REX640 is a powerful all-in-one protection and control relay for use in advanced power distri- butions and generation applications with unmatched flexibility available during the complete life cycle of the device. The modular design of both hardware and software elements facili- tates the coverage of any comprehensive protection application requirement that may arise during the complete life cycle of the relay and substation.
P R O T E CT IO N R E LAY S Remote IO unit RIO600 The remote inputs/outputs unit RIO600 is designed to expand the digital and analog inputs/outputs of ABB’s Relion ® protection relays and to provide inputs/outputs for the substation automation device COM600S using the IEC 61850 Ed.2 communication.
ESSAILEC® RJ45 test block The test block is used for efficient testing of protection and control relay with sensor inputs during regular maintenance. The test block is flush mounting type on the low voltage com- partment door and its vertical layout is recommended. The testing of protection and control relay’s sensor inputs is possible without opening the low voltage compartment door.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL IE C 6185 0 IEC 61850 The IEC 61850 standard was released in 2004 as a global international standard representing the architecture for communication networks and systems for power utility automation. The IEC 61850 standard defines the Ethernet technology for substation automation commu- nication.
Process interfaces to MV apparatus (for example voltage sensors) are on the process level. Besides the conventional signal wiring between the process interface and protection relays, IEC 61850 introduces a concept where process signals can be exchanged in process bus, un- der IEC 61850-9-2.
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL S WIT CHG E AR T Y P E O V E RV IEW Switchgear type overview UniGear Digital is available for the following switchgear types: – UniGear ZS1 – UniGear 550 – UniGear 500R –...
U NIG E AR DIG ITAL S WIT CHG E AR T Y P E O V E RV IEW Figure 27: UniGear 500R Digital (17.5 kV, 2 000 A, 31.5 kA) Figure 28: UniGear MCC Digital (12 kV, 400 A, 50 kA) 1V LG 5 000 07 E...
Engineering Sensors 3.1.1 Current sensors Correction factors The amplitude and phase error of a current sensor is, in practice, constant and independent on the primary current. This means it is an inherent and constant property of each sensor and it is not considered to be unpredictable and bound to influences. Hence, it can be easily recti- fied in the protection relay by using appropriate correction factors, specified separately for every sensor.
E NG INEE R ING S E NS O R S Primary current Setting example In this example, an 80 A / 0.150 V at 50 Hz sensor is used and the application has a 1 000 A nominal current (I Figure 31: Single line diagram When defining another primary value for the sensor, also the nominal voltage should be rede- fined to maintain the same transformation ratio.
Primary, Nominal current and Rated secondary values are entered via parameter setting in PCM600 (IED Configuration / Configuration / Analog inputs/Current (3I, CT)) Figure 32: Example of setting values for current sensor in PCM600 Nominal Current Unless otherwise specified, the setting should always be the same as the Primary Current setting which is a reference value for protection functions.
E NG INEE R ING S E NS O R S Maximum current Start and protection setting values If the ratio of the application nominal current I and sensor-rated primary current I becomes higher, and the rated secondary value needs to be set higher than 46.875 mV / Hz, the high- est value that the relay can measure before the current sensor input is saturated is smaller than the maximum setting value of the current protection.
Figure 35: Polarity setting for current sensors in incoming feeder Sensor polarity is changed via parameter setting in PCM600 (IED Configuration / Configuration / Analog inputs / Current (3I, CT)) Figure 36: Example of polarity setting for current sensor in PCM600 1V LG 5 00007 E...
E NG INEE R ING S E NS O R S 3.1.2 Voltage sensors Correction factors The amplitude and phase error of a voltage sensor is, in practice, constant and independent on the primary voltage. This means it is an inherent and constant property of each sensor and it is not considered to be unpredictable and bound to influences.
Other parameters The voltage sensor is based on the resistive divider principle. Therefore, the voltage is linear throughout the whole measuring range. The output signal is a voltage, directly proportional to the primary voltage. For the voltage sensor all parameters are readable directly from its rating plate and conversions are not needed.
E NG INEE R ING DO CU ME NTAT IO N Documentation Network overview diagram The diagram provides an overview of the substation network (interconnections between the protection relay and Ethernet switch, network architectures, and device location – Panel No. …) Figure 41: Example of a Network Overview Diagram Logic diagrams for interconnection between panels...
Sampled measured value diagram The diagram gives overview about measurement sharing when using the IEC 61850-9-2LE (Process Bus). Figure 43: Example of a Sampled measured value diagram 1V LG 5 00007 E...
IET600 and the latest relevant connectivity package for protection relays. Detailed information on the specific protection relay and its network configuration can be found in the Technical Manual of dedicated protection relay or in the IEC 61850 Engineering Guide, ABB Oy, Distribution Automation. 1V LG 5 000 07 E...
Configuration procedure in PCM600 Only three simple steps are needed to get GOOSE engineered in PCM600. Step 1 / 3 Creating a GOOSE data set and its entries with the IEC 61850 Configuration tool Figure 44: Creating a new GOOSE data set and its entries A maximum of 20 data attributes can be added to a single GOOSE data set.
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E NG INEE R ING S TAT IO N BU S (G O OS E) The data set defines what protection relay data is used in GOOSE service and sent to local Ethernet subnetwork in a GOOSE message. The GOOSE control block links the data set and its attributes to actual data.
Step 3 / 3 Configuring GOOSE receivers with the IEC 61850 Configuration tool Figure 46: GOOSE control block editor (1- receiver #1, 2- receiver #2, 3 – sender) Configuration procedure in IET600 Step 1 / 6 After the common configuration items have been completed, the SCD file has been exported from PCM600 and the SCD file has been imported to IET600.
E NG INEE R ING S TAT IO N BU S (G O OS E) Override for Client Service for Client Service Conf Da- In the IED Capabilities tab, check the taset Modify box to adjust the IED615 / IED620 option to support GOOSE dataset modifica- tion.
Step 4 / 6 Configuring a GOOSE control block with the IET600 Figure 50: Naming a GOOSE control block Step 5 / 6 Configuring GOOSE receivers with the IET600 Figure 51: GCB client Step 6 / 6 Save and export the SCD file and import it to PCM600 1V LG 5 00007 E...
E NG INEE R ING S TAT IO N BU S (G O OS E) Connecting GOOSE sender data to a protection relay application in PCM600 Step 1 / 3 Adding GOOSERCV function block with Application Configuration Tool. Give the GOOSERCV block application-specific user-defined names to distinguish between different blocks when making GOOSE connections in the Signal Matrix tool.
Process bus (SMV) Supported applications Power measurement, directional protections, voltage based protections and synchro-check work when voltage is shared over the Process bus. 640 series support redundant SMV streams by using the voltage (VMSWI) and current (CMSWI) function blocks. Automatic switching to the backup SMV stream can be configured in Application Configuration using SMV quality and/or other logic.
Detailed information on the specific protection relay and its network configuration can be found in Technical Manual of dedicated protection relay or in the IEC 61850 Engineering Guide, ABB Oy, Distribution Automation. Configuration procedure in PCM600 Only four simple steps are needed to get Process Bus engineered in PCM600.
Step 2 / 4 Since the SMV needs to obtain accurate time synchronization the synchronization method is to correspond to IEEE 1588, with the PTP priority to be set to correct values. Lower value means highest priority. Identical time synchronization method is to be used in all SMV sending and receiving protection relays.
E NG INEE R ING P R O CE S S BU S (S MV ) Step 3 / 4 The connection between SMV sender and receiver is handled using the IEC 61850 Configura- tion tool. Protection relay can receive voltage only from one another relay via IEC 61850-9-2LE. Figure 60: Configuring the SMV senders and receivers 1V LG 5 000 07 E...
Step 4 / 4 Setting the Sampled Measured Value Control Block attributes Figure 61: Changing the Sampled Measured Value Control Block attributes 1V LG 5 00007 E...
E NG INEE R ING P R O CE S S BU S (S MV ) Sampled Measured Value Control Block Attributes – App ID – unique SvID in network 0x4000 • It shall always be based on 9-2LE 0x4000 0x7FFF •...
In the IED Capabilities tab, check the Override for Client Service SampledValues box to adjust the IED615 / IED620 option to support sampled values services. Figure 63: Editing 615 series capabilities Step 3 / 5 Configuring sampled value control block in the IET600 Figure 64: Sampled value control block Step 4 / 5 Connecting the SMV senders and receivers in the IET600...
E NG INEE R ING P R O CE S S BU S (S MV ) Application configuration of the SMV receiver TVTR function blocks are used in receiver application to perform the supervision for the sam- pled values and to connect the received analog voltage inputs to the application. When SMVRCV is connected to the TVTR inputs, the connected TVTR does not physically measure its analog inputs if they are available in the protection relay.
The ALARM output of UL1TVTR1 function block should be connected to ensure failsafe opera- tion in all circumstances. The WARNING output is always internally active whenever the ALARM output is active. The WARNING in the receiver is activated if the synchronization accuracy of the sender or the receiver is less than 4 μs.
E NG INEE R ING P R O CE S S BU S (S MV ) SMV delay The SMV Max Delay parameter, found via menu path Configuration/System, defines how long the receiver waits for the SMV frames before activating the ALARM output. This setting also delays the local measurements of the receiver to keep them correctly time aligned.
Ethernet 3.5.1 Requirements Electro Magnetic Immunity (EMI) The IEC 61850-3 standard outlines the EMI immunity requirements for communication equip- ment installed in substations. EMI phenomena include inductive load switching, lightning strikes, electrostatic discharges from human contact, radio frequency interference due to personnel using portable radio handsets, ground potential rise resulting from high current fault conditions within the substation and a variety of other events commonly encountered in the substation.
Figure 70: FTP patch cable terminated with RJ-45 connectors Fiber Optic The ABB standard for fiber optic in substations is the multi-mode fiber cable 50 / 125 µm, 1 300 nm. Multi-mode communication links are generally the most common due to the low cost of fiber cabling and transceivers.
Fiber Optics Connector Relion ® protection relays are equipped with Small Form Factor connectors, type LC. The inno- vative LC design offers a form factor one-half the size of current industry standards. Figure 72: LC connectors Ethernet rear connections of protection relays The Ethernet communication module is provided with either galvanic RJ-45 connection or op- tical multimode LC type connection, depending on the product variant and the selected com- munication interface option.
Managed Ethernet switches A switch is an Ethernet device that filters and forwards data packets between the LAN seg- ments. The switches operate on the data link layer and occasionally the network layer. Packets that arrive on a port are analysed for errors and only forwarded onto the port that has a connection to the destination device.
Fast Ethernet SFP modules are not applicable for the slots (ports) that support only Gigabit Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet SFP modules are not applicable for the slots (ports) that support Fast Ethernet. Only use ABB SFP modules for AFS family.
Satellite reference clock It synchronizes all connected devices using its reference time source. Optional accessories usually are: antenna, antenna cable, antenna mount and lightning protection kit. Recommended type of a compact substation clock, TTM 01-G manufactured by TEKRON, sup- ports accurate GPS (USA) / GLONASS (Russian) clock with sub-microsecond timing that is used to synchronize protection relays.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Other recommended type of substation clock is LANTIME M400 manufactured by Meinberg. It supports GPS / GLONASS clock and synchronization of IEEE 1588-2008 (PTPv2) compatible clients via IEEE C37.238-2011 Power Profile, two step clock. Refer to additional information.
3.5.3 Topologies SINGLE network using Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) / Fast Media Redundancy Protocol (E-MRP) The single network topology is the most common one, protection relays are connected to managed Ethernet switch via single connection. The managed Ethernet switches form a physical loop (ring).
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) is a ring redundancy protocol defined in IEC 62439-2 standard. One of the Ethernet switches in the ring acts as a Ring Manager. There is exactly one ring manger in the ring.
Network Redundancy IEC 61850 standard specifies network redundancy that improves the system availability for substation communication. It is based on two complementary protocols defined in the IEC 62439-3 standard: Parallel Redundancy Protocol and High Availability Seamless Redundancy protocol. Both protocols can overcome failure of a link or switch with zero-switchover time. In both protocols, each node has two identical Ethernet ports for one network connection.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) network The HSR ring applies the PRP principle of parallel operation to a single ring. For each message sent, a node sends two frames, one over each port. Both frames circulate in opposite direc- tions over the ring and every node forwards the frames it receives from one port to the other.
Combined Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) networks Combining PRP and HSR networks can be overcome some drawback of pure PRP or HSR net- work. PRP and HSR protocols have been developed to work interoperable, because HSR ring applies the PRP principle of parallel operation to a single ring.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Comparison of network topologies Comparison of network topologies is shown in table below. Table 7: Comparison of network topologies SINGLE network PRP networks HSR network + RSTP ARCHITECTURE Any topology: tree, star, Any topology: tree, star, Limited: rings, rings of Supported topologies...
SINGLE network PRP networks HSR network + RSTP Data loss ECONOMICS Medium, Ethernet High, double amount of Medium, Redbox, protec- Ethernet switches, pro- tion relay with more in- switches Equipment costs tection relay with more terfaces interfaces Medium, links between High, double links be- Low, only links between protection relays and...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T 3.5.5 Naming convention to identify protection relays The protection relay name must be unique within the planned network. A default name is applied if it is not specified by the client and it is based on the reference designation system of IEC 61346 –...
Figure 88: Example of an allocation of device IP addresses 3.5.7 Time synchronization Accurate time synchronization with precision requirements of sub one microsecond is essen- tial for a proper functionality of process bus. Sampled measured values need to be synchro- nized between the sending and the receiving protection relays that perform protection or control functions.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Using the Best Master Clock (BMC) algorithm devices in the network with the most accurate time are determined, which are to be used as a reference time source (Grandmaster). Subse- quently the participating devices synchronize themselves with this reference time source.
Time synchronization schemes Preferred schemes for HSR-PRP and PRP networks The PRP redundancy protocol foresees that the grandmaster clock is doubly attached to both LANs. An ordinary clock therefore receives the Sync (Follow-Up) and Announce messages from each LAN independently. The ordinary clock treats each side as a different clock, but does not apply the Best Master Clock algorithm since both have the same identity.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T 3.5.8 Traffic segregation SMV messages causing high traffic should be filtered out so that they do not reach network devices which do not subscribe to SMV messages. This is done in managed Ethernet switch configuration which must be configured to perform the filtering operation.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T 3.5.9 Protection relays Ethernet rear ports and redundancy settings IED configuration / Configuration / Communication / Ethernet / Communication: 0 – IP address = IP number – Subnet mask = Subnet mask –...
SCHLCCH outputs signals – CH1LIV Status of Ethernet channel X1 / LAN1. Value is True if the port is receiving Ethernet frames. Valid only when redundant mode is set to None or port is not one of the redundant ports (LAN A or LAN B) –...
3.5.10 Managed Ethernet switches AFS Family After connecting a notebook with the AFS Finder SW tool to any Switch Port except HSR dedi- cated ports, the following dialogue screen appears. AFS Finder automatically searches the network for those devices, which support the AFS finder protocol. The next dialogue, opened by double clicking on the respective switch in AFS finder, defines the IP address and netmask.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Basic Settings <Mandatory> Basic Setting / Network Mode/Local = enabled VLAN / ID = 1 Local – IP address = IP number – Netmask = Netmask AFS Finder Protocol / Operation = ON Figure 100: Network parameters dialog Basic Setting / Port configuration Port on = enabled...
Basic Settings / Load / Save The changes must be stored to Device in a permanent way. If a yellow triangle with the excla- mation mark is seen, the configuration does not contain data entered permanently. After sav- ing the configuration to the switch (Device) the yellow triangle symbol disappears. Figure 102: Load/Save dialog 1V LG 5 00007 E...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Time Settings <Mandatory> Time / PTP / Global PTPv2 must be configured in case SMV (IEC 61850-9-2LE) is used. Operation IEEE 1588 / PTP = ON Configuration IEEE 1588 / PTP / PTP Version-Mode –...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Switching Settings <Mandatory> The traffic segregation is essential especially for process bus to reduce data traffic and to let it go only where needed (for example GOOSE, SMV shared between protection relays should be not sent to the control system, SMV should be sent only where required).
Switching / VLAN / Global Configuration – VLAN 0 Transparent Mode / VLAN Unaware Mode = disabled – GVRP active = disabled (enabled to synchronize VLAN information between Ethernet switches) Learning/Mode/Independent VLAN = enabled Figure 107 : VLAN Global dialog in AFS67x Switching / VLAN / Static This item is used to configure outgoing packets from the switch.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Switching / VLAN / Port Ingress Filtering = enabled on all ports. The port evaluates the received VLAN tags and transmits messages relevant to VLANs configured for this port; other messages are discarded. Redundancy Settings RSTP <Conditional> Redundancy / Spanning Tree / Global Operation = ON Protocol version = RSTP Protocol Configuration / Information – Priority • 4 096 for Root (Master) Switch • 8 192 for Backup Root Switch • 32 768 for all Bay (Slave) Switches –...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Redundancy Settings E-MRP <Conditional> E-MRP ring is supported only by AFS family. Spanning Tree Operation is off (Redundancy / Spanning Tree / Global / Operation) or STP protocol is disabled on all ports used for E-MRP (Redundancy / Spanning Tree / Port) before configuring the E-MRP. Redundancy Settings PRP and HSR < Conditional> Supported by AFS66x. The PRP and HSR networks are always connected to AFS66x via ports 1/1 and 1/2, marked as port 1A and port 2B. Both ports support fiber optic connection (SFP slot) or twisted-pair connection (RJ-45 socket).
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T L2-Redundancy / PRP / Configuration MRP and STP protocol cannot operate on the same ports as PRP – STP protocol is disabled on ports used for PRP (Redundancy / Spanning Tree / Port (both tabs)) –...
Figure 116: HSR Configuration dialog Advanced Settings <Optional> Advanced / Industrial Protocols / IEC61850-MMS Operation = ON to make information related to the Ethernet switch available on the IEC 61850 network. Figure 117 : IEC61850-MMS Configuration dialog 1V LG 5 00007 E...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T 3.5.11 Satellite controlled clock Tekron After connecting a notebook with the Tekron clock configuration tool software (available from to Ethernet port of Tekron device, the following dialogue screen appears.
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T Ethernet switch - Basic settings / Port configuration Ethernet switch port, where TEKRON clock is connected, must have Automatic Configuration disabled and 100 Mbit/s FDX mode. Figure 121: Port Configuration dialog Meinberg The LANTIME M400 timeserver can be configured via several user interfaces (for example...
E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T PTP Setting / Interface 01 / Network Enable DHCP-Client = Static TCP/IP Address = IP number Netmask = Netmask Gateway = IP number Other setting is default Figure 124: PTP Network settings dialog 1V LG 5 000 07 E...
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640 series Relion ® 640 series protection and control relays Application Configuration Tool AFS Family ABB FOX Switch family for utility applications APPID Application Identifier in GOOSE and SMV messages ASDU Application Service Data Unit Boundary clock Best Master Clock algorithm...
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E NG INEE R ING E T HE R NE T IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE standard groups defined the PTP and Power profile IEEE 1588 Standard for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems IET600 Integrated Engineering Toolbox Internet Protocol...
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SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCL file type (Substation Configuration Description) XML-based substation description configuration language defined by IEC 61850 Small form-factor pluggable Sampled Measured Value SNMP Simple Network Management SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol SvID Sampled value message identifier Transparent clock Type Length Value VLAN...
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Revision History Rev. Page Change Description Date / Initial Initial release 2014 New switchgear types for UniGear Digital (UniGear ZS1 24kV, UniGear 2015-01-16 550, UniGear 500R, UniGear MCC) 3D models of switchgear panels Extended sensor product portfolio for UniGear Digital Engineering of sensors including setting examples Updated recommended network topologies (HSR networks with redboxes, HSR-PRP networks)
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Satellite reference clock with PRP support 2019-02-26 Removal of Coupler adapter AR4 SMV Max delay parameter UniGear 500R – tested voltage level up to 17.5kV Protection and control REX640 Updated recommended Managed Ethernet switches Supported Process bus application extended about voltage sharing redundancy 1V LG 5 00007 E...