4.3 Terminals for the voltage supply and the ELBus ................8 ® 4.3.1 Communications for the Modbus RTU communication, connector socket X81/ X82 ....8 Operating modes of the device EM12D-TMB ..................9 5.1 Operating mode: (system start) ......................9 5.2 Operating mode: (critical failure) ......................9 5.3 Operating mode: (non-critical failure) ....................9 5.4 Operating mode: (independent operation) ..................10...
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Overview of Modbus registers ......................15 8.1 Voltage, current, status and control of channels ................15 8.2 Values and parameters per channel and of the supply module ............16 8.3 Explanation of the individual regusters which are received ...............20 8.3.1 Load voltage circuit protector ....................20 8.3.2 Load current circuit protector ....................20 8.3.3 Status of interfaces module ......................20 8.3.4 Status circuit protector ......................21...
2 General information 2.1 Safety instructions This manual points out possible danger for your personal safety and gives instruction how to avoid property damage. The following safety symbols are used to draw the reader's attention to the safety instructions in- cluded in this manual.
E-T-A provides the ideal solution for machine and panel builders with the intelligent protection system comprising the REX12D circuit protector and the EM12D interface module. The system combines the well-proven quality of DC24V overcurrent protection with the communication capabilities to superordinate bus systems.
EM12D-TMB LINE + 1 fig. 1: System overview The Modbus controller EM12D-TMB is the centre of the ControlPlex ® system. It collects all information of the REX12D electronic circuit protectors and forwards it to the superordinate Modbus server and thus to the superordinate control unit.
3.2 Dimensions bus controller EM12D-TMB view X 12,4 3-pole plus Label, e.g. from EM12D- Phoenix Contact, G E R M A N Y TMB-000 ZBF-12 Entrance Module view X EM12D-TMB-000-DC24V-40A Modbus-RTU LED CE/CM Baudrate Bus-Address parity E-T-A D-90518 Altdorf Made in Germany xxxx ·...
Using a supply voltage outside the indicated operating range can cause malfunctions or destruction of the device. 4.3.1 Connector sockets for the Modbus RTU communication, connector socket X81/ X82 These connector sockets serve for connection of the Modbus controller EM12D-TMB with the superordinate control unit. This connection is a one-to-one wiring. 1. communication A 2.
Device ID of the unit revision index of firmware fig. 6: Marking of date code 5 Operating modes of the Device EM12D-TMB 5.1 Operating mode: (system start) The Modbus controller is initialised by applying the supply voltage. The device will carry out implemented programme memory tests and self test routines.
5.4 Operating mode: (independent operation) If no connection to the superordinate control unit is recognised after the supply voltage was applied, the module will change into the operating mode “independent operation”. The circuit protectors will adopt the condition specified by the configuration. If there is a connection between the Modbus controller and the superordinate control unit and there is no critical failure, the operating mode “independent operation”...
The cycle time via the ELBus is 530ms. During the aforementioned period the status and the load current of ® each circuit protector is cyclically transmitted to Controller EM12D-TMB. fig. 9: Cycle times of the system 6.2 Hot swap of circuit protectors The electronic circuit protector REX12D can at any time be mounted side by side with a supply module or an existing system.
7 Communication via Modbus RTU controller model 7.1 ControlPlex ® The EM12D-TMB has an internal ELBus interface enabling the communication with the electronic circuit ® protector REX12D. Up to 16 channels of the REX12D electronic circuit protectors (single channeled, multi- channeled or a mixed population) can be connected to the supply module.
7.1.1 Error with faulty population If a double channel device is connected as channel 16/17, the control unit will receive the information that a device is available at channel 16. When reading out the Cominfo of the circuit protector, received the message that the circuit protector has wrong parameters.
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The communication speed and the parity bit are fixed by means of the DIP switches on the right side. For the definition of the switch please see the imprinted table. fig. 14: Display of communication speed The left DIP switch fixes the parity. The switching status is defined as follows: Position “1”...
8 Overview of Modbus registers 8.1 Voltage, current, status and control of channels This list shows the various kinds of information and the corresponding registers. Modbus functional data length write/read factor description register code 47001 2 byte read load voltage F1 47002 2 byte read...
8.2 Values and parameters per channel and of the supply module This list shows the various kinds of information and the corresponding registers. Modbus functional write/read multiplication description register code factor 46001 write system commands 46002 read diagnosis controller 46003 6 &...
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Modbus functional write/read multiplication description register code factor 40119 read Ø load current F1 40219 read Ø load current F2 40319 read Ø load current F3 • • • 41619 read Ø load current F16 40120 read max. load current F1 40220 read max.
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Modbus functional write/read factor description register code 40125 read software version minor.x.x F1 40225 read software version minor.x.x F2 40325 read software version minor.x.x F3 • • • 41625 read software version minor.x.x F16 40126 read software version built F1 40226 read software version built F2...
8.3 Explanation of the individual registers which are received 8.3.1 Load voltage circuit protector Register 47001 – 47016 for channel 1-16, only readable, functional code 3. The load voltage is determined for each electronic circuit protector and transmitted cyclically to the interface module.
value definition explanation [dec.] DEVICE IS OPERATING PROPERLY In all other events this value is transmitted MAINTENANCE REQUIRED This value is transmitted if one of the circuit protectors tripped due to short circuit or overload OUT OF SPECIFICATION This value is transmitted if one of the circuit protectors detected an undervoltage FUNCTIONAL CHECK Not supported...
8.3.5 Control of circuit protectors Register 47301 – 47316 for channel 1-16, writable, functional codes 6 and 16. It is possible to access the circuit protectors from the superordinate control unit. Each channel of each electronic circuit protector can be switched on or off or reset. Switch on or off is only possible if correspond- ing PLCLock Bit is set to false.
8.3.7 Diagnostic information of the intelligent interface module EM12D Register 46002, readable, functional code 3. The following global errors and diagnostic messages are returned. Evaluation is bit-wise. value range: 0 – 65535 data length: 1 word (unsigned integer) byte [0] bit 7 bit 6 bit 5...
EM12D-TMB changes into the operating mode “independent operation”. Bit 2 freeze = 1 all load outputs (channels) of the circuit protectors remain in their current condition and the EM12D-TMB changes into the operating mode “Independent operation”. Bit 2 power saving mode deactivated = 0...
8.3.10 Device type of EM12D supply module Register 46007, readable, functional code 3. The register holds information on the device type of the intelligent supply module EM12D. value range: 0 – 65535 data length: 1 word Value Device type EM12D-TMB...
0 – 65535 data length: 1 word 8.3.13 Software version EM12D Register 46011 – 46013, readable, functional code 3. This register contain the software version of the intelligent supply module EM12D-TMB. value range: major.minor.build data length: 3 word description...
8.3.14 Application Specific Tag EM12D Register 46014 – 46029 for channel 1-16, writable, functional codes 3 and 16. A customer-specific text can be entered here. The text can hold up to 32 characters. One register holds two characters. value range: text data length: 16 word 8.3.15 Current rating REX12D Register 4(01..16)01 for channel 1-16, readable, writable, functional codes 3 and 6.
8.3.17 Channel diagnosis REX12D Register 4(01...16)01 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. This register contains diagnosticinformation about connected protector channel. For the meaning of the values please see the following table. value range: 0 – 255 data length: 1 word bit 7 bit 6 bit 5...
8.3.18 Error memory REX12D Register 4(01..16)11 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. Parameters holds the internal error memory of the circuit protector. value range: 0 – 255 data length: 1 word bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1...
8.3.21 Voltage average REX12D Register 4(01..16)16 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. Contains the voltage average of the channel since the last reset. value range: 0-65535 (equals 0.0 – 655.35 V) data length: 1 word byte (LOW) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4...
8.3.23 Minimum voltage REX12D Register 4(01..16)18 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. Contains the highest measured voltage of the channel since the last reset. value range: 0-65535 (equals 0.0 – 655.35 V) data length: 1 word byte (LOW) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4...
8.3.25 Maximum current REX12D Register 4(01..16)20 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. Contains the highest current value of the channel since the last reset. value range: 0-65535 (equals 0.0 – 655.35 A) data length: 1 word byte[9] (LOW) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4...
byte (LOW) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 description value REX12D (144) byte (HIGH) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 description value TA1 (9)
8.3.30 Serial number REX12D Register 4(01..16)27 - 4(01..16)28 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 3. Holds the serial number of the corresponding channel: value range: 0…4294967295 error: Serial number not available (4294967295) data length: 2 word byte[1] (LOW) bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4...
8.3.31 Action commands channel REX12D Register 4(01..16)29 for channel 1-16, readable, functional code 6. One byte is transmitted, which carries out the following functions depending on its value. value range: 115-120 data length: 1 byte (unsigned character) byte [1] bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4...
38: Device information channel: hardware version ................33 fig. 39: Device information channel: software version ................33 fig. 40: Device information channel: Serial number ...................34 fig. 41: Action commands channel REX12D ....................35 9.2 Technical data For the technical data of EM12D-TMB please see relevant data sheet.
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Bedienungsanleitung/Instruction manual B_CP_EM12D-TMB-xxx_e_140218 E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH Industriestraße 2-8 . 90518 ALTDORF Bestell-Nr./Ref. number Y31274802 - Index: b GERMANY Issue 11/2018 Phone +49 9187 10-0 . Fax 09187 10-397 E-Mail: info@e-t-a.de . www.e-t-a.de Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All rights reserved...