HOW TO OPERATE Read Before Using Key layout/Reset switch Display pattern Display format Exponent display Angular unit Function and Key Operation O N /O FF, entry correction keys Data entr y keys Random key Modify key Basic arithmetic keys, parentheses Percent Inverse, square, cube, xth power of y, square root, cube root, xth root of y...
ON/C, OFF key D irect function <Power on> Mode key T his calculator can operate in three different modes as follows. <Example> [Normal mode] [STAT-0 mode] [STAT-1–6 mode] W hen changing to the statistical sub-mode,...
N ote: If more 0’s (zeros) than needed are displayed when the O N /C key is pressed, check whether or not the calculator is set to a Special Display Format. • Floating decimal point format (no symbol is displayed)
5 . E X P O N E N T D I S P L A Y T he distance from the earth to the sun is approx. 150,000,000 (1.5 x 10 such as this with many zeros are often used in scientific calculations, but entering the zeros one by one is a great deal of work and it’s easy to make mistakes.
6 . A N G U L A R U N I T Angular values are converted from DEG to RAD to GRAD with each push of the DRG key. T his function is used when doing calculations related to trigonometric functions or coordinate geometry conversions.
ON/OFF, Entry Correction Keys Turns the calculator on or clears the data. It also clears the contents of the calculator display and voids any calculator command; however, coeffi- cients in 3-variable linear equations and statistics, as well as values stored in the independent memor y in normal mode, are not erased.
Data Entry Keys 0 to 9 N umeric keys for entering data values. D ecimal point key. Enters a decimal point. Enters minus symbol or sign change key. C hanges positive numbers to negative and negative numbers to positive. Pressing π automatically enters the value for π (3.14159...). T he constant π, used frequently in function calculations, is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Generates random numbers. Random numbers are three-decimal-place values between 0.000 and 0.999. Using this function enables the user to obtain unbiased sampling data derived from random values generated by the calculator. <Example> [ R andom D ice] T o simulate a die-rolling, a random integer between 1 and 6 can be generated by...
Modify Function to round calculation results. Even after setting the number of decimal places on the display, the calculator per- forms calculations using a larger number of decimal places than that which appears on the display. By using this function, internal calculations will be performed using only the displayed value.
+ (addition), – (subtraction), x (multiplication), and ÷ (division). Finds the result in the same way as a standar d calculator. Used to specify calculations in which certain operations have precedence. You can make addition and subtraction operations have precedence over...
Percent For calculating percentages. Four methods of calculating percentages are presented as follows. 1) $125 increased by 10%…137.5 2) $125 reduced by 20%…100 3) 15% of $125…18.75 4) W hen $125 equals 5% of X , X equals…2500...
Inverse, Square, Cube, xth Power of y, Square Root, Cube Root, xth Root of y C alculates the inverse of the value on the display. Squares the value on the display. C ubes the value on the display. C alculates exponential values. C alculates the square root of the value on the display.
10 to the Power of x, Common Logarithm C alculates the value of 10 raised to the x C alculates logarithm, the exponent of the power to which 10 must be raised to equal the given value. <Example> power. O per ation 1000 D isplay...
e to the Power of x, Natural Logarithm C alculates powers based on the constant e (2.718281828). C omputes the value of the natural logarithm, the exponent of the power to which e must be raised to equal the given value. <Example>...
Factorials T he product of a given positive integer n multiplied by all the lesser positive integers from 1 to n-1 is indicated by n! and called the factorial of n. <Example> O per ation A P P L IC AT IO N S : Used in statistics and mathematics.
Permutations, Combinations T his function finds the number of different possible orderings in selecting r objects from a set of n objects. For example, there are six different ways of ordering the letters ABC in groups of three letters—ABC , AC B, BAC , BC A, C AB, and C BA.
Time Calculation C onver ts a sexagesimal value displayed in degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal notation. Also, conver ts a decimal value to sexagesimal notataion (degrees, minutes, seconds). Inputs values in sexagesimal notation (degrees, minutes, seconds). <Example> O per ation C onvert to decimal notation Repeat last key operation to return to the previous display.
Fractional Calculations Inputs fractions and converts mutually between fractions and decimals. C onverts between mixed numbers and improper fractions. <Example> Add 3 O per ation C onvert to decimal notation Press once to return to the previous display C onvert to an improper fraction Press once to return to the previous display A P P L IC AT IO N S : T here is a wide variety of applications for this function because...
Memory Calculations Stores displayed values in memories A~F, X , Y, M. Recalls values stored in A~F, X , Y, M. Adds the displayed value to the value in the independent memor y M. Subtracts the displayed value from the value in the independent memory M. Independent memory <Example 1>...
Last Answer Memory Automatically recalls the last answer calculated by pressing <Example> Solve for x first and then solve for y using x. y = 4 ÷ x x = 2 + 3 O per ation D isplay...
Trigonometric Functions T rigonometric functions determine the ratio of three sides of a right triangle. T he combinations of the three sides are sin, cos, and tan. T heir relations are: C alculates the sine of an angle. C alculates the cosine of an angle. C alculates the tangent of an angle.
Arc Trigonometric Functions Arc trigonometric functions, the inverse of trigonomet- ric functions, are used to determine an angle from ratios of a right triangle. T he combinations of the three sides are sin , cos , and tan . T heir relations are; (arc sine) D etermines an angle based on the ratio b/a of two sides of a right triangle.
Hyperbolic Functions T he hyperbolic function is defined by using natural exponents in trigo- nometric functions. Arc hyperbolic functions are defined by using natural logarithms in trigono- metric functions. A P P L IC AT IO N S : Hyperbolic and arc hyperbolic functions are ver y useful in electrical engineer ing and physics.
Coordinate Conversion C onverts rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates (x, y C onverts polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates (r, θ Splits data used for dual-variable data input. Displays r, θ and x, y. (Cx y or r Rectangular coordinates P (x,y) <Example>...
In addition, the calculator can carry out the logical operations AN D, O R, N O T , N EG, X O R, and X N O R on binary, pental, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.
Statistics Function T he statistics function is excellent for analyzing qualities of an event. T hough primarily used for engineering and mathematics, the function is also applied to nearly all other fields including economics and medicine. D AT A I N P U T A N D C O R R E C T I O N Enters data for statistical calculations.
“ A N S ” K E Y S F O R 1 -V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C S C alculates the average value of the data (sample data x). C alculates the standard deviation for the data (sample data x).
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D A T A C O R R E C T I O N C orrection prior to pressing data with , then enter the correct data. C orrection after pressing to display the data previously entered. Press to display data items in ascending (oldest first) order. T o reverse the display order to descending (latest first), press the Each item is displayed with 'X n=', 'Yn=', or 'N n=' (n is the sequential number of the data set).
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O per ation A P P L IC A T IO N S : Single-variable statistical calculations are used in a broad range of fields, including engineering, business, and economics. T hey are most often applied to analysis in atmospheric observations and physics experiments, as well as for quality control in factories.
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<Example 3> T he table below summarizes the dates in April when cherry blossoms bloom, and the average temperature for March in that same area. Determine basic statistical quantities for data X and data Y based on the data table. D ata table 3 Year A ver age tem per ature 6.2...
“ A N S ” K E Y S F O R 2 -V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C S In addition to the 1-variable statistic keys, the following keys have been added for calcu- lating 2-variable statistics.