The Interface Cable Kit includes a special serial cable and a Hayes
Installation of the modem with the TouchNet central enables system communication via telephone line with compatibly-
equipped Network LTC Plus satellite controllers.
Note: While not a requirement for operation, a dedicated telephone line is recommended for this application.
1. Place the On/Off switch of the TouchNet Central and data/fax modem in the Off position.
2. Connect the TouchNet to the modem using the interface serial cable supplied as shown in Figure 1.
3. Referring to Figure 1 and the instructions provided with the Hayes modem, install the remaining connections as shown.
Note: Setup software included with the modem is not required for installation or operation with the TouchNet Central.
Figure 1
Hayes Modem
System Set Up and Test
1. Switch on the TouchNet Central and modem
2. Ensure COMMERCIAL mode is selected in the System Type
Note: The telephone communications option is not enabled
when the Golf system type is selected.
3. Ensure the modem-equipped Network LTC Plus satellite is
3. On the TouchNet Central, select SATELLITES from the Menu
4. Scroll to the address number of the telephone modem-
equipped satellite.
Note: Ensure the satellite is enabled for operation (represented by an "X" in the box adjacent to the satellite number). If
an "X" is not displayed, simply touch the box area to enable the satellite.
5. Select telephone communications for the satellite by touching the TELEPH box. A telephone number string (zeros) will
appear. See Figure 2.
6. Touch the telephone number string. A pop-up keypad will appear enabling the satellite modem telephone number to be
7. After entering the telephone number (a minimum of seven digits), return to the Menu screen and select UTILITIES.
8. On the utilities screen, touch "TELEPHONE" under Communications Setup. The Telephone setup screen will be dis-
played with the default setup parameters. You may find it necessary to change the default settings for your application.
Note: The default settings should be sufficient for most applications. For additional information regarding telephone
setup parameters, refer to telephone communications setup within the "Special Features" section of the TouchNet for
LTC Plus User's Guide.
Central for Network LTC
Telephone Modem Kit, Model No. 89-9150
Installation Instructions
Interface Cable
P/N 363-3612
To Telephone
To Modem
Power Supply
Telephone Line
336 Fax Modem and power supply.
TouchNet Central
(Back View)
Figure 2
Touch screen here to
enter satellite modem
telephone number.