HP A7500 Switch Series Fundamentals Command Reference Part number: 5998-1877 Software version: Release 6626 and later Document version: 6W101-20111130...
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The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
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Index ········································································································································································ 210...
CLI configuration commands command-alias enable Syntax command-alias enable undo command-alias enable View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters None Description Use the command-alias enable command to enable the command alias function. Use the undo command-alias enable command to disable the command alias function. By default, the command alias function is disabled.
alias: Specifies the command alias, which cannot be the same as the first keyword of an existing command. Description Use the command-alias mapping command to configure command aliases. Use the undo command-alias mapping command to delete command aliases. By default, a command has no alias. The configured alias takes effect only after you enable the command alias function.
Level changes can cause maintenance, operation, and security problem. HP recommends that you • use the default command level or that you modify the command level under the guidance of professional staff. • The command specified in the command-privilege command must be complete, and has valid arguments.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression. regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. Description Use the display clipboard command to view the contents of the clipboard. To copy the specified content to the clipboard: Move the cursor to the starting position of the content and press the <Esc+Shift+,>...
display history-command Syntax display history-command [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
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exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression. regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. Description Use the display hotkey command to display hotkey information. Examples # Display hotkey information.
2: System level (in other views) Parameters None Description Use the quit command to return to a lower-level view. In user view, the quit command terminates the connection and reconnects to the switch. Examples # Switch from GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 interface view to system view, and then to user view. [Sysname-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] quit [Sysname] quit <Sysname>...
Parameters None Description Use the screen-length disable command to disable the multiple-screen output function. Use the undo screen-length disable command to enable the multiple-screen output function. By default, a login user uses the settings of the screen-length command. The default settings of the screen-length command are: multiple-screen output is enabled and 24 lines are displayed on the next screen.
whose level is equal or less than this. Privilege note: 0-VISIT, 1-MONITOR, 2-SYSTEM, 3-MANAGE # Switch the user privilege level back to 3 (switching password 123 has been set. If no password is set, the user privilege level cannot be switched to 3.). <Sysname>...
# Set the authentication mode for the user privilege level switch to scheme local. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] super authentication-mode scheme local super password Syntax super password [ level user-level ] { simple | cipher } password undo super password [ level user-level ] View System view Default level...
# Display the configured password for level switching. [Sysname] display current-configuration | include super super password level 3 cipher ;)<01%^&;YGQ=^Q`MAF4<1!! system-view Syntax system-view View User view Default level 2: System level Parameters None Description Use the system-view command to enter system view from the current user view. Related commands: quit, return.
The system regards the basic/advanced ACL with the inbound keyword, the basic/advanced ACL with the outbound keyword, and Ethernet frame header ACL as different types of ACLs, which can coexist in one VTY user interface. The match order is basic/advanced ACL, Ethernet frame header ACL. At most one ACL of each type can be referenced in the same VTY user interface, and the last configured one takes effect.
Parameters character: Shortcut key for starting a terminal session, a single character (or its corresponding ASCII code value that ranges from 0 to 127) or a string of 1 to 3 characters. However, only the first character functions as the shortcut key. For example, if you input an ASCII code value of 97, the system uses its corresponding character a as the shortcut key.
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undo auto-execute command View User interface view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters command: Specifies a command to be automatically executed. Description Use the auto-execute command command to specify a command to be automatically executed when a user logs in to the current user interface. Use the undo auto-execute command command to remove the configuration.
****************************************************************************** <Sysname> Trying ... Press CTRL+K to abort Connected to ... ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * Without the owner's prior written consent, * no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. ****************************************************************************** <Sysname.41> This operation is the same as directly logging in to the device at If the Telnet connection to is broken down, the Telnet connection to breaks down at the same time.
# Use password authentication when users log in to the device through VTY 0, and set the authentication password to 321. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] user-interface vty 0 [Sysname-ui-vty0] authentication-mode password [Sysname-ui-vty0] set authentication password cipher 321 # Authenticate users by username and password for VTY 0. Set the username to 123 and the password to 321.
command authorization Syntax command authorization undo command authorization View User interface view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the command authorization command to enable command authorization. Use the undo command authorization command to restore the default. By default, command authorization is disabled. Logged-in users can execute commands without authorization.
Description Use the databits command to set data bits for each character. Use the undo databits command to restore the default. By default, 8 data bits are set for each character. NOTE: The command is only applicable to the asynchronous serial port (console port). •...
display user-interface Syntax display user-interface [ num1 | { aux | vty } num2 ] [ summary ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters num1: Absolute number of a user interface. The value range varies with devices, and typically starts from aux: Specifies the AUX user interface.
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: Authentication use AAA. : Authentication use local database. : Current UI need not authentication. : Authentication use current UI's password. Table 1 Output description Field Description The current user interface is active. The current user interface is active and works in asynchronous mode. Absolute number of the user interface.
Field Description total UI in use Total number of user interfaces in use display users Syntax display users [ all ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters all: Displays information about all user interfaces that the device supports.
Table 3 Output description Field Description Absolute number of the user interface Relative number of the user interface. For example, with VTY, the first column represents user interface type, and the second column represents the relative number of the user interface. Delay Time elapsed since the user's last input, in the format of hh:mm:ss.
character on the PC, and you can also use e to terminate the task running on Device A. If you Telnet to Device B from Device A, you can only use e to terminate the task running on Device B, rather than use e as a common character, so specify character as a key combination.
A flow control mode takes effect on both inbound and outbound directions. In inbound flow control, the local device listens to the remote device for flow control information while in the outbound flow control, the local device sends flow control information to the remote device. Two ends must be configured with the same flow control mode.
VTY 0 Location: VTY 1 Location: : Current operation user. : Current operation user work in async mode. • If the operations of the user using VTY 1 affect the operations of the administrator, log out the user. <Sysname>...
idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] undo idle-timeout View User interface view Default level 2: System level Parameters minutes: Specifies the timeout time in minutes, in the range of 0 to 35791. The default value is 10 minutes. seconds: Specifies timeout time in seconds, in the range of 0 to 59. The default value is 0 seconds. Description Use the idle-timeout command to set the idle-timeout timer.
When entering the lock command, you are asked to input a password (up to 16 characters) and then confirm it by inputting the password again. After locking the user interface, you must press Enter and input the correct password next time you enter this user interface. By default, this function is disabled.
Examples # Enable the modem to accept both incoming and outgoing calls. <Sysname> system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [Sysname] user-interface aux 0 [Sysname-ui-aux0] modem both modem auto-answer Syntax modem auto-answer undo modem auto-answer View AUX interface view Default level 2: System level Parameters...
Description Use the modem timer answer command to set the maximum amount of time that the modem waits for the carrier signal after the off-hook action during incoming call connection setup. Use the undo modem timer answer command to restore the default. Examples # Set the maximum amount of time that the switch-side modem waits for the carrier signal after the off-hook action to 45 seconds.
[Sysname-ui-aux0] parity odd protocol inbound Syntax protocol inbound { all | ssh | telnet } undo protocol inbound View VTY interface view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters all: Supports both protocols: Telnet and SSH. ssh: Supports SSH only. telnet: Supports Telnet only. Description Use the protocol inbound command to enable the current user interface to support either Telnet, SSH, or all of them.
2: System level Parameters screen-length: Number of lines to be displayed on the screen, in the range of 0 to 512. The value of 0 disables pausing between screens of output. Description Use the screen-length command to set the number of lines to be displayed on the screen. Use the undo screen-length command to restore the default.
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Examples # Send message hello abc to the AUX user interface 0. <Sysname> send aux 0 Enter message, end with CTRL+Z or Enter; abort with CTRL+C: hello abc^Z Send message? [Y/N]:y <Sysname> ***Message from aux0 to aux0 hello abc <Sysname> # Assume you are using VTY 0.
Note please, I will reboot the system in 3 minutes! set authentication password Syntax set authentication password { cipher | simple } password undo set authentication password View User interface view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters cipher: Cipher text password. simple: Plain text password.
View User interface view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the shell command to enable terminal services on the current user interface. Use the undo shell command to disable terminal services on the current user interface. The console port does not support the undo shell command. •...
9600 bps • • 19200 bps 38400 bps • 57600 bps • • 1 15200 bps The transmission rate varies with devices and configuration environment. Description Use the speed command to set the transmission rate on the user interface. Use the undo speed command to restore the default transmission rate. By default, the transmission rate is 9600 bps.
NOTE: The command is only applicable to the asynchronous serial port ( console port). • The stop bits setting must be the identical for the user interfaces of the connecting ports on the device and • the target device for communication. Examples # Set the stop bits on the user interface AUX 0 to 1.5.
telnet client source Syntax telnet client source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip ip-address } undo telnet client source View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface. The source IPv4 address of the Telnet packets sent is the IPv4 address of the specified interface.
Parameters remote-host: IP address or host name of a remote host, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 46 characters. -i interface-type interface-number: Specifies the outbound interface for sending Telnet packets, where interface-type interface-number represents the interface type and number. If the destination address is a link-local address, provide the –i interface-type interface-number argument.
By default, the terminal display type is ANSI. The device supports two types of terminal display: ANSI and VT100. HP recommends you to set the display type of both the device and the client to VT100. If the device and the client use different display...
Use the undo user privilege level command to restore the default. By default, the default command level is 3 for the console user interface and 0 for other user interfaces. Examples # Set the command level for users logging in through VTY 0 to 0. <Sysname>...
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In multiple user interface views, the configuration takes effect in these user views. Examples # Enter the user interface view of AUX 0. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] user-interface aux 0 [Sysname-ui-aux0] # Enter the user interface views of VTYs 0 to 4. <Sysname>...
FTP configuration commands FTP server configuration commands display ftp-server Syntax display ftp-server [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
Field Description Allowed idle time of an FTP connection. If there is no packet exchange Timeout value (in minute) between the FTP server and client during the time frame, the FTP connection will be disconnected. File update method of the FTP server: •...
Field Description HostIP IP address of the currently logged-in user Port Port which the currently logged-in user is using Idle Duration time of the FTP connection, in minutes HomeDir Authorized path of the logged-in user free ftp user Syntax free ftp user username View User view Default level...
Use the undo ftp server acl command to restore the default. By default, no ACL is used to control FTP clients’ access to the FTP server. An ACL enables the FTP server to permit the FTP requests from specific FTP clients. This configuration only filters the FTP connections to be established, and has no effect on existing FTP connections and operations.
View System view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters minute: Idle-timeout timer in minutes, in the range of 1 to 35791. Description Use the ftp timeout command to set the idle-timeout timer. Use the undo ftp timeout command to restore the default. By default, the FTP idle time is 30 minutes.
Use the ascii command to set the file transfer mode to ASCII. By default, the file transfer mode is ASCII. The carriage return characters vary with operating systems. For example, HP and Windows use characters /r/n, and Linux uses characters /n. To transfer files between two systems that use different carriage return characters, determine FTP transfer mode according to the file type.
View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the binary command to set the file transfer mode to binary (flow) mode. By default, the transfer mode is ASCII mode. Related commands: ascii. Examples # Set the file transfer mode to binary. [ftp] binary 200 Type set to I.
View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters directory: Name of the target directory, in the format of [drive:][/]path, where drive represents the storage medium name, typically flash or cf. If no drive information is provided, the argument represents a folder or subfolder in the current directory.
Examples # Change the working directory path to the upper directory. [ftp] pwd 257 "/ftp/subdir" is current directory. [ftp] cdup 200 CDUP command successful. [ftp] pwd 257 "/ftp" is current directory. close Syntax close View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None...
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Use the undo debugging command to disable FTP client debugging. By default, FTP client debugging is disabled. Examples # The device serves as the FTP client. Enable FTP client debugging and use the active mode to download file sample.file from the current directory of the FTP server. <Sysname>...
Field Description FTPC: File transfer completed with the signal light File transfer is completed, and the signal light is turned turned off. off. delete Syntax delete remotefile View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters remotefile: File name. Description Use the delete command to permanently delete a specified file on the remote FTP server.
Use the dir remotefile localfile command to display the detailed information of the specified file or directory on the remote FTP server, and save the displayed information into a local file specified by the localfile argument. NOTE: The Is command can only display the names of files and directories. The dir command can display other related information of the files and directories, such as the size, and the date they were created.
Description Use the disconnect command to disconnect from the remote FTP server but remain in FTP client view. This command is equal to the close command. Examples # Disconnect from the remote FTP server but remain in FTP client view. [ftp] disconnect 221 Server closing.
Syntax ftp [ server-address [ service-port ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address } ] ] View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters server-address: IP address or host name (a string of 1 to 20 characters) of a remote FTP server. service-port: TCP port number of the remote FTP server, in the range of 0 to 65535.
ftp client source Syntax ftp client source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address } undo ftp client source View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface for establishing FTP connections. The primary IP address of the source interface is used as the source IP address of packets sent to an FTP server.
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View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters server-address: IP address or host name of the remote FTP server. service-port: TCP port number of the FTP server, in the range of 0 to 65535. The default value is 21. source ipv6 source-ipv6-address: Specifies a source IPv6 address for transmitted FTP packets.
[ftp] Syntax get remotefile [ localfile ] View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters remotefile: Name of the file to be downloaded. localfile: File name used after a file is downloaded and saved locally. If this argument is not specified, the local file uses the name of the source file on the FTP server by default.
# Download file testcfg.cfg to the root directory of the storage medium of a standby MPU (the ID of the IRF member switch where the standby MPU resides is 2, and the slot number of the standby MPU is 1), and save it as newest.cfg.
Description Use the ls command to view the information of all the files and subdirectories in the current directory of the remote FTP server. The file names and subdirectory names are displayed. Use the ls remotefile command to view the information of a specified file or subdirectory. Use the ls remotefile localfile command to view the information of a specified file or subdirectory, and save the result to a local file specified by the localfile argument.
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters directory: Name of the directory to be created. Description Use the mkdir command to create a subdirectory in the current directory on the remote FTP server. You must have permissions on the FTP server. Examples # Create subdirectory mytest on the current directory of the remote FTP server.
[ftp] open ipv6 Syntax open ipv6 server-address [ service-port ] [ -i interface-type interface-number ] View FTP client view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters server-address: IP address or host name of the remote FTP server. service-port: Port number of the remote FTP server, in the range of 0 to 65535. The default value is 21. -i interface-type interface-number: Specifies an output interface by its type and number.
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the passive command to set the data transmission mode to passive. Use the undo passive command to set the data transmission mode to active. The default transmission mode is passive. Data transmission modes fall into the passive mode and the active mode. In active mode, the FTP server initiates a data connection request.
226 Transfer complete. FTP: 1366 byte(s) sent in 0.064 second(s), 21.00Kbyte(s)/sec. # Upload source file a.cfg on the standby MPU (in slot 1) to the remote FTP server and save it as ftpclienta.cfg. [ftp] put slot1#flash:/a.cfg ftpclienta.cfg 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,46,4,52). 125 ASCII mode data connection already open, transfer starting for /ftpclienta.cfg.
TYPE STRU* MODE* RETR STOR STOU* APPE* ALLO* REST* RNFR* RNTO* ABOR* DELE LIST NLST SITE* SYST STAT* HELP NOOP* XCUP XCWD XMKD XPWD XRMD 214 Direct comments to HP company. # Display the help information for the user command.
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[ftp] remotehelp user 214 Syntax: USER <sp> <username>. [ftp] Table 7 Output description Field Description USER Username PASS Password Change the current working directory CDUP Change to parent directory SMNT* File structure setting QUIT Quit REIN* Re-initialization PORT Port number PASV Passive mode TYPE...
Field Description NOOP* No operation XCUP Extension command, the same meaning as CUP XCWD Extension command, the same meaning as CWD XMKD Extension command, the same meaning as MKD XPWD Extension command, the same meaning as PWD XRMD Extension command, the same meaning as RMD Syntax of the user command: user (keyword) + space + Syntax: USER <sp>...
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters username: Login username. password: Login password. You can input this argument a space after the username argument; or you can input this argument when the “Password:” prompt appears after you input the username and then press Enter.
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Description Use the verbose command to enable display of detailed prompt information received from the server. Use the undo verbose command to disable display of detailed prompt information. By default, the display of detailed prompt information is enabled. Examples # Enable display of detailed prompt information. [ftp] verbose FTP: verbose is on # Disable display of detailed prompt information and perform a Get operation.
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters ipv6: References an IPv6 ACL. If it is not specified, an IPv4 ACL is referenced. acl-number: Number of a basic ACL, in the range of 2000 to 2999. Description Use the tftp-server acl command to control the device’s access to a specific TFTP server using an ACL. Use the undo tftp-server acl command to restore the default.
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source-filename: Source file name. destination-filename: Destination file name. vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3 VPN where the TFTP server belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. source: Configures parameters for source address binding. interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface by its type and number. The •...
// Download the file from the TFTP server to the root directory on the flash of the active MPU of the IRF fabric. <Sysname> tftp get newest.app slot1#flash:/startup.app File will be transferred in binary mode Downloading file from remote TFTP server, please wait...| TFTP: 2737556 bytes received in 14 second(s) File downloaded successfully.
[Sysname] tftp client source ip # Specify the IP address of interface VLAN-interface 1 as the source IP address of packets sent to a TFTP server. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] tftp client source interface vlan-interface 1 tftp ipv6 Syntax tftp ipv6 tftp-ipv6-server [ -i interface-type interface-number ] { get | put } source-filename [ destination-filename ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] View User view...
File management commands NOTE: In the following examples, the current working directory is the root directory of the storage medium on the device. Fundamentals Configuration Guide For the qualified filename formats, see Syntax cd { directory | .. | / } View User view Default level...
<Sysname> display device Slot No. Brd Type Brd Status Subslot Num Sft Ver Patch Ver LSQ1SRP1CB Master A7500-6626 None LSQ1SRP1CB Slave A7500-6626 None LSQ1GP48EB Normal A7500-6626 None LSQ1GV48SC Normal A7500-6626 None NONE Absent NONE None // The output shows that the slot number of the standby MPU is 1. Enter the root directory of the flash on the standby MPU.
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters fileurl-source: Name of the source file. fileurl-dest: Name of the target file or folder. Description Use the copy command to copy a file. If you specify a target folder, the system will copy the file to the specified folder and use the name of the source file as the file name.
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View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters /unreserved: Permanently deletes the specified file, and the deleted file can never be restored. file-url: Name of the file to be deleted. Asterisks (*) are acceptable as wildcards. For example, to remove files with the extension of .txt in the current directory, you may use the delete *.txt command.
Delete flash:/tt.cfg?[Y/N]:y %Delete file flash:/tt.cfg...Done. # Remove file tt.cfg from the root directory of the storage medium on a standby MPU of the IRF fabric (the member ID and slot number of the member switch where the standby MPU resides are both 1). Approach 1 •...
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-rwh Apr 02 2011 07:52:40 snmpboots -rwh Nov 19 2010 11:06:50 serverkey -rwh 864024 Jan 05 2010 16:12:09 io_mon.txt -rw- 7228 Mar 31 2011 11:19:33 song.cfg -rw- Mar 31 2011 11:19:27 system.xml drw- May 05 2010 15:23:04 seclog -rw- 438156 Jun 12 2010 09:17:31 empua1.btw -rw-...
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-rwh 864024 Jan 05 2010 16:12:09 io_mon.txt -rw- 7228 Mar 31 2011 11:19:33 song.cfg -rw- Mar 31 2011 11:19:27 system.xml drw- May 05 2010 15:23:04 seclog -rw- 438156 Jun 12 2010 09:17:31 empua1.btw -rw- 27695177 Mar 22 2011 14:56:46 main.app -rwh Nov 19 2010 11:07:03 dsakey...
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Directory of chassis1#slot1#flash:/ -rw- 1520300 Dec 01 2010 11:37:47 cmdtree.txt drw- Dec 01 2010 11:37:41 logfile drw- Dec 01 2010 15:07:15 diaglog drw- Dec 01 2010 15:07:15 seclog drw- Dec 03 2010 09:48:05 secl -rw- Dec 03 2010 09:48:38 secl.log -rw- 302515 Dec 09 2010 15:18:09...
Table 8 Output description Field Description Directory of The current working directory Indicates a directory. If this field does not exist, it indicates a file. Indicates that the file or directory is readable. Indicates that the file or directory is writable. Indicates that the file or directory is hidden.
file prompt Syntax file prompt { alert | quiet } View System view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters alert: Enables the system to warn you about operations that may bring undesirable results, including file corruption or data loss. quiet: Disables the system from warning you about any operation. Description Use the file prompt command to set a prompt mode for file operations.
format Syntax format device [ FAT16 | FAT32 ] View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters device: Name of a storage medium (for example Flash). FAT16: Formats a storage medium using the FAT16 format. FAT16 does not support Tab matching but needs to be input completely if used, and is not applicable to Flash.
The name of the folder to be created must be unique in the specified directory. Otherwise, you will fail to create the folder in the directory. To use this command to create a folder, the specified directory must exist. For example, to create folder flash:/test/mytest, the test folder must exist.
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Pressing Ctrl+C or any other key exits the display. This command is valid only for text files. Examples # Display the contents of file test.txt. <Sysname> more test.txt Welcome to HP. # Display the contents of file testcfg.cfg. <Sysname> more testcfg.cfg version 5.20, Beta 1201, Standard sysname Sysname...
sysname Sysname ---- More ---- mount Syntax mount device View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters device: Name of a storage medium (for example flash or cf). Description Use the mount command to mount a hot swappable storage medium, such as a CF card (excluding flash). This command is effective only when the device is in unmounted state.
<Sysname> mount cf: % Mount cf: successfully. %Apr 23 01:50:00:628 2011 Sysname VFS/4/LOG: cf: mounted into chassis 1 slot 4. # Mount a CF card of a slave (with the member ID 2 and the local active MPU slot number 1). <Sysname>...
View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the pwd command to display the current path. Examples # Display the current path. <Sysname> pwd flash: rename Syntax rename fileurl-source fileurl-dest View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters fileurl-source: Name of the source file or folder.
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Default level 3: Manage level Parameters /force: Deletes all files in the recycle bin, including files that cannot be deleted by the command without the /force keyword. Description Use the reset recycle-bin command to permanently delete the files in the recycle bin in the current directory.
The folder must be an empty one. If it is not empty, use the delete command to delete all files and subfolders under it. After you execute the rmdir command successfully, the files in the recycle bin in the folder will be automatically deleted.
# Unmount a CF card of the standby MPU (in slot 1). <Sysname> umount slot1#cf: % Umount slot1#cf: successfully. %Apr 23 01:49:20:929 2011 Sysname VFS/5/LOG: cf: umounted from slot 1. In IRF mode # Unmount a CF card of the master. <Sysname>...
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<Sysname> cd test <Sysname> undelete b.cfg Undelete flash:/test/b.cfg?[Y/N]:y ..%Undeleted file flash:/test/b.cfg.
Configuration file management commands archive configuration Syntax archive configuration View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description Use the archive configuration command to save the running configuration manually. When you execute this command, the system saves the running configuration with the specified filename —filename prefix + serial number—to the specified path.
(the value of the minutes argument). Configure an automatic saving interval according to the storage media performance and the frequency of configuration modification: If the configuration of the device does not change frequently, HP recommends that you save the • running configuration manually as needed •...
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Default level 3: Manage level Parameters directory: The path of the folder for saving configuration files, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters, in the format of storage media name:/[folder name]/subfolder name. The folder must be created before the configuration. filename-prefix: The filename prefix for saving configuration files, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 30 characters (can include letters, numbers, _, and - only).
The maximum number of configuration files that can be saved, in the range of 1 to 10. The value of the file-number argument is determined by the memory space. HP recommends that you set a comparatively small value for this argument if the available memory space is small.
the newly configured upper limit is 4, when there is a new configuration file to be saved, the system deletes 4 oldest files, where 4 = 7-4+1. Before executing this command, configure the path and filename prefix for saving configuration files by using the archive configuration location command;...
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters filename: Specifies the name of the replacement configuration file for configuration rollback. Description Use the configuration replace file command to set configuration rollback. When you execute this command, the running configuration rolls back to the configuration state based on the specified configuration file (filename).
Archive interval in minutes: 120 Maximum number of archive files: 10 Saved archive files: No. TimeStamp FileName Aug 05 2007 20:24:54 my_archive_1.cfg Aug 05 2007 20:34:54 my_archive_2.cfg Aug 05 2007 20:44:54 my_archive_3.cfg ‘#’ indicates the most recent archive file. Next archive file to be saved: my_archive_4.cfg Table 9 Output description Field Description...
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
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|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
The configurations are displayed in the order of global, port, and user interface. The More prompt indicates that there are more line that the screen can display. Pressing Enter displays the next line; pressing Space displays the next screen; pressing Ctrl+C or any other key exits the display. # Display the contents of the startup configuration file of the device with a number identifying each line.
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include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression. regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. Description Use the display startup command to display the configuration files for the system startup and the configuration file(s) for the next system startup.
Next startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg Chassis 1 Slot 1: Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg Next startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg Table 11 Output description Field Description Configuration files used at the current and the next MainBoard startup of the master Current Startup saved-configuration file Configuration file used at the current startup Next startup saved-configuration file Configuration file used at the next startup...
Executed in any VLAN view, the command displays the configurations of all the created VLANs. Examples # Display the valid configuration information on interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1 (the output information depends on the current configuration of the device). <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1 [Sysname-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] display this interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1 port link-type hybrid...
This command will permanently delete the startup configuration file from all the MPUs of the IRF • fabric. Use it with caution. (In IRF mode) Related commands: display saved-configuration and save. Examples In standalone mode # Delete the startup configuration file from the storage media of the device. <Sysname>...
This command downloads the configuration file to the active MPU and specifies the file as the • startup configuration file of the active MPU. It also copies the file to the standby MPU and specifies the file as the startup configuration file of the standby MPU. (In standalone mode) •...
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View Any view Default level 2: System level Parameters file-url: File path, where the extension of the file name must be .cfg. When used with the keyword all or slot, this argument cannot include a slot number. If the file path includes a folder name, you must first create the folder on the specified MPU;...
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If the file specified by file-url does not exist, the system creates the file and then saves the configuration to the file; if the all keyword or chassis chassis-number slot slot-number option is not specified, the configuration is saved to the active MPU of the IRF fabric. Use the save [ safely ] [ force ] command to save the current configuration to the root directory of the storage media on a member switch, and specify the file as the startup configuration file.
..Configuration is saved to slot1#flash successfully. Or use this command (approach 2): <Sysname> save slot1#flash:/test.cfg # Save the configuration to the startup configuration file of the device, without any confirmation required. <Sysname> save force Validating file. Please wait..... The current configuration is saved to the active MPU successfully. Slot 1: The current configuration file is saved successfully.
Description Use the slave auto-update config command to enable the configuration file auto-save function. Use the undo slave auto-update config command to disable the function. By default, the configuration file auto-save function is enabled. Examples # Enable the configuration file auto-save function. <Sysname>...
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# Specify a startup configuration file. <Sysname> startup saved-configuration testcfg.cfg Please wait ... Setting the master board ..... Done! Setting the slave board ... Slot 1: Set next configuration file successful In IRF mode # Specify a startup configuration file. <Sysname>...
Software upgrade commands boot-loader Syntax In standalone mode: boot-loader file file-url slot slot-number { main | backup } In IRF mode: boot-loader file file-url chassis chassis-number slot slot-number { main | backup } View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters file file-url: Specifies a file name, a string of 1 to 63 characters.
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To execute the boot-loader command successfully, save the file for the next device boot in the root • directory of the storage media on the active MPU. • If the storage media is on the active MPU, specify the storage media by giving its name, such as flash.
Backs up Boot ROM, or in other words, backs up the Boot ROM codes in the normal partition to the backup partition of the Boot ROM memory. When the current Boot ROM is broken, you can restore Boot ROM from the backup partition. HP recommends that you back up Boot ROM before upgrading it.
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update file file-url: Upgrades Boot ROM, where file-url is a string of 1 to 63 characters and represents name of the file to be upgraded. slot slot-number-list: Specifies a list of slot numbers of cards, in the format of { slot-number [ to slot-number ] }&<1-7>.
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When you upgrade Boot ROM for other LPUs of the IRF fabric, the file-url argument must contain the • slot number of the card and the member ID of the device where the card resides, such as chassis3#slot5#flash:/test.btw. Examples # Use the a.btw file to upgrade Boot ROM on the active MPU in slot 0. (The output of this command varies with devices.) (In standalone mode) <Sysname>...
# Use the a.btw file to upgrade Boot ROM on the interface card in slot 5 of the slave with member ID of 2. (The output of this command varies with devices.) (In IRF mode) <Sysname> bootrom update file chassis2#slot0#flash:/a.btw chassis 2 slot 5 This command will update bootrom file on the specified board(s), Continue? [Y/N]:y Now updating bootrom, please wait...
The primary app to boot of board 0 at next time is: flash:/test.app The slave app to boot of board 0 at next time is: flash:/test.app The primary app to boot of board 1 at this time is: flash:/test.app The primary app to boot of board 1 at next time is: flash:/test.app The slave app to boot of board 1 at next time is: flash:/test.app Table 12 Output description (In standalone mode) Field...
Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
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Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
Field Description Version Patch version. Temporary Number of temporary patches Common Number of common patches Current Total number of patches Running Number of patches in the RUNNING state Active Number of patches in the ACTIVE state Start-Address Starting address of the memory patch area in the memory patch active Syntax In standalone mode:...
Examples # In standalone mode, activate patch 3 and all the loaded DEACTIVE patches before patch 3 on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] patch active 3 slot 1 # In standalone mode, activate all the loaded patches on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname>...
Examples # In standalone mode, stop running patch 3 and all the ACTIVE patches after patch 3 on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] patch deactive 3 slot 1 # In standalone mode, stop running all the ACTIVE patches on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname>...
Examples # In standalone mode, delete patch 3 and all the patches after patch 3 on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] patch delete 3 slot 1 # In standalone mode, delete all the patches on the standby MPU in slot 1. <Sysname>...
Entering n or N: All the specified patches are installed and turn to the ACTIVE state from IDLE. This • equals execution of the commands patch location, patch load and patch active. The patches turn to the DEACTIVE state after system reboot. Before executing the command, save patch files to the specified directory.
Description Use the patch load command to load the patch file on the storage media (the Flash) to the memory patch area. If you execute the command with providing the filename of a patch package, the system will load • the patch from the patch package.
Default level 3: Manage level Parameters patch-location: Specifies the patch file location, a string of 1 to 64 characters. It can be a root directory of a storage media. Description Use the patch location command to configure the patch file location. By default, the patch file location is flash:.
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In IRF mode, with the chassis and slot keywords specified, the command confirms the running state • of all the qualified patches on a specified card of an IRF member switch, including patches on the OAM CPU. If neither keyword is specified, the command confirms the running state of the qualified patches on all cards in the IRF fabric.
ISSU configuration commands display issu rollback-timer Syntax display issu rollback-timer [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
Field Description ISSU upgrade is not started or the rollback timer has been deleted RollBack timer is not in process (execution of the issu accept or issu commit command deletes the rollback timer). display issu state Syntax display issu state [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level...
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Upgrade version: 6606L08 Upgrade boot file is flash:/version2.app # In a member switch-based ISSU upgrade in IRF mode, after executing the issu load command, display the ISSU state on the salve. <Sysname> display issu state ISSU state: Load Compatibility: Incompatible Work State: Independent Active Upgrade Method: Chassis by Chassis Original version:...
Field Description Upgrade methods: • Board by board: MPU-based ISSU upgrade. First upgrade the local standby MPU, Upgrade Method and then upgrade all the other MPUs one by one. • Chassis by Chassis: Member switch-based ISSU upgrade. Upgrade the slave switches first, and then the original master.
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Examples # Display version compatibility database information about the current version. <Sysname> display version comp-matrix Number of Matrices in Table = 1 Matrix for HP A7503 Running Version:6606L07 Version Compatibility List: E8000 (Incompatible) E8001 (Incompatible) E8002 (Incompatible) E8003 (Incompatible) E8004 (Incompatible)
Table 18 Output description Field Description Version AA is completely compatible with the current running version, and the AA (Compatible) ISSU upgrade between the two versions can proceed successfully. Version AA is partially compatible with the current running version, and the AA (Partially compatible) ISSU upgrade between the two versions can proceed successfully.
NOTE: With this command executed, the system deletes the rollback timer and does not perform the auto-rollback operation in this upgrade process. However, you can execute a manual rollback at the Command Line Interface (CLI). Execution of the issu accept command is the third step in the ISSU upgrade process. You can use this command as an option.
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issu commit chassis chassis-number slot slot-number View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters slot slot-number: Specifies the slot number of an MPU that is not upgraded. (In standalone mode) chassis chassis-number: Specifies the member ID of a switch that is not upgraded. (In IRF mode) chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Specifies the location of an MPU that is not upgraded.
[Sysname] issu commit slot 0 The specified board will reboot and be upgraded. Continue? [Y/N]:y # In the member switch-based ISSU upgrade process in IRF mode, upgrade the un-upgraded member switch with the member ID of 1 in the IRF fabric. <Sysname>...
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If the file specified by upgrading-filename is compatible with the system software image, you do not • need to provide this keyword to perform the ISSU upgrade. Description In standalone mode Use the issu load command to upgrade the standby MPU. Execution of the issu load command is the first step in the ISSU upgrade process.
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Upgrade all the other MPUs one by one. • Member switch-based ISSU upgrade. When this method is applied, an IRF fabric is considered an integral system. The upgrade process is as follows: Reboot the slave switch to upgrade it when the master operates normally. Perform an active and standby switchover, making the slave switch become the new master.
issu rollback Syntax In standalone mode: issu rollback slot slot-number In IRF mode: issu rollback chassis chassis-number issu rollback chassis chassis-number slot slot-number View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters slot slot-number: Specifies the slot number of an upgraded MPU. The value must be the same as that specified in the issu load command.
This command will quit the issu process and the specified chassis will roll back to the previous version. Continue? [Y/N]:y # Suppose that MPU-based ISSU upgrade is adopted and the MPU location specified in the issu load command is in slot 1 on chassis 1. In IRF mode, cancel the ISSU upgrade on the MPU in slot 1 on chassis 1 and roll back the configuration on the board to the previous version.
issu run switchover Syntax In standalone mode: issu run switchover slot slot-number In IRF mode: issu run switchover chassis chassis-number issu run switchover chassis chassis-number slot slot-number View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters slot slot-number: Specifies the slot number of an upgraded MPU. The value must be the same as that specified in the issu load command.
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If an LPU cannot be upgraded by installing a hotfix due to some reason (hotfix upgrade method not supported by the LPU or failed to obtain the hotfix, for example), the LPU loads the latest version file from the new active MPU and then reboots during the upgrade process. Traffic passing through this LPU is interrupted, but the outage time is much shorter than the system downtime caused by system reboot during the system upgrade process.
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[Sysname] issu run switchover chassis 1 slot 1 Master will reboot, switch the specified board to master and update the line card. Continue? [Y/N]:y...
Device management commands clock datetime Syntax clock datetime time date View User view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters time: Specifies a time, in the hh:mm:ss format. The hh value ranges from 00 to 23, the mm value ranges from 00 to 59, and the ss value ranges from 00 to 59. Zeros can be omitted, unless you are specifying 00:00:00.
start-time: Start time, in the hh:mm:ss format. Zeros can be omitted, unless you are specifying 00:00:00. start-date: Start date, in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. end-time: End time, in the hh:mm:ss format. Zeros can be omitted, unless you are specifying 00:00:00. end-date: End date, in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format.
October, November or December; the start week can be the first, second, third, fourth, fifth or last week of the month; the start date is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. end-time: End time, in the hh:mm:ss format . Zeros can be omitted, unless you specify 00:00:00. end-date: End date which can be set in the following ways: Enter the year, month and date at one time, in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format.
add: Adds a specified offset to UTC time. minus: Subtracts a specified offset to UTC time. zone-offset: Sets the offset to UTC time, in the hh:mm:ss format, where the hh value ranges from 0 to 23, the mm value ranges from 0 to 59, and the ss value ranges from 0 to 59. Zeros can be omitted, unless you specify 00:00:00.
* Without the owner's prior written consent, * no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. **************************************************************************** <Sysname> When a console user quits user view, the following message appears: • **************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * Without the owner's prior written consent, * no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.
Parameters slot slot-number: Displays alarms present on the specified card. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. If no card is specified, the command displays alarm information for all cards. (In standalone mode) chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Displays alarms present on a card in an IRF member switch. The chassis-number argument represents the member ID of the switch, and the slot-number argument represents the slot that holds the card.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression. regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. Description Use the display clock command to view the current system time and date. The current system time and date are decided by the clock datetime, clock summer-time one-off, or clock summer-time repeating, and clock timezone commands.
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statistics, and its value ranges from 0 to 60 cyclically. The system collects CPU usage statistics periodically, and records the average CPU usage for each period, with the idx value added by 1 for each period. verbose: Displays the average CPU usage statistics for each task in the specified period. If this keyword is not provided, the command displays brief CPU usage statistics.
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<Sysname> display cpu-usage Chassis 1 Slot 0 CPU usage: 9% in last 5 seconds 8% in last 1 minute 8% in last 5 minutes Chassis 1 Slot 2 CPU usage: 5% in last 5 seconds 4% in last 1 minute 4% in last 5 minutes Chassis 1 Slot 4 CPU usage: 6% in last 5 seconds...
Field Description After a boot, the system calculates and records the average CPU usage every one minute. 1% in last 1 minute This field displays the average CPU usage in the last minute. After a boot, the system calculates and records the average CPU usage every five minutes.
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Parameters task task-id: Displays the historical CPU usage statistics for the specified task. The task-id argument represents the task number. If no task is specified, the command displays the historical CPU usage statistics for the entire system. The CPU usage of the entire system is the sum of CPU usages of all tasks. slot slot-number: Displays the historical CPU usage statistics for the specified card.
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50%| 45%| 40%| 35%| 30%| 25%| 20%| 15%| 10%| ######## ------------------------------------------------------------ (minutes) cpu-usage last 60 minutes(SYSTEM) The output shows the CPU usage of the whole system (task name SYSTEM) in the last 60 minutes: 5%: 12 minutes ago • 10%: 13 minutes ago •...
cpu-usage last 60 minutes(T03M) The output shows the CPU usage of task 6 (task name T03M) in the last 60 minutes: 5%: 20 minutes ago • • 2% or lower than 2%: other time display device Syntax display device [ cf-card ] [ [ chassis chassis-number ] [ slot slot-number ] | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view...
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Table 20 Output description (in standalone mode) Field Description Slot No. Card slot number Brd Type Hardware type of a card Card status: • Slave—The card is a standby MPU. • Master—The card is an active MPU. Brd Status • Absent—No card is in the slot.
Field Description Status of the card: • Absent—No card is in the slot. • Master—The card is the active MPU for the IRF fabric. State • Slave—The card is a standby MPU for the IRF fabric. • Normal—The card is operating normally. •...
display diagnostic-information Syntax display diagnostic-information [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
fan-id: Displays the operating state of a fan tray. The fan-id argument represents the fan tray number. |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression. include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
Parameters slot slot-number: Displays the memory usage statistics for a card. The slot-number argument represents the slot number of the card. (In standalone mode) chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Displays the memory usage statistics for a card in an IRF member switch. The chassis-number argument represents the IRF member ID of the switch, and the slot-number argument represents the number of the slot that holds the card.
MPUs. After you perform the oem hp command, you can use this command to verify the new brand name that will take effect at reboot. After the switch reboots, you can use this command to verify that the current brand name has changed to HP.
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Parameters chassis chassis-number: Displays information about the power supplies of an IRF member switch. The slot-number argument represents the IRF member ID of the switch. If no member switch is specified, the command displays power supply information for all IRF member switches. (In IRF mode) power-id: Display information about a power supply.
display schedule job Syntax display schedule job [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 1: Monitor level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
View Any view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, which is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. Description In standalone mode: Use the display switch-mode status command to display the operating modes of all cards on the switch. In IRF mode: Use the display switch-mode status chassis command to display the operating modes of all cards on a member switch.
View Any view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters |: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide. begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow. exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
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: 1000_BASE_SX_SFP Connector Type : LC Wavelength(nm) : 850 Transfer Distance(m) : 550(50um),270(62.5um) Digital Diagnostic Monitoring : YES Vendor Name : HP Ordering Name : JD118B Table 28 Output description Field Description transceiver information Transceiver module information Transceiver Type Transceiver module type Connector type options: •...
display transceiver alarm Syntax display transceiver alarm interface [ interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] View Any view Default level 2: System level Parameters interface [ interface-type interface-number ]: Displays alarms that are present on the specified or all transceiver modules.
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Field Remarks Voltage low Voltage is low. Transceiver info I/O error Transceiver information read and write error Transceiver info checksum error Transceiver information checksum error Transceiver type and port configuration Transceiver type does not match port configuration. mismatch Transceiver type not supported by port Transceiver type is not supported on the port.
<Sysname> display transceiver alarm interface gigabitethernet2/0/1 GigabitEthernet1/0/1 transceiver current alarm information: RX loss of signal RX power low Table 30 Output description Field Description transceiver current alarm information Alarms present on the transceiver module RX loss of signal Incoming (RX) signal is lost. RX power low Incoming (RX) power level is low.
Table 31 Output description Field Description Digital diagnosis information of the transceiver plugged in transceiver diagnostic information the interface Current diagnostic parameters Current diagnostic parameters Digital diagnosis parameter-temperature, in °C, with the Temp.(°C) precision to 1°C. Digital diagnosis parameter-voltage, in V, with the Voltage(V) precision to 0.01 V.
# Display system version information. <Sysname> display version HP Comware Platform Software Comware Software, Version 5.20.99, Release 0000 Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. HP A7502 uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 7 hours, 14 minutes Slot 0 Without Board...
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In the sample output, the software platform name is Comware, the platform version is 5.20.99, and the product release version is Release 0000. HP A7502 uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 7 hours, Displays how long the switch has been running since the last 14 minutes...
Field Description BOARD TYPE Card model DRAM Memory size of the card FLASH Flash size of the card NVRAM Nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) size of the card PCB 1 Version Version of PCB 1 on the card Bootrom Version Boot ROM version of the card Complex programmable logical device (CPLD) 1 version of CPLD 1 Version the card...
header Syntax header { incoming | legal | login | motd | shell } text undo header { incoming | legal | login | motd | shell } View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters incoming: Configures the banner displayed before a Modem dial-up user accesses user view. If authentication is required, the incoming banner appears after the authentication is passed.
NOTE: Character % is the starting/ending character of text in this example. Entering % after the displayed text • quits the header command. As the starting and ending character, % is not part of the banners. • # Test the configuration by using Telnet. The login banner appears only when password or scheme login authentication has been configured.
You add commands to execute in a job in job view. You can use the job command to schedule multiple jobs. Related commands: time and view. Examples # Create the job saveconfiguration or enter its view. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] job saveconfiguration [Sysname-job-saveconfiguration] loadsharing enable Syntax...
undo monitor handshake-timeout disable-port View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters None Description Use the monitor handshake-timeout disable-port command to enable the port-down function. Use the undo monitor handshake-timeout disable-port command to disable the port-down function. The port-down function shuts down all network ports of a standalone switch or an IRF member switch immediately after all its MPUs are unplugged or reboot abnormally.
After you perform this command, use the display oem command to verify the new brand name and reboot the switch. Perform brand migration immediately after you set up a switch or IRF fabric that has both H3C and HP MPUs. The migration prevents network management software, for example, IMC, from mistakenly identifying the following events as a device replacement: On a standalone switch, active/standby switchover occurs between the H3C and HP MPUs.
Configuration is successful. # In IRF mode, enable brand migration for the MPU in slot 0 of member switch 1. <Sysname> oem hp chassis 1 slot 0 Configuration will take effect after next reboot, and can't be rolled back. Do you want to continue? [Y/N]: Y Configuration is successful.
CAUTION: Do not use the reboot command to reboot the standby MPU. Instead, use the slave restart command (see High Availability Command Reference In IRF mode: • If no member switch is specified, all member switches reboot. If a member switch is specified but no card is specified, the specified member switch reboots. If a card is specified, only the specified card reboots.
Examples # Clear unused 16-bit indexes. <Sysname> reset unused porttag Current operation will delete all unused port tag(s). Continue? [Y/N]:y <Sysname> reset version-update-record Syntax reset version-update-record View System view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters None Description In standalone mode: Use the reset version-update-record command to clear the system software update history of the active MPU.
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time1: Sets time to execute the command, in the hh:mm format. The hh value ranges from 0 to 23, • and the mm value ranges from 0 to 59. • date: Sets the date to execute the command, in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. The YYYY value ranges from 2000 to 2035, the MM value ranges from 1 to 12, and the DD value ranges from 1 to 31.
The job scheduled by using the schedule job command cannot be saved. When an active/standby • MPU switchover or master/slave switchover occurs, the job is lost. Examples # Schedule a job to execute the batch file 1.bat in system view in 60 minutes (assuming that the current time is 1 1:43).
For data security, if you are performing file operations at the reboot time, the system does not reboot. CAUTION: A reboot can interrupt network services. • Changing any clock setting can cancel the reboot schedule. • Examples # Configure the switch to reboot at 12:00 AM. This example assumes that the current time is 1 1:43. <Sysname>...
CAUTION: A reboot can interrupt network services. • Adjusting the system time setting can cause removal of the reboot schedule. • Examples # Configure the switch to reboot in 88 minutes. This example assumes that the current time is 1 1:48. <Sysname>...
Examples # Set the detection interval to 100 seconds. <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] shutdown-interval 100 strict-standby enable Syntax strict-standby enable undo strict-standby enable View System view Default level 2: System level Parameters None Description Use the strict-standby enable command to enable strict standby mode for the network ports on the MPUs. Use the undo strict-standby enable command to disable strict standby mode for the network ports on the MPUs.
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switch-mode { l2-enhanced | standard-bridging | standard-routing } undo switch-mode In IRF mode: switch-mode { l2-enhanced | standard-bridging | standard-routing } chassis chassis-number undo switch-mode chassis chassis-number For LSQ1SRP2XB, LSQ1SRPB, LSQ1MPUA, LSQ1CGP24TSC, LSQ1CGV24PSC, or LSQ1SRPD In standalone mode: switch-mode { l2-enhanced | standard } undo switch-mode In IRF mode: switch-mode { l2-enhanced | standard } chassis chassis-number...
The default operating mode of an EB, SC, SD, or SRP2XBSLAVE card is normal. NOTE: After setting the operating mode of an EB, SC, or SD card, save the configuration and reboot the switch • to validate the setting. If your switch has multiple EB or SD cards, set the same operating mode for them. •...
Use the sysname command to change the device name. Use the undo sysname demand to restore the default device name. The default device name is HP. A device name identifies a device in a network and works as the user view prompt at the CLI. For example, if the device name is Sysname, the user view prompt is <Sysname>.
reboot: Specifies that when a software exception occurs on an MPU, the switch automatically reboots the MPU to recover it from the error condition. Description Use the system-failure command to configure the software exception handling method for MPUs. By default, an MPU reboots to recover from a software exception condition. In an IRF fabric, the software exception handling method applies to all member switches.
warninglimit: Warning temperature threshold in Celsius degrees. The value ranges from 70°C to 85°C (158°F to 185°F). alarmlimit: Alarming temperature threshold in Celsius degrees. The value ranges 87°C to 102°C (188.6°F to 215.6°F). If you do not specify this argument, the last alarming temperature setting applies. Description Use the temperature-limit command to set the temperature thresholds for a temperature sensor.
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Parameters time time-id: Time setting entry, where time-id is an integer ranging from 1 to 10. Every job can have up to 10 time entries. at time: Specifies the execution time, in the hh:mm format, where the hh value ranges from 0 to 23 and the mm value ranges from 0 to 59.
NOTE: The commands in a job must be in the same view. • Every job can have up to 10 commands. • Changing a clock setting does not affect the schedule set by using the time at command. • Examples # Schedule a job to save the configuration file a.cfg at 3:00 on May 18, 201 1.
View Job view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters time time-id: Time setting entry, where time-id is an integer ranging from 1 to 10. A scheduled job can be specified with up to 10 time setting entries. one-off: Specifies that the specified command runs only once. repeating: Specifies a recurring time schedule.
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View Job view Default level 3: Manage level Parameters view-name: Specifies a view name, a string of 1 to 90 characters. All commands in the job are executed in the specified view. Description Use the view command to specify a view for a job. Use the undo view command to remove the view of a job.
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Index A B C D E F G H I J L M O P Q R S T U V delete,79 delete,54 acl (user interface view),13 dir,54 activation-key,14 dir,81 archive configuration,98 disconnect,55 archive configuration interval,98 display alarm,155 archive configuration location,99 display archive configuration,103...
Related information Documents To find related documents, browse to the Manuals page of the HP Business Support Center website: http://www.hp.com/support/manuals For related documentation, navigate to the Networking section, and select a networking category. •...
Conventions This section describes the conventions used in this documentation set. Command conventions Convention Description Boldface Bold text represents commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown. Italic Italic text represents arguments that you replace with actual values. Square brackets enclose syntax choices (keywords or arguments) that are optional. Braces enclose a set of required syntax choices separated by vertical bars, from which { x | y | ...
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Network topology icons Represents a generic network device, such as a router, switch, or firewall. Represents a routing-capable device, such as a router or Layer 3 switch. Represents a generic switch, such as a Layer 2 or Layer 3 switch, or a router that supports Layer 2 forwarding and other Layer 2 features.