CONTENTS OF PACKAGING CoNteNts WIrELESS N300 GIGAbIT CLOUD rOUTEr dIR-636l POWEr ADAPTEr 12V 1a ETHErNET CAbLE (CAT5 UTP) connect tHe RouteR to YouR pc duRInG set-up If any of these items are missing from your packaging, contact your reseller. dir-636l...
Step 4 From the computer you connected to the router, open a web browser d-link first time users will automatically be directed to the d-link setup http://dlinkrouter Wizard page and follow the onscreen instructions to configure your d-link router. If not, enter "http://dlinkrouter". then, press enter.
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Ip address in the browser address field: Ip addRess:
TrOUbLESHOOTING set-uP aNd CoNFiGuratioN ProbleMs 1. HOW DO I CONFIGUrE MY DIr-636L rOUTEr MANUALLY, Or CHECK MY WIrELESS NETWOrK NAME (SSID) AND WIrELESS ENCrYPTION KEY? - connect your pc to the router using an ethernet cable. - open a web browser and enter the address - the default username is ‘admin’.
You can find software updates and user documentation on the d-link website. Tech Support for customers in Australia: D-Link Middle East - Dubai, U.A.E. tel: 1300-766-868 plot no. s31102, 24/7 technical support jebel ali Free Zone south, Web: p.o.Box 18224, dubai, u.a.e.
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+ 965 22453939 / +965 22453949 Türkiye Merkez İrtibat Ofisi ayazağa maslak yolu erdebil cevahir İş merkezi no: 5/a ayazağa / maslak İstanbul tel: +90 212 2895659 Ücretsiz müşteri destek Hattı: 0 800 211 00 65 teknik destek: dir-636l...